American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 634: Is this the professor at Gotham University? (middle)

, the fastest update of the United States: the opening guide to the latest chapter of Batman!

When they got to the hotel, the three of them wanted to go directly to the beach, then rent a boat and go out to sea to find the isolated island.

As for why he didn't fly there directly, firstly, although Arthur knew that someone was trapped on the isolated island, he didn't know the exact location of the isolated island, and the fish couldn't convey such detailed information.

The second is because when the plane is in the air, it is far from the ground, and there are many nearby islands, so it is difficult to judge which one is their destination, and when Arthur is in the air, because there is no contact with the sea water, he also If you can't listen to the information brought by the sea, the efficiency is not as high as sailing on the sea to find it.

So, after a few people landed in the seaside city, they were about to go to sea by boat. Hal contacted his old friend and found a good boat. However, when he came back to pass the news, he also brought another interesting The sad news is that he may not be able to participate in this isolated island rescue trip.

"The friend I was looking for was one of my cousins. I hoped he wouldn't tell my parents about my return, but in the end, they found out. They wanted me to go home." The expression on Hal's face It's a bit complicated. Obviously, he left Seaside City before because he had a family.

"My parents thought my job as a test pilot was too dangerous, so they forced me to change jobs..." Hal took a deep breath and said, "Or, it can't be said to be forced, but they put too much pressure on me. , I have no other way."

"Indeed, I have always been the deviant one in our family. My cousins ​​and cousins ​​have chosen very stable careers, and they are both in the coastal city. They heard that I was going to be a pilot and thought I would be transferred. Washington, even going to the battlefield, so firmly disagree."

In the hotel room, Hal took a cigarette and lit it, smoking and saying, "My mother cried several times, and I argued with my father several times, and finally I gave in because I knew they loved me, Don't want me to take risks..."

Arthur leaned on the bed and said: "My dad thought the same thing. He felt that fishing at sea was dangerous and the income was low. It was even better to go to a big city and be a taxi driver. He almost wanted me to go to Kansas with his friends. The state has become a farmer."

Arthur's slightly reminiscent tone also evoked Hal's emotions, Arthur said: "Because he is the lighthouse keeper, he has seen too many fishing boats sunk in the sea, and he knows the madness of the sea. , he didn't want me to be swallowed up too."

"Then will you stick with it?" Hal asked.

"I don't know, when Professor Schiller first told me that he wanted me to go to college, I instinctively had a kind of disgust, not a disgust to go to college, but... I don't really want to go to a big city, I think there is a People are not good enough, and there are too many things that I don't understand." Arthur lowered his head and sighed: "I know that some people may say that I am timid, that it is good to adapt, and that other people come here... …”

"But that makes me feel unhappy, even if I can only be a fisherman in Jianhai, or inherit my father's career as a lighthouse keeper, I want to stay in Bludhaven and live with my familiar friends and neighbors. , instead of going to the metropolis and pursuing any career ideals.”

Schiller looked at Arthur, and his temperament was actually somewhat similar to the current Clark. Both of them were people from small places, and there was a kind of simplicity in their bones.

However, Clark was always passionate and motivated, trying to adjust to his life at the Metropolitan University and had the drive to overcome all odds, but Arthur, perhaps because of the lighthouse keeper who taught him, his father Curry Sr. was a A person who is too mild, he is not so passionate, but appears to be more at ease.

"It's actually not a bad thing, Arthur. It's impossible for everyone in this world to stay in a big city, and it's impossible for everyone to be an elite white-collar worker. Someone must be a fisherman and a lighthouse keeper."

"God has given you a different kind of talent, maybe it is for you to do these professions, to help those fishermen who may be swallowed by the storm." Schiller came up with a set of rhetoric for voters, but this just hit Asia Se's heart, he said, "I feel the same way. I think my talent can be used to help those fishermen..."

"The fish in the sea will tell me about the coming weather and where the sailors are in distress so I can go and rescue them."

Arthur and Hal have nothing to do with each other, but their life situations are somewhat similar. Their parents do not want them to take risks, and hope that they can choose a more gentle and stable career, but because Arthur's father is a human being Relatively mild, he will not force Arthur to choose, and Hal's parents are relatively strong and put a lot of pressure on him, hoping that he can choose a career according to their wishes.

"I can't convince my parents, so I'm a little afraid to face them now..." Hal lowered his eyes and said, "I know, my neighbors may be talking about them, because they have a person who doesn't come home all the year round. son, which is rare here."

"People in Seaside City are deeply proud of this city. They think it's the best city in the world, so few people will go to settle in other places. Maybe, I'm the only freak."

"No, Hal, you have to go back." Schiller said with a rare definite attitude: "I think you may get a different answer when you go back this time."

Hal raised his eyes to look at Schiller, he didn't seem to understand what he was talking about, but he trusted Schiller's professional ability, so after being silent in the chair for a while, he stood up and patted his leg and said : "I'm sorry, I can't participate in this rescue operation, but I think it's beyond your ability to save people."

"If you guys come back, call my house. Pilot Hal is on call at any time." Hal made a gesture unique to a pilot, and then left, Schiller looked at his back and shook his head.

"Okay, it's not too late, let's go quickly." Schiller stood up and said: "You said before that you can judge the position of the isolated island in the sea, you better not exaggerate, otherwise, I don't Find out where that island is."

"It's not that I can guide the way, but the school of fish can lead us." Arthur followed behind Schiller, walked out of the room, and said, "If I remember correctly, all the schools of fish in the vicinity knew the news, They will lead the way for us."

Walking out of the hotel, taking a taxi, and arriving at the pier, the two saw a medium-sized fishing boat. Although it was not very advanced, it was much larger and newer than the boat that Asser owned.

A middle-aged man came over enthusiastically, shook hands with Schiller, patted Arthur on the shoulder, and said to him: "I can see that you are a fisherman, and you must be a very good kind, Hal. It's my nephew, I picked a pretty good little guy for you, and it's only been in the water for less than two months."

Arthur walked to the fishing boat, looked up and said, "Sure enough, I have seen this boat in a fishing magazine, it has a very good speed and endurance, and it has my favorite big ice warehouse. , unfortunately, it's too expensive, I can't afford it."

The middle-aged man boarded the boat with the two of them and said, "No way, the price of the new model will go up, and when the new model comes out, maybe the price will drop. Okay, let's go play, and I wish you a great harvest. ."

Schiller smiled and shook hands with him. After Hal's uncle left, Schiller said, "It seems that Hal's character is really good. His uncle is willing to lend us such a good boat."

Arthur nodded in agreement, stroked the railing of the boat, and said, "This is really a good little guy, and Brudhaven has never seen such a good boat."

Walking into the cabin, Arthur praised him again and again. Schiller didn't understand some of the professional terms he said, but he could see that Arthur was a boat lover, and he knew very well about fishing boats, a small part, even a component. The lacquer used on it can be said in a straight-forward manner, Schiller asked:

"Where did you know this?"

"Brudhaven's most popular is the fishing magazine. Whether it is issued by the official oceanographic bureau, or various industry groups, or even the fishing magazine in Canada, you can order it in Brudhaven."

"Actually, I like to read the magazines issued by the Canadian Ocean and Fisheries Agency. They like to tell the truth, especially the weather and water quality conditions that are useful to fishermen. Unlike these magazines in the United States, they compare who catches the big fish every day and where is the fish? competitions held.”

When he walked to the cockpit, Arthur felt like he was coming home. Although he had never actually operated this kind of boat, he had seen the scene in the cockpit countless times in magazines, and he had already made it before he even read the manual. Clarified what all buttons do.

He started to control the boat to leave the dock, turned to Schiller and said, "I just saw that there seems to be a fishing rod in the toolbox in the warehouse room at the back. You can go fishing for a few rods, maybe you will have better luck than you in Bruder. Hi Haven."

Schiller smiled and said, "How could it be worse than in Brudhaven? Back then, I didn't catch a single fish."

Half an hour later, Schiller knew that he was too happy too early. Not only did he not catch a fish, he also broke the fishing rod. It can be said that his luck was much worse than the fishing in Bludhaven. .

He found that he seemed to have no connection with the sea, did not like to eat fish, did not know how to fish, and always felt seasick.

When he had never seen the sea, he had imagined that he would become a free swimming fish in the sea, and even had a personality with a fish tail in the lower body for this reason, but now it seems that that personality still stays in the room of the Temple of Thought The swimming pool is better, but the sea is better.

And after two hours, Schiller felt that he was too happy because he was really starting to get seasick.

He walked into the cab, took a deep breath, looked at Arthur and said, "Have you found it yet? Are you sure the school of fish leading you is not a luna?"

Arthur frowned and looked at the fishing radar. He said: "The situation is a bit unexpected. The fish can only convey approximate information. They said that the target is on the west coast, but now it seems that it is not the west coast of the United States... "

"where is that?"

"Possibly closer to Mexico, we're sailing towards the equator, maybe near the Panama Canal, I remember there are quite a few islands there..."

"But I'm a little seasick." Schiller said leaning against the door frame, Arthur looked back at him and said, "It's normal, people who haven't been out at sea will feel a little uncomfortable for the first time at sea for such a long time. If you hold on for a while longer, it should be there soon.”

After Schiller walked out, he asked Gray Mist in his heart, "Why can't you adjust to seasickness?"

"Because it's not physiological Gray fog replied slightly aggrieved: "There is no problem with the body, the stomach reaction is a psychological effect, every time I let the stomach relax, after a few seconds, It started to cramp again. "

"Psychological effect..." Schiller leaned on the railing, closed his eyes, and entered the hall of thinking. As soon as his consciousness sank, he suddenly woke up, and the voice of the superego came from his consciousness: "Don't let in."

"Why don't you let in?"

"I'm on vacation."

"Are you still on vacation?"

"Why can't I take vacations? You are only allowed to take vacations alone?"

Schiller was silent, then he asked:

"How long are you going to take?"

"36 days."

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