American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 636: City and Wilderness (Part 1)

Before setting foot on this island, Schiller saw the situation of this island in the distance. This island in the sea, which is close to Mexico, is medium in size, but it is completely incomparable with the surrounding large islands.


But this island has a very big feature, that is, it is very far away from all the surrounding islands, at least not accessible to humans by swimming.


This can truly be called an island in the sea, and like other tropical islands, it has white sandy beaches, coconut palms, seabirds flying around the island, and most importantly, hot sunshine everywhere.


The tropics have almost no seasons, so even though it's only April, the fiery sun is already high overhead, bringing over-warming heat to all the creatures here, walking across the beach, stepping into the tropical jungle Arthur, some He looked enviously at Schiller, who was holding a black umbrella.


Now he understands. What is the function of the umbrella that the professor carries with him? It can not only protect against rain, but also provide shade.


But obviously, the umbrella that Schiller was holding was a one-person umbrella. Even if Schiller was willing to let Arthur go under the umbrella, the umbrella could not cover the two of them, so Arthur stopped as he walked. Now, he said, "Professor, wait a moment for me, I'll make an umbrella."


Schiller stopped, not understanding what he was going to do, Arthur ran to a tree in three steps.


This tree grows very strangely, not tall, but the roots are relatively thick*, with many leaves like palm fans, which are round as a whole, and each leaf is composed of many green strips, Arthur's side "It's supposed to be a palm tree, but I don't know what species it is," said Climbing the tree.


He climbed up the tree, picked a few leaves, smoothed out the green strips, and started weaving.


Arthur, who looks tall and burly, is very good at weaving. He weave three leaves of a palm fan together to form a straw hat with a very strange shape. He said: "The children of Bruce Haven You can use this skill, except for palm leaves, you can use sun-dried seagrass and bark that can be cut into fibers."


Arthur put the hat on his head, and the two continued to walk. Farther and farther away from the beach, the scenery here is more like a tropical rain forest. The plants are very dense and the trees are tall. The leaves of many trees almost block the sun, which makes the heat a little less, but the more deadly humidity will make people The skin feels very uncomfortable.


Fortunately, after Schiller came on vacation, he changed out of the conservative suit, shorts, T-shirt and short-sleeved jacket, which was relatively able to adapt to the environment here.


Not to mention Arthur, he took off his shirt directly and returned to the attitude of fishing on a boat. He broke off a fern and used the root as an expedition stick, one foot deep and one foot shallow. go.


On the highest point of the island, there is a cliff, and when you walk down the gentle **** of the cliff, you can see a clear gurgling creek, all kinds of plants that are not common among horticultural flowers and plants, among the small stone crevices, Grows very lush.


Between the branches of the bush, a bird with colorful feathers flapped its wings and jumped to another bush, pecking at the lower half of the flower core with its beak, as if looking for fruit. …. .


! Suddenly, with a "whoosh" sound, a stream of light flew by, startling the birds and butterflies in the bushes, and with a "smack" sound, the arrow stuck on the ground, and a small lizard beside it ran into the bushes instantly. In the jungle, there is no figure.


There was a sigh in the distance, as if disappointed by his failed hunt.


The shoe wrapped in leaves stepped into the flowing water of the stream, holding the arrow in one hand, trying to pull it out of the soft soil, but unfortunately, the arm was slightly exerted, and the arrow was not strong. It fell off the shaft of the arrow.


The man holding the arrow shaft stood up. His upper body was wearing a somewhat strange clothes. It was generally made of palm leaves, but the palm leaves were fixed with white cloth. The texture of the cloth was very delicate. It should be cut from a shirt. And from the point of view of suppleness, it should be an expensive shirt.


The lower body is a pair of shorts cut from suit pants. Palm fronds were attached to the shoes and calves, and thick green strips wrapped around the soles, which looked to be from the same plant that Arthur used to make his hat.


Looking up again, he has a slightly brutal beard, and his eyes are hidden in a leaf.


He wears a very rough hat made of plantain leaves on his head. The upper half of his face is covered under the leaves, but he can still see sunburns on his lips and neck. The traces of skin exfoliation are clearly visible.


He broke the arrow shaft hard*, but he couldn't break it because he was very weak.


Under the clothes made of palm leaves and coconut leaves, white strips of cloth can be seen from his left shoulder to his armpit and then around his chest a few times, and there are bloodstains on it. Injured, at this time of weakness.


Suddenly, his ears moved, he quickly arched his body, got into the bushes, and squatted beside a very strong plant. Through the leaves of the plant, he saw that two figures were walking towards this side. Come.


He opened his mouth wide in surprise, and just wanted to rush out, but he paused for a while, then squatted back and narrowed his eyes to look at the two people.


Arthur dipped his feet into the clean stream to wash off the gravel he had brought from the beach earlier, and said, "That man was able to stay here for so long. Water is essential, and as long as we go up the stream, we'll be able to find it. trace of him."


Schiller didn't refute, he just walked far away from the stream, he looked up and looked forward.


The further we go into the depths of the rainforest, the more animals of all kinds begin to multiply, such as birds with gorgeous feathers, frogs that cannot be named, lizards scurrying by our feet, seabirds flying in the sky...


This place is so alive and dangerous, and the heat and humidity are not the deadliest things here.


Arthur, who was standing in the middle of the stream, stopped and said, "I heard the whale's cry..."


They narrowed their eyes, concentrated their minds, squatted down, put their hands in the stream, and felt the information from the sea.


"Oops, we have to find him quickly, the fish told me that the storm is coming!" Arthur's tone became low, he said: "I saw in the fishing magazine, the storm in the Caribbean is frequent It’s close to Mexico, the climate is similar, and tropical storms can come at any time…”…. .


! Schiller's understanding of storms is probably a magnified version of Gotham Nights, but Arthur denied his idea. He said: "Tropical storms are completely different from ordinary storms..."


"Tropical storms are extremely destructive. Wherever they pass, everything is in a mess. Even if we are not blown away like a tornado and then fall to our death, we must be alert to the possible damage caused by fallen plants. Danger……"


"In a storm, even a rolled-up palm leaf may become a killing knife."


Hearing this, Schiller walked faster than Arthur. Although he would not encounter any danger to his life in the storm, anyone can imagine that once the storm comes, there is no safe shelter. Will be blown like a dog.


Schiller is on vacation. Not to experience the cruelty and ruthlessness of nature, he just wanted to find the unfortunate one quickly, repair the boat and leave.


Facts have proved that his idea is good, but God thinks it is not very good.


In almost a minute, the sky darkened, the scorching sun suddenly disappeared, dense rain clouds blocked all the sunlight, thunder came from a distance, and the wind passed through the tall trees, blowing on people. When it comes to the face, it brings the characteristic jerky smell of moist soil.


Just when Schiller was about to disperse into a gray fog and start a large-scale reconnaissance, Arthur suddenly stopped*, turned to look at a bush beside him, and Schiller heard him say: "Don't hide. , I see you!"


"do not come!"


A figure emerged from behind the bushes, holding a homemade bow and arrow in his hand, with a very simple arrow hanging on it. Ready to leave home.


Schiller looked at the person in front of Even though most of his face was covered under palm leaves, he could still see that the skin on his exposed hands was very delicate and his fingers were well-kept. It's also very good. It doesn't look like a fisherman or something. At first glance, it looks like a pampered rich man.


Arthur was surprised by his appearance, after all, he only got a specious story from the mouth of the fish. He had never seen the real Robinson. Suddenly, Arthur came to his senses and said, "No, calm down, we are here to save you..."


But the person on the other side didn't let down their guard at all, still pointed the bow at the two of them, and said, "You are the accomplices of the previous group, right?"


"Relax, don't be nervous." Schiller stepped forward and said.


The man first glanced at Schiller, but finally fixed his gaze on Arthur. Arthur said, "I'm a fisherman, I'm from Brudhaven..."


After he finished speaking, he looked down at himself, his overly burly figure and the tattoos on his arms seemed to be telling him that he was not a good person, Arthur sighed, looked at the person opposite and said, "No matter what your appearance is. Don't believe it, we are indeed here to save you."


"How did you get here?" the man asked.


"I came by the boat," Arthur replied.


"We first came to California by plane, and after getting off the plane in Seaside City, we came by boat..."... .



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