American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 653: Chihai Turbulence (6)

Different from the few pictures in the newspaper, the three of Howl, who had witnessed the massacre with their own eyes, were silent in the face of this **** and cruel scene.

The carnage of the drug dealers has nothing to elaborate on, they just stormed the village, shot everything alive, and threw all the corpses into the sea.

There were no corpses scattered all over the field, no blood splattered, only empty and silent villages. Farm tools for planting were thrown in the middle of the road. Judging from the traces of blood, it should be a farmer who was about to go to work in the fields. half way.

Oliver picked up a tile from the ground with trembling hands, which was covered with blood and had a small fingerprint.

His eyes were red, and he turned to look at the football field that had been drawn on the sand. When the drug dealers rushed into the village, the children had just painted the football field and were about to start playing football, even drawing a football field. Before the tile could be dropped, he was shot and killed.

Arthur picked up the blood-stained football from the ground, pursed his lips, as if trying to suppress his sadness and anger.

Hal jumped off the eaves and said in a low voice, "Let's get out of here first, the reporters are already here, we can't be photographed."

"No, we have to find out if there are any survivors, maybe... maybe..." Oliver clenched his fists, he still held the last glimmer of hope, but in the end he obeyed Hal's instructions and started to walk out of the village.

There are no mountains and forests here, so there are almost no bunkers. When the massacre happens, there is not much chance of being able to escape. Several people know this, so they have no hope.

However, Hal was flying in the air, and his vision was much better than others. Suddenly, he found that in the poppy field next to him, the leaf of a poppy moved a little. stopped.

Hal slowly flew over there. When approaching the place, he fell to the ground, and then walked over on foot. Just as he peeled off a poppy leaf, a figure waved towards him. machete.

Hal instinctively used the green light energy to defend, but when the figure wielding the knife saw the green light all over his body, he began to cry and beg for mercy frantically. Hal heard him say in Spanish: "Devil! Devil! God, save me, save us..."

Oliver and Arthur also came in a hurry, Oliver said excitedly: "Survivor! He must be the survivor of this village! Quickly ask him what's going on..."

Hal tried his best to appease the man, and it wasn't until he took his arm away that Hal saw clearly that it was a thin, dark, old man with a machete for poppy straws in his hand.

Howl said to him in Spanish, "Are you from this village? Did you see who did it?"

Hearing the Spanish, the old man finally calmed down a bit, he shook his head submissively and said, "No, I didn't see anything, I don't know..."

We will not hurt you. "Hal squatted down and said to him: "We are here to investigate the truth, please tell us who did all this..."

"No, I don't know..." the old man kept repeating, he choked and said, "You're going to burn my fields, drive me out, drive us all away, and you've already done this a few years ago... "

Hal paused and asked again, "Who burned your fields?"

"Who else is there?" The old man's emotions suddenly lost control, and he cried and shouted: "That stupid president! And what gang of congressmen! They knelt down to the Americans and burned the things I planted. It's gone!"

"But... this kind of thing you plant is harmful, don't you know it?" Hal said in confusion, he looked around the circle of very tall poppies and said, "This kind of thing will be Addictive drugs are made, and the people who sell these drugs will go to massacres, your family and friends, they may be killed by them..."

But who knows, Hal's words ignited the old man's anger, and he shouted: "Yeah!

You all say this stuff is poisonous! Don't I know? But only this thing can sell money, only it can sell more money! "

"If I grow food, no one will buy it, they will only take these things, and I have to sell these things so I don't starve to death!"

"But...why is this?" Hal was very puzzled. He said, "Didn't the Mexican government vigorously control drugs? Didn't they just start the drug war a few years ago?"

"What **** anti-drug war!" the old man said. "They burned the plantations and burned my fields. The purpose is to make room for those foreign companies and sell the land to those **** old American factories!"

"Someone pointed a gun at me and asked me to plant these flowers, they said they would pay for it, so I planted them, but the government said they wanted to ban drugs, so they burned them and drove me out of my fields , drove me here..."

"But those lunatics from Guadalajara, they say we succumbed to the government, that we colluded with government agents to kill their people, and they wanted revenge, so they killed us all..."

"Where else can I go? God...where else can I go?"

The cries drifted away with the evening wind, the red poppies swayed like waves, sin and blood flowed in and out of this ancient land, and never stopped, but I heard this sorrowful cry that grew from the flowers of sin , Everyone will think about a question, why is this?

When walking out of the field, Oliver saw the sun rising on the horizon. He stood beside the field and said with a sigh, "Why is this?... Who is at fault?"

"Mexican government? But they're trying to get rid of drugs, these farmers? But they're just trying to survive, and they've even failed, are we? We're just trying to help them..."

"Would we stop this if we killed all the drug dealers?" Oliver asked a question that Hal couldn't answer, but he knew in his heart that the answer was no.

If someone buys, someone will sell, and as long as someone wants to sell, they will find a way to find someone to plant, and as long as there is seed, someone will sell and someone will buy. Bureau. …

Oliver sat down beside the ridge, and he began to think deeply, how can we solve this dead end?

Killing all the drug dealers, overthrowing the existing government, and saving all the peasants, none of them alone will do any good, it will only make things worse. All three must be done at the same time, or even a perfect one. If you do, there is a chance of breaking the game.

But Oliver is very confused, he doesn't know what to do, he thinks this is completely a fantasy, how could someone do these three things perfectly at the same time? Even if Hal had that kind of power, he couldn't do it.

In other words, strength is not important, pure willpower is not important, something missing is the key.

On the way south, the three of them became silent a lot. They were all thinking about this question, but there was no answer until the fishing boat slowly approached Sinaloa. They briefly got out of this state and started the real Chase journey.

This is not smooth, because every local here is an accomplice of drug dealers. They are very vicious and strict, and it is even more difficult to get any information.

The difficulty is not to defeat them, but to find the location of the leader Gallardo from this intricate relationship, and realizing that someone might be targeting him, the cunning Gallardo disappeared instantly.

With Hal's green light ability, plus Arthur's ability to communicate with fish, plus Oliver's tactics and wisdom, they chased all the way to Guadalajara City, and finally found the culprit in a very hidden cellar culprit.

Compared with these superheroes with stunts, it can be said that an ordinary person can do this, and it can be said to be a great achievement.

Hal and the others mainly suffered from their unfamiliarity, and because they did not understand the organizational structure of drug dealers and lacked information, they took so much effort to catch an ordinary person.

However, this was just the beginning. Gallardo, who was caught by them, did not feel that he was at fault at all. In the dark cellar, a mouthful of English with a Spanish accent echoed in the room.

"I was born here. Guadalajara is my hometown. When I was born, drugs were rampant here. Running errands for others is my daily life."

"My family is poor, I want to make money, I just buy a commodity that can be found everywhere and sell it to others, what's the problem?"

"I made some money, and I wanted to make more. Someone came to me and said he wanted to make money too, and we could work together, so I agreed."

"Later I learned that the man was the deputy mayor of Guadalajara, he had two lovers and three illegitimate children, and he had to support them, so he needed money, and as long as I could earn him money, he could protect me."

"This is very important. In this kind of place, being alive is more important than anything else." Gallardo sat in the chair without any fear at all, he just said in a very normal tone: "I want to live, I don't want to let me Those who live must die."

"I rented a boat to do business, and it didn't go well at first, but later, not only the deputy mayor, but also the mayor and the governor were optimistic about me. The money I earned was distributed to them, and they let me do business."…

"But old America... oh, that's you, you **** greedy Americans, you don't want me to make money, you guys colluding with Congress, what kind of war on drugs, and I lost a lot of money , you all be damned!"

"Do you know what you're talking about?!" The purest Arthur was the most angry. He said, "Do you know how many people your business has killed?!"

"Then do you know, how many people have you killed in the United States?" Gallardo raised his head and said disdainfully: "You not only killed us, but also killed your own people. The screams of those agents before they died, I am here. You can still hear it now."

"You..." Arthur was speechless. He said, "You inhuman villain! How could you..."

Gallardo looked at Arthur and said, "It seems that you are also someone who has lived at sea all year round. Your size is not bad. If you did it with me, you would be in your early years by now."

Gallardo changed his posture, leaned back in his chair and said, "You don't really think you are righteous, do you? You, yes, it's you, this big guy, answer me, why did the United States let the Mexican government start a war on drugs? ?"

"Of course to stop you from killing innocent people indiscriminately," Oliver replied.

"I didn't ask you, but you didn't answer correctly either." Gallardo rubbed the corner of his mouth and said, "The United States is to suppress the local industry in Mexico so that your company can enter."

"You burned the plantations, drove the farmers off their land, sank our boats, wiped out all armed resistance, just to get the Mexicans to kneel for you and work in your factories."

"When every company here is owned by an American, you can just lower your wages, hire us at a lower price, sell your product at a higher price, and use the money you earn to do this in other countries and open more. This is how you take over the world.”

"I will kill every old American I see," Gallardo said, holding out a finger. "You deserve it. You should have thought of that when you invaded our country."

Oliver opened his mouth, and Gallardo's words about the American way of taking over the world made a string in his head twitch, but the feeling that something was missing was stronger.

"And..." Gallardo added: "It's not just the mayors and governors of Mexico who make money from my business. Those big American bosses with nostrils on their heads also take money from me."

"How do you think I get my stuff from the West Coast to all over America? Can the Mexicans do it? I'm telling you, the Native Americans are better at this than we are."

"Those big companies, big groups, sell us trade routes and cargo ships, help us with customs, local gangsters help us dump goods, and local government officials help us with legal issues, my business can do so well, Thanks to them."

"Even the CIA is our They turn a blind eye on the airline and occasionally cooperate with us to kill those Cubans, during the war on drugs, if they hadn't given My intelligence, my losses will be greater."

Hal narrowed his eyes and said, "There are people working with you in the United States, who are they?"

"Don't put on that expression of disbelief." Gallardo shook his head and said, "The vast majority of coastal cities cooperate with me."

"In Seaside City, I have a 'Frenchman' working with me, and I heard he is the biggest boat owner over there, and in Gotham City, the Spencer family is also my good partner, oh, yes, how can I forget What about my old buddies, the Quinn family? We've been working together for more than ten years..."

"What did you say?!" Oliver's eyes widened, Gallardo's English had a strong Spanish accent, so Oliver couldn't hear it very clearly, he asked again: "You said, who is working with you More than ten years???"

"The Quinn family, Quinn-"

Oliver froze in place, as if struck by thunder.


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