American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 660: Victim in good condition (medium)

The aftermath of this incident was far more intense than expected.

First of all, the successor who won the election was carried away without waiting for the seat. Then, who will lead the Soviet Union next?

The United States has something to say about this issue, but when they opened their mouths, they found that their house had collapsed.

Perhaps the vast majority of people have not forgotten that the workers and peasants movement in Mexico is still in full swing. With superhuman beings to fill the vacancy in force, this is not as simple as one plus one equals two, but a qualitative change caused by a quantitative change.

The red wave broke out from Sinaloa, and soon swept the entire Pacific West Coast, and even some areas of California were affected, after all, the treatment of farmers here is not good.

Just as the bald eagle's mouth was about to slap, it found that its gorgeous and beautiful feathers were ignited.

Humans always like to create all kinds of unsolvable problems for themselves, but there are many solutions, such as, who will save first when mother and wife fall into the water? Did the tram kill one person or five? Head first or **** first?

Logically speaking, the head is more important. Once the head is gone, the person will be completely dead. As long as the head of the red giant can be chopped off, there will be nothing to be afraid of, at least the Congress thinks so. of.

But then again, the current Soviet Union is on the verge of collapse, and Moscow is full of duplicitous people and grass-roots scumbags.

However, the red wave in Mexico is very powerful, and the state of this revolution is very young and very hot. If it can't be extinguished, and when it really grows, isn't it another young Soviet?

I'm standing in front of you. You can see that I look a little like the past. At least the gentlemen on Capitol Hill don't move their legs or pant when they think of the past, and everyone has to go to the emergency room.

This group of Americans who came from the Cold War knew very well how fierce the flames ignited in the Far East were. Countless of them were rejoicing. Fortunately, that land was far from the mainland of the United States.

Otherwise, no one knows whether this cold war will become a hot war that destroys the world. Distance not only produces beauty, but also peace.

Judging from the influence of this crimson turbulence, when the time is right, the giant bear will die, but that is by no means the end. The fiery red heart will come all the way from Moscow and beat again in Mexico City.

The aging giant bear will be reborn as an eagle soaring, and there can only be one sky overlord in the entire America.

What is the geographical advantage of South America compared to the Far East? At least the Congress knows that the fertile plain, once again belonging to the people, is enough to nourish a beast stronger than the Soviet Union.

Thinking of this, the gentlemen in Congress decided with tears in their eyes that they should protect their **** first.

In case the Soviet Union is really reborn, let alone the tail feathers, even the chicken legs will have to be torn apart alive.

They are destined to have no way to devote all their energy to suppressing the Mexican movement while also interfering with Moscow. They can only choose the lesser of the two evils. Moscow is destined to decay slowly. It is better to get Mexico first.

After the decision was made, almost no one had any objection. Compared with the political game far away, it was more important to have a fire at the door.

However, the withdrawal of the United States did not make the situation in Moscow any better. The successors who had already won suddenly died. What they lost was not one candidate, but many.

If the assassination of the top leader of the Soviet Union is the first suspect in the United States, then the suspects of the other candidates are second.

This was also the focus of public relations in the United States before. They claimed to be the hands of other candidates who wanted to compete for power, and the people in the country were not without doubts.

In this case, the existing candidates must avoid suspicion for this, and whoever takes the top will have to bear the notoriety of assassinating his predecessor.

What's more, this assassination made all the candidates have a bow and snake shadow. If the Americans dare to assassinate one, they dare to kill the second. It's okay to be a puppet, but you can make money, you can make money, but you have to spend your life.

In essence, this incident actually created an atmosphere of distrust. The CIA no longer trusts the democrats they developed, and these people no longer trust the United States. .

Since the existing candidates are not good, they can only be re-selected. Who has the right to choose? This has to mention one person, and that is Gromyko, a Soviet veteran who was a diplomat.

He spent almost his entire life in the Cold War, so he formed a special Cold War mentality. He believed that the stalemate with the United States was dangerous and exhausting, which was also the consensus of the senior Soviet leaders at that time.

They hope that the successor can ease relations with the United States, be gentle at home, and soothe the radical sentiments of local hardliners. This is why the reform lines proposed by the previous successors are all conservative.

If things don't change, then the new batch of elected candidates will still be conservatives, but the problem now is that the United States moved first.

The United States put a knife on everyone's neck, and that shot seemed to tell all the upper levels of the Soviet Union that I have absolutely no intention to ease relations with you, because I can kill any of you at any time.

The inertia of the Cold War is very strong. Once one side gets tough, the other side must not give in. What's more, no one knows who will fall next time the gun is fired.

In this case, they have to hope that the candidates can be tough, or at least deter the United States, so that it will not dare to act like this at will, and the successors must at least protect their safety.

Once the line begins to be biased, the impact will be great. First, the requirements for candidates will change. Being soft, close to the people, and willing to delegate power is no longer the first condition. On the contrary, those who can seize power and perform Tough, motivated, and appealing are the top priorities.

As we all know, the easiest way to transfer contradictions is to set up foreign enemies. The United States has used this trick many times. This time, although the Soviet Union did not use it deliberately, the effect was unexpectedly good.

The people no longer care about some of the claims put forward by the local radicals. They want to see a leader who can face the United States tough and make them pay for their arrogant behavior.

At this time, a candidate who had long been excluded from the candidates entered the field of vision of the high-level people, that is, Vasilievich, who had just returned from his vacation and returned to Moscow.

In fact, he was originally the most powerful contender for the position of successor, but because he had previously excluded dissidents and fought against dissent, he was far less friendly than Gorbachev. Therefore, before he came back , the plenary session has been held, and the winner has been elected.

But now, because the successor was assassinated, the same group of candidates who participated in the meeting as him were all suspicious and had to avoid suspicion, but this Airborne Party, who never participated in the meeting from beginning to end, went on vacation early, and did not care about world affairs, has become a The best candidate.

So, as soon as Vasilievich landed in Moscow, he was stunned by a huge pie that fell from the sky. To put it simply, the person we originally appointed died. Now we are all very optimistic about you. Why don't you come Be the top leader.

Originally, according to the current situation, this candidate must be approved by the United States, but now, the United States is on fire and has no time to control Moscow.

There are people who want to intervene, but the timing of Vasilievich's airborne is too good, it is simply the son of heaven, and they did not give them any chance to push their own people to the top.

In this way, after the aftermath fermented for a week, the position of the supreme leader of the Soviet changed hands again. Four leaders were changed within five years. All of them were tortured and exhausted. Their request for the new one was to live well, Just don't die.

After the situation was basically stabilized, Moscow also began to study a question, that is, who initiated the vigorous Mexican movement?

Their current conclusion is that there is no possibility of spontaneous revolution in the current Mexico, therefore, this movement must be guided by the outside, so who is guiding this movement?

The idea of ​​​​the investigation is also very simple. Even if it may be initiated by someone at a high level, if he wants to achieve remote guidance, he must rely on agents stationed abroad, so starting from the KGB, it must be right.

According to the KGB's internal personnel information, there are quite a few agents dispatched to Mexico, but judging from the information they reported, everyone's intelligence work is proceeding in an orderly manner, and no one is abnormal.

To make a movement develop to this level, it must not be a part-time job. During this time, he must not be able to carry out normal intelligence work, so he should start from the agent who suddenly lost contact.

But after checking around, it was found that no one had lost contact, and the KGB began to focus on the entire Americas. As a result, there were many more candidates, but most of the lost contacts were able to obtain positions related to their positions in the CIA. The corresponding leaked information, that is to say, they have betrayed.

There are very few people who have lost contact but have not found the corresponding leaked information, and even fewer have to meet the points of experience, ability, and ideas.

Finally, the KGB's gaze rested on a name.

"Alfred, today's call, I will bring you good news from Moscow, we have a new and the first thing he does after taking office is to let I'm on the phone with you." Kayla said into the phone, standing in the hospital office.

"What?" Alfred asked very suspiciously, and then he heard Kayla say to him in a proud tone:

"The Supreme President expressed great praise to you. He called you the greatest revolutionary mentor in the past ten years and the eternal friend of the Mexican people."

"He said he was sorry, because of the current situation in Moscow, he couldn't honor you in person..."

"But the people of the Soviet Union, the people of Mexico and all comrades with great ideals in the world will never forget your great deeds!"

Kayla's tone suddenly softened and became softer. She said in Russian: "...The proletarians of the world unite, comrade."

A week later, Alfred took a box from Kayla's hand, and when he opened the box, there was a handwritten letter inside.

Above the handwritten letter, a badge with a sickle, a hammerhead and a red flag was shining.

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