American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 668: There is a new **** in the universe (Part 1)

"I think we still have to think about it in the long run." At this time, Connors suddenly said: "What is the so-called promotion principle? I don't approve of rash attempts without any security guarantees..."

"Although I have always disagreed with your overly conservative experimental ideas, this is indeed a problem." Stark said while thinking: "The last upgrade is more like a coincidence than a sophisticated experiment. This coincidence can Whether it is replicated, what kind of anomaly will appear after the replication, and whether this anomaly is dangerous, we can’t make a conclusion now.”

As soon as Schiller was about to speak, Strange said: "Indeed, although you often say that the occult is guessing riddles, I have to tell you that we also have relevant safety regulations, and everything related to demons and magic is We must be cautious, the human soul is very fragile, and once it is corroded by power, the consequences will be unimaginable."

"From the perspective of S.H.I.E.L.D., we also have to ensure the safety of Stark." Natasha said aloud: "His wisdom cannot be replicated. For human civilization, it has important strategic significance. If you can't 100% ensure his safety, it's better not to do it."

"Okay, then, let's study, how to deal with this artificial upgrade, so as to ensure maximum safety and achieve the goal at the same time?" Schiller also said.

At this moment, Peter suddenly said, "That... can I leave? I still have class in the afternoon."

"Go, go." Several people waved, Stark said to him: "The car is parked downstairs, pay attention to safety on the road."

Although he said this, after Peter left, he reminded Jarvis to keep an eye on Peter's situation. If there was anything unusual, others could arrive at the scene in time.

After Petrie left, he went to New York University to attend classes. Although it was important for Stark to become a demon, he could not skip classes as soon as school started.

After the afternoon class, Peter found that he had nowhere to go, Gwen was busy with his internship, Pikachu was not at the clinic, Stark and Connors were both busy with upgrading experiments, Peter thought about it, and decided to go to Sri Lanka first. The laboratory in the Tucker Building completed the experiments at the previous stage.

As soon as Peter entered the Stark Building, he saw a small figure running towards him.

"Helen? Didn't Miss Pepper say you were going to dance class? Class is over?" Peter asked.

Before Helen could answer, Pepper had already walked in. She covered her forehead and said helplessly, "This little guy has learned a whole set of Swan Lake movements in one lesson. The dance teacher said, I should send her to her. Go to a ballet company in Russia and get a more professional education, which she doesn't have the expertise to teach a talented dancer like that."

Peter's eyes widened, he hugged Helen, Helen smiled at him, and Peter said in surprise, "Oh, your teeth?"

Helen's teeth have changed to normal human appearance, except that the two small tiger teeth are still a little sharper than ordinary people, and they look no different from ordinary human children.

Moreover, the somewhat scary vertical boy disappeared, replaced by the same brown eyes as Stark.

"Because I want to be the same as everyone else," Helen said. "Otherwise, they will look at me in strange eyes."

"Has your language become so fluent?" Peter picked up Helen in surprise and looked at her.

Then, he gently weighed the little girl in his arms and said, "Is it my illusion? Why does she seem to have gained a lot of weight?"

"It's not your illusion," Pepper replied. "Stark told me that according to his research, Helen's growth rate is about six times that of a normal human being."

"God, won't she grow up soon?" Peter said with his mouth wide open.

"I can control the growth rate by myself. If I don't want to grow up, I will keep it like this." Helen smiled proudly.

"It's amazing. There are so many things in this world that are beyond my knowledge." Peter sighed.

Then, he put Helen down, and Helen blinked a little puzzledly and asked, "Peter, why are you glowing?"

"Blame? I don't have... oh, you mean the power of faith they said? I don't know what's going on, but Mr. Stark and the others said..." Peter explained.

Helen nodded knowingly, then followed Pepper away.

When Peter entered the laboratory and started preparing for the experiment, Helen ran in.

"Is the door of the laboratory not closed? It's troublesome to cause a leak!" Peter immediately walked to the door to check if he forgot to close the door.

Helen jumped on the table and said, "Your door is closed, I came in by teleportation."

"Oh, I forgot, you can do magic, but who taught you to teleport?"

"My mom...maybe dad," Helen explained.

Peter didn't understand a bit, but suddenly, he came to his senses and asked, "You're not talking about Loki, are you?"

"That's right, Rocky Odinson."

"But..." Peter showed a very complicated expression and said, "Isn't Mr. Stark your father?"

"Oh, that's right, he's my dad too, what's wrong?" Hai Ren said boldly.

Peter opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say. Who knows, Helen continued: "Actually, Thor Odinson is also my dad."

"So..." Helen snapped her fingers nimbly with her baby fat fingers, and after a few sounds of "Zeng Zeng Zeng", a three-layered halo appeared behind Helen.

Peter was stunned, and at this moment, Helen asked, "What's with the strange golden light on your body?"

"Well, I don't know too much, but Mr. Strange said..."

Peter briefly explained to Helen what the power of faith was about, and then told her what happened during the bat incident. Helen thought about it and said, "This must have something to do with the Moron family they talked about... Yes. Now, have you ever tried to actively use this power?"

Seeing the little Helen in front of him acting like an adult, Peter thought it was very interesting. He picked Helen up and said, "The last time I saw you, you didn't even know how to speak."

Helen shook her head and said, "Learning languages ​​is not difficult. Magic is more difficult, but it's okay. I feel that the most difficult thing is... emotions."

"Emotions? Do you still need to learn about emotions?" Peter was a little puzzled.

Helen didn't say anything else, but the expression on her face was complicated with age, and there was confusion, doubt and longing in it.

Soon, the two began to study this energy in Peter, who stood in front of the experimental platform and said: "Dr. Strange said that this may be the culprit that caused me to be too high recently, but I haven't found it yet. It does nothing but make me more excited."

"It must have a function, otherwise, it won't make your body have this kind of change... I think you can try to use this power." Helen suggested.

"I don't really trust this kind of power of unknown origin." Peter frowned, looking a little hesitant.

Helen stood on the experimental table in front of Peter and thought for a while, then she stretched out a hand and put it on Peter's shoulder, Peter was stunned, not knowing what she was doing.

Helen's hand lit up with a visible golden light until it spread all over Helen's body. Peter seemed to realize what she was doing, and he said: "Helen, stop! This power can be dangerous, and you are still young. too small..."

Before Peter finished speaking, the golden light on Helen's body disappeared, and the aperture behind her became brighter.

Peter looked at Helen with a look of amazement, and he asked, "Can you extract this power?"

"Yes, I can also convert them into magical energy that I can use..." Helen rolled her eyes, and Peter found that at that moment, Helen's expression was very similar to Loki's, it was carved out of a mold .

After thinking about Helen's complicated background, Peter felt that he should not be too obsessed with the reason for Helen's birth.

Helen thought for a moment, then said, "If I can use this energy, it means you can too, but maybe because you haven't learned magic, so you don't know how to use it... Well, I'll teach you magic, How is it?" Helen looked at Peter, and Peter stared at her and said, "I can try to learn, but I'm not sure if I can learn."

"We can try it first," Helen said. "Close your eyes, start meditating, be sure to concentrate, and weave a pattern in your mind, the outside of which is a circle..."

Peter did as she said, and after a while, he found that a human figure appeared in his field of vision, which seemed to be his own figure.

"That's your soul, see? If you stay in this state and then control the figure you see out of your body, you can do soul roaming...but it's better not to do that, it's going to take a lot of money The strength of the soul makes people feel non-tired."

"It's all Mr....Miss...or Mr. Rocky? Did he tell you?" Peter asked aloud.

"Yes," Helen replied, and then she continued, "Okay, next, focus on your soul and start watching for anything out of the ordinary..."

"Anomalous?" Peter concentrated his attention and tried hard to observe, and then he found that a wispy golden thread surrounded his Without Helen's reminder, Peter's consciousness began to follow this path. a gold thread,

He felt as if he had passed through a barrier, and vaguely, he saw a group of black shadows across the sky.

When he was about to look carefully, the terrifying black tide drowned him, Peter was awakened, and was in a cold sweat, Helen moved her short legs, ran to the water dispenser, and poured Peter a glass of water , handed it to him, and said, "Did you see something scary?"

Peter nodded heartily, but Helen said, "It doesn't matter, it's normal. When you communicate some mysterious power, the images you see are not necessarily positive. Can you remember? to what?"

Although Peter didn't want to recall the scene just now, he still thought hard, and then said, "I saw a group of dark shadows...not humans, a bit like some kind of animal..."

"Animals?" Helen said. "I don't know much about animals. Which animal on earth do you think is more like?"

Peter thought hard for a moment, and said with a serious face, "Bats... They are bats."

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