American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 677: Salesman and Porter (Part 1)

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Solus swallowed a bit of saliva. He was very puzzled now. He had already investigated it before he landed. There was no high-energy life in this universe at all. Where did a monster at the multiverse level appear? ?

Although the Morun family can be called an existence at the multiverse level, their multiverse level is somewhat watery.

First of all, they are gregarious creatures, just like humans, humans occupied the earth and became the main civilization.

However, can a human being alone beat a tiger? An adult with bare hands, facing a strong beast, I am afraid that apart from sliding a shovel to deliver vegetables, there will be no other results.

Collaboration is the biggest advantage of gregarious animals. Similarly, gregarious animals with a society will not develop too comprehensive individual strength. The same is true of the Morun family. They rely on cooperation to survive in the multiverse, but they can only be singled out. One, absolutely can't beat any multi-level existence.

Therefore, when they enter a single universe, they will very carefully detect whether there are any creatures that can threaten them in this universe. Of course, they will not think that in the universe they are in now, if someone wants to upgrade, they will upgrade. If you don't want to be promoted, you can go back.

So, when they saw the multi-level steel demon god, they stiffly froze in place.

But Stark didn't give them time to be in a daze. In an instant, the storm of the aircraft group enveloped all the members of the Morun family. When groups and various machines formed an array, there was an unparalleled sense of oppression.

The roar of the engine, the friction of the gears, and the inability to transmit sound in the cosmic space turned from subtle tremors to deafening ripples. When the Morun family wanted to evacuate, they found that the surrounding space had been completely destroyed by various filled with mechanical life.

Seeing that the family members began to continuously impact the barrier formed by the mechanical life, Solus shouted: "Calm down! Calm down! Extract their energy, just like we deal with the universe demon!"

After the initial panic, the members of the Morun family finally calmed down a little, began to think about tactics, and planned to break out.

Solus stepped forward first. He stretched out a hand and aimed at one of the mechanical monsters. A soft white light appeared on his hand, and then turned into a stray light beam, which was connected to the target's body.

The moment the white light touched the robot, the robot stopped moving. Seeing that the attack was effective, Solus immediately tried to repeat the old trick, but during the time he attacked the robot, thousands of mechanical The army surrounded him.

Suddenly, Solus found that the robots that were closer to him had not changed much, but the robots that were far away and had just been produced from the mother nest became smaller and more numerous.

Once, the Morun family used their talent and numerical advantage to divide up the energy of the demon gods in the universe. In fact, it was just because the demon gods might be able to deal with one or two of them, but the goals were too many and scattered, and many demon gods lacked to deal with many at the same time. ability to target an activity.

A single attack can only trap one or two, and a group attack consumes a lot of energy, and it is easy to be avoided. With this principle, the energy consumption alone can kill those demons who are not very strong.

But now. The situation was completely reversed. Solus became the demon gods who were besieged by them before, and the machinery produced by the steel demon Stark, almost in a short time, seized the weakness of the Morun family and evolved. attacked against them.

The Morun family's ability to absorb energy is indeed very strong, but the problem is that this is a single attack, even if Solus' beam can absorb the energy of three to four targets at the same time, but they are facing a number of An army of billions of machines.

It's useless for them to pump down one or two robots. These robots are not directly using Stark's magical energy. They have their own engines, and the mother nest also has its own reactor. They are completely self-sufficient. Yes, the time the Morun family took for one is enough time for the mother hive to produce a thousand.

Moreover, the energy absorbed by the Morun family has an upper limit. They cannot absorb and digest at the same time. After absorbing it, they must find a safe place to convert this energy into power that they can use.

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enough to keep fighting.

But in this case, how could there be a safe environment for them to digest? The army of machines is pressing step by step. If they don’t take the energy of the machines closest to them, they will be attacked or killed by these machines, but if they take all their energy out, they will face the risk of being burst.

The Morun family is in a dilemma, and Solus also knows that it is absolutely impossible to continue like this.

Now. In front of him, there are roughly three kinds of robots. One is a very small but fast flying bird. They use super high speed to prevent the members of the Morun family from aiming at the target. At the same time, they use suicide attacks to disrupt their formation and make They constrained each other and couldn't maintain a good defensive formation.

The second is a medium-sized mechanical shield guard that surrounds the main force. When they are united, they can form a solid wall, and at the same time, they will continuously release energy pulses, interfere with the transmission of the Morun family, and at the same time shrink the surrounding circle step by step, Let them have less and less places to stay.

The third type is the shuttle-shaped turret, which is erected on the joint defense line composed of shield robots. They will launch high-energy lasers. This laser directly uses Stark's magical energy. Therefore, it can cause damage to the Morun family. It is also by far the most powerful weapon to kill them.

The shield-guard robot forms a sphere, pressing step by step, and the friction between the parts is like a death reminder. members, firing lasers at a very high speed, and in just a few seconds, a large hole was opened in two members of the Morun family.

Solus raised his arm, let out a roar, and fired an energy pulse from his hand, and when the pulse landed, it instantly blew up a large group of machines.

The encirclement was immediately broken, but after a successful blow, Solus did not lead anyone to take the opportunity to break through the encirclement, but stood on the spot with a proud face, and shouted at the same time: "The successor is invincible! Charge!"

Seeing that their leader was not in a downturn, other Morun family members also boosted their confidence. What they didn't notice was that after Solus sent this pulse, the form of the robot produced by the mother nest changed again.

A grotesque Frisbee-like machine was produced, and they silently flew to the back of the shield guard robot and fixed it to the robot with the newly produced buckle.

Just when another member of the Morun family wanted to follow their leader and release a pulse wave with the stored power, the light in his hand just lit up, and the Frisbee robot where it landed instantly opened a shield.

Several shields were combined together to form a huge circular mask. When the pulse wave fell, it was directly bounced off by the mask and exploded in the empty cosmic space.

Soon, more Frisbee machines were produced. The first generation of machines just turned on the shield. The second generation developed an anti-missile robot that could intercept pulse waves directly in the air, and the third generation developed an anti-missile robot that could intercept pulse waves. The bouncing robot that the wave bounces back, the fourth generation has begun to absorb the energy of the pulse wave in reverse...

The terrible thing about the Iron God is that magic magnifies Stark's wisdom almost infinitely. When this wisdom is applied to the mother nest of mechanical life, infinite evolution and iteration allow them to be able to live in a short period of time. In a matter of seconds, develop a mechanical life that can perfectly oppose all enemies.

Raw materials, transportation, assembly line processing, assembly, dispatch to the battlefield, data feedback, data collection, analysis, redesign, and input of raw materials again, all design parts, under the blessing of infinite wisdom, have been compressed to the shortest time, while production Part of it is manifested out of thin air by magical energy. The longer the time and the more information, the Steel Demon God will only get stronger and stronger.

When Solus discovered this, it was too late.

The army of machines they faced had already restrained every weakness of theirs. They were extremely small in size, extremely fast, and had a shield that could absorb energy back. At the same time, the encirclement was extremely tight and shrinking step by step.

The dozen or so family members that Solus brought, now there are only six left, and the others have died of serious injuries and completely perished in the universe, and Solus is very clear, I am afraid that it will take ten minutes. It was his turn.

His well-groomed white hair has become very messy, and he was hit by a laser before.

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As a result, there was an unhealable wound on his arm. At this time, he was in severe pain. Solus, who was stimulated by the pain, had red eyes. He gritted his teeth and said, "You forced me..."

In an instant, Solus radiated white light, which turned into bright white tentacles and connected to the six members beside him. Those members screamed miserably, shouting: "The patriarch ! No! My life force... ah!!"

Countless energies and vitality returned to Solus' body along the tentacles. In an instant, he transformed himself into a demon god. Inside the white demon god's body, the red rays of light formed lines, which looked extraordinarily strange.

For a moment. He also came to the barrier of the single universe and became as huge as the Iron Devil Stark, and his voice sounded:

"I could have become a Demon God for a long time, but because this form is inconvenient, I didn't do that. You forced me!"

The Iron Devil Stark snorted coldly, and in an instant, the mechanical storm unfolded again, the two sides were at each other's throats, and a multiverse-level war was about to break out.

But at this moment, a small figure rushed to the vicinity of the previous battlefield, where there were several members of the Morun family who had been evacuated but had not yet died, lying in despair and waiting to die.

Helen ran near the members and looked left and right to make sure no one was staring at her.

In an instant, her figure enlarged infinitely, almost as big as Mephisto who appeared before, with countless spikes growing on her body, vertical pupils and fangs also reappearing, a monster almost identical to the Doomsday in the comics, appearing in into the universe.

She opened her mouth wide and swallowed all the members of the Morun family in an instant, and then, the same white light as Solus began to appear in her eyes.

Doomsday roared, and the white light turned into a white fog enveloping him. Then, all the remaining mechanical energy on the battlefield was evacuated in an instant.

The thousands of machines were instantly paralyzed, and the power of the dead Morun family members was also swallowed up. As the white light became stronger and stronger, when this light was withdrawn into Doomsday's body, her The figure skyrocketed again until it touched the barrier of the single universe.

On the other side, Ancient One, Mephisto, Thor, Loki and Odin, as well as other demon gods, fought together again.

Thor struck Mephisto with a thunderbolt, but at this moment, when he turned around, he saw Frigga, who looked at him and asked, "Where's Helen? Isn't she in your arms?"

Thor was stunned for a looked down at his chest. Helen, who had been holding him tightly, was gone. Thor got into a fight and didn't notice that Helen was gone. Frigg became anxious immediately. .

"Stop fighting! Odin, Thor, and Loki! Helen is gone, hurry up and find her! It's dangerous here! You careless bastards!!"

The good-tempered **** queen rarely scolded people, which made the father and son cowards in an instant, and they quickly began to search for the disappeared Helen in the surrounding space.

But at this moment, a roar came from far to near, Mephisto hid aside with a "swoosh", a huge monster jumped into the battlefield, and with a "click", a demon **** was chewed up and swallowed. stomach.

After touching the white light around the monster, the fragments of the devil on the ground were instantly sucked into the body, and Mephisto let out a wailing:

"My Membership Gift!!!!"

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