American Comics: The Invincible Wheel of Fortune

Chapter 173 174. First meeting Clint, drying up Custer

Perhaps due to his early career in the world, although Hawkeye is cool and stylish, he actually has a good temper and is easy to talk to.

It's just that he is more calm and reserved, not too proactive.

Unlike the Punisher, who seems to be exuding an aura of hostility that avoids strangers even when he is just sitting there quietly, Hawkeye can give people the feeling of being easier to get along with.

Just like in Avengers 2 and Captain America 3, Hawkeye takes good care of the two siblings Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.

Perhaps it was because they were already married and had a career, but Hawkeye always had some support and care for the younger generations, and his attitude toward Aaron and Erica was very kind.

Although Hawkeye has been an agent for so many years, his chivalrous spirit seems to have not diminished at all. It is not ruled out that Black Braised Egg would name him to join the Avengers.

Barbara had actually finished reporting to the bureau a long time ago, but she was holding up her mobile phone to show off. Seeing that everyone had chatted with Hawkeye for a few words, the atmosphere relaxed, so she ended the call at the right time, came over and said, "Backup is coming soon. That’s it, what do we do next?”

In fact, Aaron felt that there was no need for the Punisher to be angry because he couldn't kill Bullseye. Only Aaron knew that this guy was actually no different from what he had confessed to, but he couldn't say it clearly, so he had to keep silent and make a fortune. .

"Go ahead and get Rankhoff Brothers."

Bullseye, the biggest threat, was eliminated, and more than twenty combined troops of Wilson Fisk's group were killed. The rest was no longer a concern.

It's just that Brother Lankhov's lair is there, and it's just a matter of picking up grass and hunting rabbits.

Hawkeye nodded and asked the Punisher: "When you came over to join us, what was going on over there?"

Even though Bullseye brushing was so lively, it actually didn’t take long from Bullseye calling for support to finishing the brushing, and the other side might not be able to react.

A time-traveler said that bad guys always swipe quickly.

Rankelhoff Brothers Taxi \u0026 Transport.

Brother Rankhoff's Office.

Maozi, you are a fighting nation. It’s true that you defy the heavens, the earth, and the air, but it’s not about cheating. Unlike those weird and charming bitches outside, whatever mutates and strengthens this, it’s all cheating, and you can’t look down upon it at all. .

What a fighting nation relies on is vodka, its ruthless people and many brothers, its unstinting momentum, and its spiritual willpower.

So this is a very sincere and unpretentious nation.

Then when facing a group of more than 50 people who had just finished Bullseye and sent out to support and protect their hometown, they still felt that the wall-mounted tough guy was not enough...


The Maozi brothers, who had always been the second and third eldest brother, turned into a pair of pig-headed brothers after a little pointless struggle.

To be honest, Brother Maozi actually wants to talk about something to discuss. Which of the big bosses who can prosper in Hell's Kitchen is ignorant of current affairs?

The old man's nest was taken care of, and there were more than fifty people protecting him, but five of them were killed effortlessly in front of him. Why couldn't he talk properly?

Fighting nations and so on are all characters, used to hype and scare people.

All the accents are learned. We actually don’t understand Russian very well.

A nation is a fighting nation only when it can survive.

When we can't win, we are a fighting nation. We are Americans, New Yorkers, and Manhattanites. We are civilized.

Not to mention the stupid brother Anatole, even the stupid brother of Dior Dior, seeing this posture, he has the face of "a businessman, everything is easy to discuss".

But it's a pity that among Aaron's group there is a punisher who is full of anger?

Without saying a word, he just beat me up violently, with a look of blame on Brother Maozi for not knowing the rules and not being sincere.

That means if you don't let me beat you up, how can I know that you sincerely want to have a good talk? Where is the trust between people?

He's such an adult, but he doesn't have any cleverness at all. He has been living in vain for so many years.

No wonder most of the villains who encounter the Punisher have a very shameful and unspeakable desire deep in their call the police.

This is so unreasonable.

Okay, the above slightly subtle plot comes from Aron's brainstorming, but that's not the point, that's about it anyway.

But it's not the Punisher's fault. He still had a lot of anger to vent his anger on. Bullseye couldn't be killed, and Brother Maozi still couldn't do it either.

It's not that like Bullseye, SHIELD is useful, but these two guys are Wilson Fisk and other Hell's Kitchen bosses, as well as Madam Gao's partners, so they must have some key information, and they still need to be interrogated first. Qing Qing Ming.

Moreover, Brother Maozi's job is to use the cover of taxis and logistics to engage in smuggling of various prohibited items and human trafficking.

These two goods have a huge transportation network and relationship network all over New York. They can't just kill them and be done with it. Pull out the radishes and bring out the mud. These two big radishes can bring out a lot of mud.

The Punisher understands this, but if it comes to interrogation, it won't be a problem for the Punisher. The Punisher is a good interrogator. Punisher, his name carries punishment, and he is the best at extorting confessions through torture.

However, the Punisher's torture methods are not like the Hanged Man from Gotham City next door in DC, who can do anything after a beating with social care.

The Punisher is really going to kill you, there is no element of intimidation at all, he just does whatever he says.

Any swords, guns, swords, halberds, axes, hooks and forks, pliers, hammers, iron drills, blowtorches, sulfuric acid, whatever you can catch and use them, if they fall into this person's hands, if you can catch someone who doesn't look like a human or a ghost, and can still have a breath of life, then this person will be considered. I feel good and have a kind heart.

However, so many people are watching, and they are all decent people... Let's call them agents, anti-heroes, and those who throw cluster grenades into the crowd...

But at least they are defenders of the law, at least in name. There is even a New York policeman, um, the one who throws grenades in the crowd.

You can't go too far.

So, it was such a big deal to brush Bullseye and the Maozi brothers together, but in the end, they actually wiped out a bunch of minions, and not even the main character was killed.

No wonder the Punisher turned into the grumpy old man who had been dry for three days.

So Brother Maozi ended up following Bullseye and was packed away by SHIELD.

Then, of course, there will be real professional agents who will conduct interrogations that do not include any punishment, and will be notified when there is news.

Of course, in the name of the FBI, SHIELD cannot be exposed to the public eye.

In short, although it is not a complete success for the Punisher, it at least has a successful ending.

Completely defeating Bullseye, taking over the home base of a large and dynamic social group, and cutting off one of the largest underground smuggling routes in Manhattan and even New York. It was indeed a beautiful victory, and there was nothing to criticize about it.

Of course, only Aron knew that Bullseye basically had no residual value. It might be used as a guinea pig by Aegis Hydra, and Aron didn't care.

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