American Comics: The Invincible Wheel of Fortune

Chapter 235 237. Iron Man is famous all over the world

Aaron checked back and forth for a long time, and until he found nothing unusual, he relaxed a little and quickly contacted Coulson to ask when the support personnel would arrive.

In the end, Obadiah was taken into custody with all his beard and tail intact, but the killer who was aiming a sniper rifle at Lao Yinbi without finding any clues was shot by Aaron.

There is no need to say more about the consequences of a weapon that can blow up even a light tank with one shot if it hits a human body. If I say too much, I might not be able to eat it anymore.

It's just that Lao Yinbi's face has been livid and ugly since he woke up.

Presumably because of what Aaron said about someone aiming a sniper rifle at him, a lot of black muddy substance in the form of "MMP" was produced in his heart.

Tony also had a look of disbelief on his face. It wasn't until Obadiah was safely detained and he went over to take a look in person that the arrogant man fully believed that Aaron wasn't too nervous.

Then I estimate that for at least a week, the sight of strawberry ice cream will make me sick to my stomach.

This also made Tony's idea of ​​​​wanting Aaron to be the security director even stronger. Having such an awesome person by his side would really make him feel safe, isn't it?

But again, man, you can’t afford it.

Before Obadiah left, he whispered a few final words to Tony. After seeing Tony's silence for a while, he finally nodded slightly. The old Yinbi laughed miserably and was taken away by SHIELD's support team.

S.H.I.E.L.D. will not offend the FBI and CIA this time, and is planning to go to court on its own to interrogate Obadiah.

It's just that Aaron feels that things will not be as Coulson and others imagined, because such a moth is most likely to come from SHIELD, or SHIELD Hydra.

As for the outcome of Obadiah, Aaron doesn't care at all. This person has no use value to any party. He is a loose end and a trouble that needs to be cleaned up.

The boss that has been brushed is already a thing of the past.

"Boy, are you really not thinking about it anymore? I still say the same thing, the conditions are up to you."

"No, but thank you for the invitation. It's a pleasure to spend this time with you. See you again when I have the chance, Tony."

"Okay, okay, it's only a few hours' flight away, let's have some fun together some other time."

The above conversation was between the two of them when Aaron formally said goodbye to Tony Stark.

Regarding Aaron's repeated rejection of invitations, Tony didn't feel that he couldn't step down. After all, he only invited people out of admiration and recognition, not solicitation. It was okay to just be friends.

In other words, perhaps Tony wanted more friends with whom he could chat and embarrass each other, rather than multiple subordinates who were paid to follow orders.

In short, swiping Iron Overlord Obadiah represents the formal contact with Tony Stark's security threat. Aaron's mission is considered to be successfully completed, and it is time to part ways.

From Tony's accident to finishing Obadiah, he was busy for a month. Although his strength was not great, the process was still very exciting. Aaron felt that this trip to Los Angeles was really worth it.

"Didn't you say I was a superhero?...Well, although that's cool, I'm not actually a superhero. I know I always make big news, and a lot of people don't like me...but The truth is, I am Iron Man!"

Tony is so arrogant, and as expected, he just got choked up by the "Brown" lady who came to the door, and said "I am Iron Man".

As for this plot, Aaron watched the video at SHIELD headquarters in Washington DC.

"Hey, kid, have you watched TV?" A certain tsundere named Stark called Aaron proudly.

When I was trying to save your life, or when I was helping you fight with Lao Yinbi, I would affectionately call him Alon. If I didn’t use it anymore, I would call him kid if I turned my face. Then I would use it again and immediately start licking my face again. Replace it with Aaron.

Sure enough, as a middle-aged man from S.H.I.E.L.D. who was suspected of joining Intrachon Nair’s Hairline Crisis said, this guy is an evil capitalist.

Hearing this arrogant question, Aaron couldn't help but roll his eyes and thought to himself, this is nonsense. From now on, he will just point at the Stark Group stock that he pulled this time. Can he not pay attention to it...

Tony announced that he was Iron Man, and then announced that Stark Group would enter the new energy field, and the stock price bottomed out and rebounded strongly. Although entering the energy market is bound to be incompatible with the old energy forces, a new wave of fighting between dragons and tigers is brewing, but now it is indeed Things are looking great.

Of course, the above are all from Aaron's heart, and you can't say that.

"Hey, should I say it's you? Also, you made Coulson so angry, you know... But it's no wonder, if he could play his cards according to common sense, he wouldn't be called 'The Great Stark'. "

"Not to mention that, you know your director, Nick...what's going on? By the way, Fury came to find me that night, and he wanted to pretend to compete with me! Pretend to compete with me! Me! Minato!"

"Important things" was emphasized three times before this guy continued to chatter: "I'm telling you, if I don't look at your face, I won't even listen to what he has to say. Turn on the light, and I can see one eye and one mouth in the middle of the night! I'm not wearing a steel suit, let me tell you..."

Don't! Don't look! I don't have such a big face!

You arrogant Ansheng has had enough life, why the hell do I want to rest for two more days...


In short, silence speaks a thousand words.

Aaron is really speechless. Can he say, "Next time, don't give me the face to criticize his black braised eggs!", or can he ask, "What did our director secretly tell you?".

Aaron also calculated it in his mind, and sure enough, Black Braised Egg began to take the initiative to contact Tony, the tsundere, so the idea of ​​​​the Avengers plan should have been formed.

Tony is also self-aware, knowing that it is easier for him to chat to death, so he did not leave Aaron silent for too long, and then asked: "Boy, do you know about the Avengers plan? That director of yours wants to drag me into it. , and also said that several powerful people will join, and you may be one of them."

Ouch? Do you still have this idea about black braised eggs? Aaron was stunned when he heard this.

This puts us at the level of Black Widow and Hawkeye. Do you want to have more influence in the future Avengers?

I really think highly of my brother.

"Well, we haven't discussed it in detail yet... We need to know more about the specific details."

Aaron's words were a bit vague, but he didn't want to undermine Black Braised Eggs. After all, he still had to hang out with SHIELD for some time.

Tony understood at this moment that the director hadn't even had time to tell Aaron, so he didn't have to worry about it. It was a normal trick to deceive people.

"Forget it, let's talk after your director has finished speaking to you. I still have things to do, and I've been out of the country recently. I'll contact you when I get back."

"Well, then be careful. Afghanistan is quite chaotic. If you need help, please speak up."

"Well, I understand. Let's talk some other time, bye." Tony changed his previous grumbling and replied excitedly.


Aaron knew that Tony was going to Afghanistan to clean up the Stark Industries arms left in the hands of illegal militants, and Tony's answer was considered an admission.

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