American Comics: The Invincible Wheel of Fortune

Chapter 396 397. The plan goes well and the contract is sent out

Faced with the obstruction of the abandoned son of the Witch Heart Demon, Aaron did not respond in time. He just allowed Yin Susu to lead the Witch Heart Demon away, and the thin, wet bamboo pole man was thrown in front of him.

He was soaked with black juice from the black juice from the Witch Heart Demon. He kept screaming and his body swelled bigger and bigger. In an instant, he turned into a big fat man and was about to explode.

Aaron then calmly stretched out his hand, and a blue-purple spherical energy shield covered wet body.

Following an invisible vibration in the space, the blue-purple shield was dyed pitch black by the wetness of the explosion.

At the moment when Aaron was wet and exploding, he grabbed hold of the air with his other hand, and a piece of ice-blue crystal with black spots appeared in his hand.

Aaron frowned. The core of the water was contaminated by the energy of the Witch's Heart Demon, giving off a fishy stench.

【Disperse! 】Alon held the core of water, a burst of demonic energy paid attention, and the black spots were instantly squeezed out of the crystal, turning into black energy and dissipating.

Only then did Aaron put it into the space, and his body teleported and disappeared. The energy shield dissipated, and a pool of black water hit the ground, corroding a deep pit as the final proof of Wet's existence.

On the other side, the Witch Heart Demon has turned into a polished commander and ran away again.

There was no other way. As soon as this guy escaped from Aaron, he was blocked by the Ghost Rider. He had no choice but to abandon his "confidant general" Feng Mo Abiger without hesitation.

Anyway, the whereabouts of the contract are now known, so there is no need to cash in on the promised benefits.

"Ghost Rider!"

Aaron teleported over and saw the Ghost Rider riding his extremely cool motorcycle, racing in a long line of flames on the outer wall of a skyscraper, chasing the sinister Abigail.

It's a pity that this guy is the Ghost Rider. Even if Newton's coffin board can't hold it down, the old man probably won't dare to jump out.

Then the sinister afro turned into a whirlwind, rolling up a police helicopter and crashing into the Ghost Rider who rushed to the roof of the building.

The Ghost Rider waved the flame chain regardless, and directly tied the helicopter and Yin Susu, intending to burn them together!

[This guy just won’t take the initiative to attack innocent people, but if he does, he can only accept it as bad luck? 】

With a thought in his mind, Aaron teleported the helicopter pilot away, and then he saw that the helicopter instantly looked like Ghost Rider's motorcycle, becoming extremely ferocious, like a ghost head with a ferocious propeller!

Then he flew backwards and flew out of the flame chain, leaving only Yin Suisi trapped!

[It’s a mistake, it’s still a bit influenced by Johnny’s subconscious. 】

The helicopter returned to its original form in an instant, Aaron teleported back to the pilot, and the helicopter flew away in an awkward manner.

Still similar to the previous routine of falling into pieces, the Ghost Rider once again became even more angry because of the inexplicable disappearance of the Hellfire chasing the Wind Core. He drove straight down from the roof of the building and hit the ground with a "Boom!" He was blocked by the police.

They had already been stopped at the police station, and this time the police inspector refused to listen to anything Alon and the widowed sister said.

That means you can control me in arresting and releasing suspects, but what else can you control me in doing? Lock me up if you can!

Aaron and his widowed sister couldn't afford to be locked up by the police, so they had no choice but to call in the Howling Commandos and follow them to surround the Ghost Rider.

The police have never seen such a scene before. The fear exceeds the limit and becomes crazy. All the police opened fire at the Ghost Rider frantically!

"How about it?"

"What a terrible power. It clearly has the aura of hell, but it naturally restrains the energy of darkness."

Aaron and the widowed sister joined the Howling Commandos, but they did not step forward. Instead, they hid at the back and watched.

Because even so, the Midnight Werewolf who had the biggest reaction already looked like he was "trembling at the boss".

Then there is the Blade Warrior. Although he has only killed vampires in his life and dare not say that he has the name of an innocent person on his hand, he just instinctively avoids the hellfire and wants to hide as far away as possible.

On the contrary, it was the Killer Monkey, who had a much stronger reaction than the widowed sister at first. The Killer Monkey only kills evil people with solid evidence. He... let's use "him" for the time being, it is just the instinct of animals, and he is a little afraid of fire by nature.

Two people with supernatural abilities were defeated by Tian. If they really got into a fight, it would be like sending them off.

Fortunately, Johnny's little girlfriend Roxanne appeared, and the great love aroused Johnny's consciousness. Before the Ghost Rider could fight back angrily, he dragged his body and ran away.

Dam Dugen tugged at his mustache, gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Let's chase him! No matter what, at least we can't lose him."

No matter what kind of predicament he finds himself in, he must not break the heart of this old agent. He must try his best to do his best. Life is endless and the mission is endless!

Johnny's father's grave.

The chaos in the city did not affect this place at all. Night fell and darkness enveloped the place. Only the tombkeeper's hut was lit with lights.

"Give me the contract! Give it to me! Give it to me!" The Witch Heart Demon punched and kicked the old cowboy Carter Slade, yelling while beating him.

"Is he okay?" The person who asked this question was apparently the same old cowboy who was watching the old cowboy being beaten in the mirror space with Gu Dagu... another old cowboy.

"Ha, it doesn't matter." The ancient boss just laughed softly, watching the shadow clone of a certain time traveler show off his acting skills with great interest.

"Soul bomb!" The old cowboy, with a bruised nose and swollen face, and bleeding from the corners of his nose and mouth, roared with blood spray, rolled on the spot, grabbed the shovel that had been knocked away before, swung it round and smeared it on the face of the evil heart demon. .

PIA! Snap!

The shovel head flew away, revealing an ancient scroll hidden in the shovel shaft.

The scene suddenly became silent.

The Witch Heart Demon looked at the old cowboy and the scroll.

The old cowboy looked at the scroll, looked at the evil spirit, turned around and ran away.

Then Wu Xin Mo kicked him in the buttocks and pushed him backwards like a wild goose.

[Damn it, I’ve already gone to great lengths to show off my acting skills. 】The old cowboy was flying in mid-air, but he curled his lips slightly.

"No! If you dare to take away the contract, Ghost Rider will not let you go!" The old cowboy shouted at the back of the Witch Heart Demon, anxious and angry, and his acting skills were quite good.

"Huh." The inner demon just thought the old cowboy was whining, laughed, and walked away.


When there was no trace of the Witch Heart Demon, the old cowboy was filled with inexplicable grief and anger, and then his face suddenly changed. With a click, he changed from a roaring emperor to a paralyzed face, and then disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"Master, it's time for us to leave." Aaron, who teleported, said to the ancient man who appeared from the void with the old cowboy.

"Yeah." Gu nodded, looked at the old cowboy again, and said softly: "You... cherish your precious time and take care of yourself."

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