"Hey Skye, we see you again."

S.H.I.E.L.D., Field Operations Center.

It has been some time since Aaron last cooperated with Coulson's team.

The X-Men over there experienced another big event, and Coulson's team here also completed many tasks.

On the other hand, Aaron, as a SHIELD agent, hasn't had much to do recently.

In the mutant healing event, the Avengers were also informed that they could not participate. Tony was addicted to the research and development of black technology and felt that he had some signs of anxiety. Dr. Banner was still addicted to Buddhism, and Black Braised Egg sent his widowed sister to find him.

"Uh, hey, Agent Walker." Little girl Skye put one hand against the identification device next to the automatic door with an awkward smile on her face.

"What's going on?" Aaron half-smiled as he looked at the metal ring on Skye's wrist, which was stuck to the identifier, making her unable to move.

"Ahahaha... It's hard to explain in words, can you help me?"

"Sorry, the authority is not enough." Aaron clicked on his badge, a level 5 agent.

"Alas..." Miss Skye looked pitiful, like an unhappy puppy.

"Let's talk later. If I see Coulson, I'll talk to him."

"Hurry up."

A certain tactical command room.

"Coulson, Agent May, Agent Ward, this must be Agent Hand. Nice to meet you."

"Here we come." Coulson nodded.

"Agent Walker, why are you here?" Agent Hand, whom Aaron greeted, is a middle-aged white woman about the same age as Coulson, with wavy long burgundy hair, black-framed glasses, and a male suit. He wears a stylish suit, and his whole person exudes a rigid and stern look.

"Aaron is the advisor to our team," Coulson explained.

Agent Hand took a deep look at Aaron, his expression changed instantly, but he still nodded and said in a deep voice: "Colson, the intelligence brought by the agents that your team rescued..."

South Ossetia is a small "country" in Europe. Due to special reasons, it is only recognized by a few of its surrounding countries.

There is an illegal organization that secretly researches black technology. This kind of thing is not uncommon after the alien invasion in New York.

However, this organization's research and development is relatively successful, and it already has a prototype.

Special ultrasonic waves can be produced in a very large range to interfere with gyroscopes at very long distances.

What's the use?

Simply put, it can interfere with all devices with sensors.

In the military, they are drones, missiles, etc., used for balance, sensing, spatial positioning, etc.

In other words, people are no longer afraid of your air strikes and ultra-long-range strikes.

Agent Hand wanted Coulson's team to conduct a secret infiltration operation to destroy the prototype.

And first figure out the condition of this thing, and then destroy it.

Just ask for an expert in mechanical and electrical engineering.

That is, Leo Fitz, and the super agent Big Ward, the two team up.

Coulson hesitated, but still put the mission first.

"Where is the retreat plan?" Aaron interrupted before Coulson nodded.

"That's part of the plan. You have no right to know, Coulson. To be clear, I'm just seconding your team members." Agent Hand's voice was cold and stiff.

Aaron knew that this old-school agent, who paid the most attention to hierarchy, was dissatisfied with his intervention, thinking that he was acting arbitrarily in the name of the Avengers.

There have been some voices in the bureau recently, some criticizing Black Braised Egg for vaguely placing the Avengers above S.H.I.E.L.D. instead of managing or even controlling them.

Some, like Agent Hand, really think this is an impact on the SHIELD system, while others have ulterior motives to create momentum.

"Then we also have the right to refuse your secondment." Aaron also directly rejected it.

"Agent Coulson, are you just going to let him break discipline?" Agent Hand's face darkened.

"As an advisor, it's Aaron's job to remind me. As a level 8 agent on the same level as you, I have the right to know part of the plan, the detailed evacuation plan for the task of seconding my team members."

Coulson has been an agent for more than ten years. When Aaron said this, Hand's reaction was completely understood.

This menopausal old woman probably didn't like the fact that Coulson's team had too much privileges and had problems with the personnel's background, so she wanted to mess with him behind his back.

She smiled in front of her face and stabbed her in the back. At the beginning, she said so well, so enthusiastically, so sincerely... Coulson was really sweating behind his back now.

"...Colson, please take a step to speak." Agent Hand's face was livid, and he was silent for a long time, and finally managed to say this.

Not long after, Coulson and Agent Hand, who looked ashen-faced, came back, but Coulson was not refreshed and complacent.

"Alon, this operation is on a tight schedule and the evacuation plan is indeed short of manpower."


"So..." Coulson was about to speak.

"You said, so what?" Aaron waved his hand and pointed at Agent Hand.

Agent Hand gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, his face looking like a newly unearthed bronze tripod.

"So I would like your help to participate in this operation."

"Colson, can you trust me?" Aaron opened his mouth and asked.

He also critically looked at the newly unearthed old lady, making it clear that he could not trust it, so as not to stab himself in the back when the time came.

It's like a villain succeeds, and there are people behind him who show bad virtues.

Deliberately causing trouble for the various irregular menopausal women in front of me.

Damn it, I messed with you, and you are so embarrassed when you come up?

Sure enough, Hand was so angry that he rolled his eyes, are all the Avengers like this? This is a fucking S.H.I.E.L.D. pill!

It took a few words of persuasion from Coulson before he finally agreed.

"Aaron, don't take it too seriously. Agent Hand is here for work." Coulson advised after leaving the command room.

"You're not angry, so I don't care." Aaron shrugged.

"It's all for the mission." Colson always focused on the overall situation.

"Speaking of the mission, is everything going well for the team?"

"Fortunately, although there are inevitably some problems, they are all developing for the better."

The team was newly established, and it was inevitable that there would be bumps and tumbles. Moreover, the mastermind behind the Centipede Project took action one after another, snatched away Gravity, and found a way to stabilize the desperate virus. Even greater shadows, crises, and greater tests were still to come.

There must be a "mastermind" behind the scenes, but in fact there is not just one...

As for the mission itself, Colson's team prepared in advance, made careful plans and arrangements, and had Aaron as a foreign aid. It was not easy, but it was completed very smoothly.

There are no all kinds of farce, such as in the spoiler pose, in order to find out what kind of tricks the old woman Hand is up to, Gemma Simmons shoots down the bald Sitwell agent who discovered her secret tricks with one stroke.

What seems to be the most interesting is actually the most exciting moment, when Alon fights against the menopausal old woman.

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