There is no cold cell, no solid fence, but it seems to be a laboratory-like place, with two huge glass troughs standing up in the center, overflowing with special potions, and two people with special helmet respirator floating. inside.

"This is?" The baroness was startled again and even recognized it. "This is Destro? This is where the Cobras are held? So this... is the Medic?"

"Where is my brother?"

Su Sheng went straight to one of the glass troughs and reached in, grabbed the people inside, and dragged them out.

The glass tank was not damaged, and the person who was brought out fell directly to the ground.


The mask and respirator came off, revealing a face with burn marks.

"Ray... Rex?"

"Medical officer, the medical officer turned out to be Rex?" The baroness looked at the medical officer on the ground in disbelief and couldn't imagine this fact.

The younger brother who I thought was dead turned out to be a medical officer, in the Cobra Organization? Wait, how did you join Cobra in the first place? How did the nanoworm virus come about? As one of the adjutants of the Cobra Organization, of course, she has also been in contact with the medical officer and knows that it is the nanoworms and those black technologies developed by the medical officer.

In other words, is his younger brother controlling him?

"It's not true? Tell me it's not true!" The baroness looked at Su Sheng hoping to get the answer she wanted.

"It's a pity, this is true." Su Sheng broke her fantasy. "Scientists are all paranoid, and your brother's thinking has long gone astray. Now you have two choices. One, let him stay here, even if a criminal like him is a terrorist organization, the United States should not easily take it away. How is he. Two, I'll take him away and fix his mind a little bit so he's the same as before and do things for me."

"You choose."

Su Shengwei walked away to study the design of this prison. Although the people locked in the glass tank could not move, they could receive information from the outside world. They could hear, see, and move their brains, but they couldn't move. The formula of this potion is quite interesting, Su Sheng... Su Sheng copied it directly from the computer.

The baroness looked at her younger brother, who was still lying on the ground, unable to move and unable to speak. She took a deep breath and made a choice.

"Take him away," said the baroness.

"Okay, I'm quite interested in his research on nanoworm missiles." Su Sheng said indifferently to the medical officer Rex, and directly released his psychic ability to modify his memory, and then released shock wave transmission. The baroness glanced at her and picked up her younger brother, and went directly through the shock wormhole with Su Sheng.


On the ground, next to the Humvee.

The baroness sat Rex in the back, and Su Sheng drove straight away and returned to the laboratory.

On the way back, the medicine in Rex's body seemed to have passed, and the body regained the ability to move and hugged and cried with his sister. Well, this is the benefit of modifying the memory, otherwise I'm afraid it won't be so close to each other like in the movie. Back in the laboratory, the baroness helped Rex settle down, and Su Sheng returned to the laboratory to continue improving the transforming mecha.

The problem of energy source is put aside first, the time required for deformation can be upgraded, and the compatibility problem of automatic repair and deformation particles must be solved first.

After a night of silence, Su Sheng came out of the room the next morning and saw a brand-new medical officer Rex and a woman with a somewhat oriental face.

"Brother-in-law." Medical Officer Rex whispered.

"Brother-in-law?" Su Sheng paused and shook his head: "Since you are staying, you can play a role. There is still a place in my laboratory for you to continue researching your nanoworm missiles."

"Well." Medical Officer Rex nodded and turned to go to the laboratory.

"Jinx?" Su Sheng asked the woman.


"Su Yueming asked me to come to you, but I have a question." This woman is the character Jinx, Ninja, Special Forces 2 that Su Sheng asked Su Yueming to find before. "why me?"

"Not everything has a reason, and not everything you can know the reason for."

"You stay, and I'll help you find your brother and solve the problem of your brother's murder. Do you agree?"

Why is Su Sheng looking for Jinx? Because Jinx is exactly the same as Erica the Phantom Assassin in the Marvel world, since there is Jane to replace the self-defense bird, it is not a big deal to have another Jinx to replace the Phantom Assassin Erica. Secret invasion, what's the point if it's just one or two?

Thinking of the pair of eyes that blocked his shock wave induction, Su Sheng wanted to play a big game even more!

"People were killed by him, what else is there to solve?" Jinx said solemnly.

"Teach you to be good, don't use your ears to understand other people, everyone's mouth is full of money, it's best not to believe so directly if you haven't seen it with your own eyes, even, even if you see it with your own eyes, it may not be true. Your brother Bai Ghost has a perverse personality. , Violent, he really looks like someone who can kill a master, but unfortunately... it's really not!" Su Sheng said lightly. "You go and call everyone to the conference room, there is a task for you!"

Jinx hesitated for a moment and turned to leave.


In the conference room, Jane, Jinx, the baroness, the redhead, the cover girl, Mikaela were called.

Chapter 416: The betrayal of the natural enemy, the revenge of the white ghost

"Two people!"

"They are both members of the original Cobra organization. One is called White Ghost, a ninja. The other is called Zatan. Although he has no special ability, he is very good at disguising. The Baroness and Jinx know these two people very well, I don't Any help would be offered, but I want to see these two, any questions?"

"No problem," the baroness said solemnly.

Jinx nodded and said nothing, as did Jane.

"Why do you want these two?" the red-haired woman asked curiously.

Su Sheng glanced at him without answering, then clapped his hands and said, "Go for it."

Getting up, Su Sheng walked out of the conference room.

The rest looked at each other in dismay and prepared to carry out the task.

This team of special forces, cobras and ordinary people set off, and Su Sheng returned to the laboratory to continue researching the transforming mecha. Although there is an additional medical officer Rex in the laboratory, it has no effect. He is focusing on his nanoworm missile. Once the nanoworm missile is released, even the Eiffel Tower in France will be destroyed, and it is quite powerful in swallowing metal, which is suitable for dealing with Transformers.

Either Autobot or Megatron.

In fact, Su Sheng didn't plan to pay too much attention to it. When he was almost busy with his business, the Transformers could no longer exist, and the world could be brought back as a collection. But before Su Sheng took action, the Transformers were in chaos. The natural enemy, who was brought back by Optimus Prime, suddenly defected, took the opportunity to kill the Autobot Ironhide and destroyed the seventh district and took away all the energy pillars.

This change caught them off guard. Optimus Prime never thought that the former leader of the Autobots, Yu Tiandi, would betray. When Optimus Prime pursued and tried to stop it, it failed. column. Under the dim night scene, the light of the energy column dazzled directly to Cybertron.

Countless Cybertronians teleported over, came to Earth, and rushed into the streets.

Although the Autobots tried to stop them, they were outnumbered and could only retreat temporarily. After the Cybertronians appeared, they first began to scan various car deformations, and then they began to destroy them wantonly.


Not far away, Megatron's figure appeared beside Yu Tian Enemy.

"I will let them spread the remaining energy pillars all over the world, and then the Cybertron will be able to be teleported. You... remember, I only cooperated with you for the Cybertron." The natural enemy looked at Megatron and said rudely, turned and left.

Megatron sneered.

Long before the Royal Enemy left Cybertron with the last hope on the Ark, he actually betrayed the Autobots and colluded with Megatron, but the situation changed at that time and the spacecraft was stranded on the moon. . At that time, Megatron couldn't revive the natural enemy. After all, he needed a fire source or a leader module, so he took away most of the energy column and left it for subsequent development. Originally, Megatron planned to induce Optimus Prime and the others to find Megatron, but Optimus Prime acted first.

As the natural enemy opened the teleportation array and sent countless Transformers, the city began to fall.

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