American Comics: The Succubus Starts, And Captain Marvel Is Hyped

021. Green Goblin Causes Trouble, But Spider-Man Collapses!

On a green glider.

A sharp, strange laughter sounded from the green devil mask.

Like a demon from hell.

Then, he dropped the same grenades one after another.

Within the range covered by the grenade explosion.

Buildings were blown up and buildings collapsed.

Countless people were injured or even killed when they were hit below.

The humans directly affected by the grenade were instantly reduced to ashes.

Moreover, the location where the top management of Aoshi Group is located is the hardest hit area.

Those people were drinking red wine and listening to music.

As a result, an idiot suddenly flew out of nowhere.

Then they were kidnapped.

The crowd fled in all directions.

Haste is like a lost dog.

The entire carnival scene instantly became a large-scale escape scene.

There is no politeness and order of civilized society at all.

If anyone dares to shout at this time, ‘Let children and women go first’.

He will definitely be knocked down with a punch and stepped on.

When it’s over, I’d also like to send you a Shabi.

And Spider-man was supposed to be there, defeat the Green Goblin, and save Mary Jane.

But it didn't appear.

The entire scene was completely a one-man show by Green Goblin.

And when the New York police arrived.

But Green Goblin had already stepped on his beloved little skateboard, dragging thick black smoke, and walked away.

Su Ye saw the scene of Green Goblin wreaking havoc on the carnival on TV.

At the time of the incident, he was attending Harry's sea party with Gwen.

Harry had wanted to party and have fun with everyone for a long time.

But Su Ye never agreed before.

This time, Harry originally planned to invite everyone to the carnival.

But Su Ye said he doesn't like places with too many people.

Then the location was changed to a yacht at sea.

Peter had been working too hard to save New York recently, and he originally wanted to take a break.

But he couldn't resist Harry's hard work, and in the end he had no choice but to go to sea with him.

Then, they were together at sea and saw the attack on the carnival site.

Harry, Thompson and others were all very happy.

Fortunately, they chose to go to sea, otherwise, they would surely have suffered along with the audience at the scene.

In fact, they were guests invited by Harry.

That must be with the big shots of the Oscorp Group.

But it was said in the news just now.

After the green monster appeared, those big shots were the first to be attacked.

"Fortunately we went to sea, otherwise, I'm afraid it would have been reduced to ashes!"

Thompson said with lingering fear.

Harry didn't dare to speak, but his face was full of fear.

Gwen glanced at Su Ye, her eyes seemed a little reproachful.

In her opinion.

If Su Ye hadn't suggested going to sea, they would have gone to the scene.

It would definitely fend off the attackers and save some people.

There was no way that the green monster could walk away after committing such rampant murders.

Peter also squeezed the cup in his hand hard.

Obviously, he had the same idea as Gwen.

Su Ye shrugged and said nothing.

This result is exactly what he wants to see.

He himself left the carnival where trouble was about to happen, and took with him the heroes who could save it.

Sit back and watch the Green Goblin show off his power and escape unscathed.

The purpose of doing this, on the one hand, is to see Yingjiang's jokes.

They can't go around the world all day fanning the fire and having fun.

We also want them to feel the feeling of having trouble come from heaven while they are sitting at home.

They all say that only after they have been caught in the rain can they know how to hold an umbrella for others.

This time, let Yingjiang, who is in New York, especially the Oscorp Group and their arms dealer friends.

Give it a good shower.

See if it changes some of their views on the world.

It doesn’t matter if you can’t get wet once. There will be many such opportunities in the future.

The other reason is to teach Gwen a lesson.

If Spider-man appears and saves the people at the carnival.

Everyone will naturally be grateful to him.

But if Spider-man didn't show up, would anyone resent him?

Whoever is Spider-man needs to have a life of his own.

It is impossible to devote all time and energy to saving the city.

And given the current security situation in New York.

Even if Spider-man works 24 hours a day, he can't really solve all the crimes by himself.

After all, he will be late on certain occasions and times.

If this happened, how would the citizens react?

Do you understand that he also has difficulties, or do you hate him regardless of it?

Just like what the flower grower's allusion says.

The favor of rice rises, and the hatred of rice rises.

Being saved by a hero becomes a habit.

Then any absence of the hero will become a sin.

Gwen naturally doesn't believe that citizens would hate Spider-man.

For this reason, she did not hesitate to make another bet with Su Ye.

However, the result was a slap in the face.

First, the Daily Bugle was the first to jump out.

Screaming against Spider-man for his inaction.

‘The Green Goblin is raging in New York, where is Spider-man? ’

‘A person who only dares to fight petty thieves but does not dare to face super criminals is worthy of being called a hero? ’

‘Spider-man is to blame for the tragic deaths at the carnival! ’

'Spider-man, a hypocrite more disgusting than the Green Goblin! ’

‘Under the spider area, what fell to the ground is the hypocritical Angel or the ferocious devil! ’

This Bugle Day shows that they are determined to fight Spider-man to the end.

If there is no black material, we have to create black material to madly black Spider-man.

I won't miss this opportunity now.

And under the leadership of the Daily Bugle.

There are countless people who have been injured during activities, or whose family members have died during activities.

One after another joined the team that denounced Spider-man.

For a time, Green Goblin's evil reputation was suppressed.

The incompetence of the police was simply ignored.

Spider-man, however, became the biggest sinner in the entire incident.

"how so!"

"Spider-man obviously didn't do anything, it was the Green Goblin who killed him!"

"Why does everyone hate Spider-man now?"

"That's not fair!"

In a high-rise apartment in Manhattan, Thompson shouted angrily.

This is what Harry just bought.

It served as their residence during college and a base for the small team.

High school life is coming to an end.

Several people in the team also unanimously applied for admission notices from Empire State University.

Including Mary Jane.

However, what she got was an acceptance letter from the Empire State University cafeteria.

No matter what, everyone will still be in the same university in the future.

And they have grown up and need a place to live independently of the family.

That's why we have this stronghold.

Everyone agreed with Thompson's statement.

Those people outside, instead of hating the devil who caused the terror, complained that the hero was not present.

This is indeed not what normal people should think.

But Harry and the others didn't know that the situation was actually more serious than everyone imagined.

Just last night, Peter went out for the first time to do justice after the carnival incident.

But the person he rescued not only didn't say a word of thanks.

Instead, he opened his mouth and began to curse.


"Why don't you kill all the criminals beforehand?"

"Why do you have to wait until I'm hurt before you take action?"

"Does this make you appear greater?"

"Still, those criminals were originally arranged by you."

"Their appearance is just to cooperate with your acting to help you create a powerful hero image?"

"You're just trying to impress people, Joker!"

"Otherwise, why are you wearing a mask!"

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