In the room not far away.

Su Ye once again added new super abilities with her succubus physique.

Control light waves to make yourself or others invisible.

As well as creating invisible force fields and energy shields.

Invisibility is easy to explain.

As for the invisible force field, it is a rather mysterious thing.

Can be used defensively or offensively.

It feels similar to the use of mental power.

But for Su Ye, getting new abilities is no longer enough to make him excited.

At most, it just enriches the fighting methods and...

Just add some fun to your entertainment life.

But because he needs to hide his true strength from Susan and others.

So Su Ye only tested the ability to grow bigger and smaller, and did not try to do anything in public after becoming invisible with Susan.

And this enlarging and decreasing function from MR.Fantastic is indeed amazing.

Not only can it change the File size, but it can also shapeshift.

From a bare white wax pole, it instantly transformed into a vicious mace.

Only Susan could feel the sourness in this.

And just when Su Ye helped Susan clear the sewer.

On the other side, at Victor Von Doom's house, an uninvited guest suddenly appeared.

At that time, Victor von Doom was working on the metal cutlery on the table.

After returning from space, Victor Von Doom noticed something was not right with his body.

This feeling has become stronger and stronger recently.

And on TV, we saw the super abilities of Johnny and Ben Grim, the magical brothers.

And from the laboratory, I heard that the other three people had also mutated.

Victor Von Doom not only accepted the fact that he had become stronger.

My heart felt like grass, with many ideas popping up.

For example, control Johnny, Bengrim and others to work for him.

And, with his ability, kill the company's opponents.

Completely become the dictator of the Doom Group.


Victor von Doom was just a businessman.

His thinking is also limited to talking about industry behavior.

It has not been fully opened yet.

At this time, a woman with burgundy hair suddenly appeared in his home.

But it brought him different ideas.

"There's nothing special about running a company."

"Have you ever considered running a country?"

"Be the king of a country, no, the emperor!"

The woman who appears in front of Victor Von Doom is none other than 'Succubus Agent' Natasha Romanoff.

She has now completely become Su Ye's messenger, walking among the super villains.

Doing all kinds of things.

And, with the help of Su Ye.

Natasha Romanoff not only absorbed a lot of essence, but also strengthened her body.

Acquired a physical strength that is almost unmatched by Captain America.

And he is also equipped with various high-tech weapons provided by Hammer Industries.

The florists and scientists at Hammer Industries.

I've been thinking wildly lately.

With sufficient funds and materials, as well as advanced alien technology support.

Their creativity and execution ability are also infinitely magnified.

All kinds of new technological products were invented by them.

Needless to say, there are solar flashlights, weird guns, hair dryers for leather shoes, etc.

Recently, some people even want to study turning people into versatile robots.

As a result, Su Ye had to step forward to suppress the distorted painting style.

Get their research back on track.

When Natasha Romanoff met Norman Osborn before, she used a signal blocking jammer.

This is one of their achievements.

As long as it's arranged properly.

Not to mention Norman Osborn’s Green Goblin skateboard.

Even if Tony Stark comes in a steel battle suit, he still has to lie down.

When these guys developed this thing.

They are preparing for a war like [full-band blocking jamming] that will destroy all human electromagnetic technology.

If there is an inevitable threat of war.

Directly bring the entire earth back to an era without electronic technology.

No matter you are the most powerful technological country on earth, or you are an alien spaceship.

They all lay down.

This thing is a big killer with indiscriminate attacks.

I'm not having a good time, so don't think about it either.

But if used at the right time, it is indeed a killer weapon comparable to a nuclear bomb.

Because their ultimate goal is to directly stop the nuclear reaction.

Deactivate all nuclear bombs.

After hearing this goal, Su Ye had to say one word of conviction.

And this time, Natasha Romanoff came to meet Victor Von Doom, and she was naturally not unprepared.

On her hand, she wore an electromagnetic pulse device that had just been made by flower growers and scientists.

There is only one function.

Through electromagnetic pulse, the electric field is disabled.

So when Victor Von Doom looked at Natasha Romanoff with a frown.

At the same time, she quietly stretched out her hand, preparing to activate her ability and manipulate the metal to control her.

He suddenly discovered that the surrounding electric field failed.

His super ability was immediately abolished.

"You...what did you do?"

Victor Von Doom looked at his hands in horror.

His super ability suddenly became ineffective before he could fully master it.

This depressing feeling is even stronger than if he didn't get super ability in the first place.

Natasha Romanoff shrugged.

"It's nothing, it's just temporary."

"Your ability will be restored soon, trust me."

After Natasha Romanoff finished speaking, Victor Von Doom discovered that the surrounding electric field had been restored, and his Ability had also been restored.

But just when he was about to test his ability.

Natasha Romanoff's arm on the opposite side suddenly flashed again.

Then Victor Von Doom's super ability disappeared again...

Victor von Doom: "..."

He said MMP and couldn't hold it back.

"Fuck Fuck!"

After several repetitions, Victor Von Doom knew that he was in trouble.

In front of the opponent's inexplicable equipment, he was just a younger brother who was at the mercy of others.

"Okay, tell me."

"What exactly do you want to do?"

"What do you want from me again?"

"But I have something to say first."

"If you think you can control me with this thing."

"If I become your puppet."

"That's an idiot's dream!"

"Even if I die, I will not be controlled by you!"

Natasha Romanoff shrugged again.

"Who said I want to control you as a puppet?"

"We're here to help you."

"Help you become Emperor of Latvinia!"

"Lead your motherland to the top of the world!"

Latvinia is a small country in Europe.

The area is small, the population is only about 500,000, and the economy is mainly based on agriculture.

On the whole, it is just the population and area of ​​an ordinary county.

Moreover, Latvinia is still a monarchy.

Everything in the country belongs to the king.

The king is the complete dictator of this country.

Victor Von Doom was obviously interested, but he was completely distrustful of Natasha Romanoff.

"Who are you?"

"Why can you help me do this!"

"You don't think it's that easy to be a dictator, do you?"

"This is a world ruled by powerful villages."

"Yingjiang will not allow someone to do such a thing on their territory."

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