"The legends of werewolves and vampires are very old in human history, but almost no one knows their true origins!"

"Lin, my brother-in-law, since you have agreed to my test, you must know some knowledge in this area."

"We and the werewolves were once the followers of the ancient demon gods, and our origins can be traced back to millions of years ago, or even billions of years ago, not long after the ancient demon gods were born on Earth."

Ares was holding a goblet, and the liquid in the goblet was as red as blood.

In fact, it was indeed blood, and the blood of a virgin, but perhaps because he did not want to have another dispute with Lin Qiming, he did not absorb the virgin blood of ordinary humans this time, but found the Hagui tribe in the town of Lansing and accepted their pious offerings.

Tiffana naturally knew some of the origins of the family, but she didn't know much about werewolves.

So she sat on her man's lap and listened very carefully. After all, the next test to be completed was to kill 38 werewolves. Knowing yourself and the enemy can kill the enemy efficiently.

"Brother, please continue. What happened next?"

Hearing his sister's urging, Ares drank another mouthful of the sweet and fragrant virgin blood, savoring the fragrance of the blood in his mouth before continuing.

"At that time on the ancient earth, many of the ancient gods' clans fought each other for territory and food, such as bird women, tree spirits, bats, flying demons, goblins, snake people, etc. Bats were the ancient ancestors of the blood clan."

"Later, a large part of history was submerged in the great war between ancient gods and demons. Many clans were defeated because of the massacre, and some were expelled to the more marginal desolate land."

"Around 20,000 BC, werewolves rose briefly. Relying on the characteristic that people bitten or scratched by them could also turn into werewolves, they expanded their tribe madly and challenged countries such as Valusia and Atlantis, and were cruelly hunted down by these countries."

Lin Qiming couldn't help but smack his lips when he heard this, and sighed that the ancestors of the werewolves were really fierce.

He didn't know much about Valusia, but in many Marvel movies he had seen before crossing, Atlantis was very powerful. Not only did the physical fitness of the people far exceed that of ordinary humans, but in terms of technology, they had been able to use nuclear energy tens of thousands of years ago.

"Around 18,000 BC, most of the werewolves died in a catastrophe. No one knows the truth behind the catastrophe. Perhaps it was caused by forbidden weapons used by Valusia and Atlantis."

"Hundreds of years after the disaster, there are records of aliens coming to Earth. They captured many ancient werewolves. After countless experiments, they created modern werewolves. They reorganized the souls and genes of the captured ancient werewolves through advanced alien technology and inserted them into the genes of pure humans."

"This hybrid created by science and technology is our current mortal enemy, the werewolf race Greysire, and the werewolves under Luciliane are just a branch of this race!"

After listening to the ancient secrets of the werewolves, Tiffany became more and more curious about the origin of her own race.

She stared at her brother with burning eyes, picked up the decanter beside her, poured a full glass of virgin blood, and said with a look of curiosity

""Brother, please tell me about the True Ancestor and the Bruh clan. I really want to know."

Ares glared at her, thinking that his sister didn't know the importance of the matter.

The reason why he told so many werewolf secrets was just to make his brother-in-law not worry about killing innocent people when he killed them, and his silly sister thought he was telling a story.

"Tiffana, don't mess around. Wait until your brother-in-law passes the test and I'll tell you what I need to tell you!"

"Lin, you just need to remember that although modern werewolves have human appearance, they are no longer human. When their emotions fluctuate extremely or on a full moon night, they will transform into bloodthirsty werewolves. Killing them is not killing people and you don't need to feel guilty!"

"Werewolves have tough bodies and are extremely powerful. They have self-healing abilities that are not inferior to ours. Most physical injuries can be healed in a short time, but they are very vulnerable to silver and fire and cannot heal quickly!"

After saying this, Ares put down his wine glass and clapped his hands.

Two tall men in black came in from outside the door. They were wearing thick deerskin gloves and each held a tray. On one of the trays was a silver-white long sword and a foot-long silver-white dagger. On the other tray were two pistols and two boxes of silver-plated bullets.

"This is the silver-plated weapon I prepared for you. If you don't like it, you can change it!"

Ares pointed at the tray and said, signaling the three to choose weapons.

Lin Qiming could naturally see that the pistol was prepared for Tiffany, while the long sword and dagger were the weapons for himself and James Howlett. The elder brother-in-law was obviously making it difficult for him.

However, he was not angry, but naturally walked to the tray with the long sword and dagger, threw the dagger to the young Wolverine, and picked up the long sword himself.

"OK, Ares, the story is over and the weapon is in hand."

"Now can you tell me where the target is?"

Ares ignored his sister Tiffana's rolling eyes, took out a map from his arms and spread it on the table, pointing to a town on it and said,

"One of Lucilean's bases is in the town of Kent, in a tavern called Midnight Horror, which has about 100 werewolves."

"It is about 110 kilometers away from here. If we set out now, we will arrive at nightfall, which will be convenient for Tiffany to move with you!"

Lin Qiming nodded, took the pistol and the silver-plated bullets and took a look.

This is a percussion-capped revolver with a hammer and a revolver. It has only been on the market for three years. It was invented by Samuel Colt, a famous American firearms inventor, and it is also the world's first revolver. There is nothing much to say about the two boxes of silver-plated bullets. The bullet body is made of brass, and only the bullet is coated with a layer of silver. If Tiffany is careful, she will not be hurt by the silver-plated bullet.

"Okay, Tiffany, James, let's go!"

"We will go home as soon as we finish this test. After being away from Edmonton for so long, I miss my little clinic and the authentic Daxia cuisine."

Lin Qiming handed the revolver and bullets to Tiffana, stood up and waved to James Howlett.

The three of them said hello to Ares and strode out.

After passing through a long underground secret passage, it took them a while to open the secret door of a hotel room and walk out. They rode the horses prepared by the blood servants and galloped towards the town of Kent.

They ran from the sunrise to the sunset. During this period, they took two breaks to feed the horses with water and food. The three of them also ate some dry food and continued on their way. Of course, Tiffana's food was different from the two of them. She hugged Lin Qiming's neck and took a big sip before she was full.

A town of not too large appeared on the horizon. After running for another 2 hours, the group arrived at the town of Kent when the moon appeared.

The peculiar combination of a man, a woman and a child attracted the attention of many residents as soon as they entered the town.

However, the three people who were skilled and courageous did not care. Instead, they calmly led the horses while walking and searching for targets, their eyes sweeping over the shop signs on both sides of the street.

"Someone is following us, and the smell of carnivore hair is too strong!"

Tiffana shrugged her cute little nose and couldn't help but lower her voice.

Lin Qiming shrugged indifferently and replied in the same subtle voice

"Don't worry, dear. We are here to hunt werewolves. It would be better if they come to us, but I don't think they dare to transform and kill people in public!"

James Howlett was about to look back when a big hand pressed his head

"Don't touch the little guy, or you'll be in trouble if you alert him!"

"Keep walking forward and pretend we didn't notice."

The three men ignored the person following them, which made the follower doubt himself.

After a while, Lin Qiming found that the stench of animal fur that he had been smelling disappeared. He took the opportunity to pass by a hotel and pretended to ask the boss a question and adjusted the angle. Sure enough, he didn't see anyone following him anymore.

"Sir, do you want to stay in this hotel or not? 3p a night is already the lowest price!"

"I can guarantee that no one in this town will offer lower prices than me, and the security in my store is the best, because my brother-in-law is the sheriff!" The fat and bloated innkeeper looked uneasy, and his cunning eyes could not stop looking at Tiffany.

His wretched and greasy expression almost made the little vampire princess so angry that she drew her gun and shot, and it also made Lin Qiming murderous. He suddenly thought of a plan to kill two birds with one stone.

If the fat guy was not lying, maybe he could use a series of tricks to kill someone with a borrowed knife and divert the trouble to others, so that the sheriff of the town and the werewolves would be at odds, and then those beasts would not be able to retaliate.

Thinking of this, Lin Qiming winked, signaling Tiffany not to get angry first.

"Since you, boss, said it so well, please give us two rooms!"

""It's six pennies in total. Is that right?"

He took out a handful of coins and threw them on the dirty counter.

The innkeeper rubbed his carrot-like fingers and nodded, put the coins in his greasy pocket, and took out two keys from the drawer beside him.

"202 and 203 on the second floor, you can check in now. Check out at 6 am tomorrow."

"If you exceed the time limit, even if it's just one minute, it will be counted as the next day, and you will have to pay me 6 pence at that time. Remember this."

Lin Qiming didn't waste time talking to him. He took the key and led Tiffana and James Howlett to the second floor. After finding room 202 and opening the door, the three of them couldn't help but frown.

A strong musty smell hit their noses. The dark blue mold spots in the corners were disgusting. The simple furniture was covered with a layer of dust, as if no one had lived there for several years.

"WTF! Damn that wretched fat guy, he's really a black-hearted profiteer!"

James Howlett was so angry that he yelled out the dirty words he heard from Old Howlett.

"There is no need to be angry with him, because he will see God soon!"

Lin Qiming patted his shoulder, his tone as cold as the Antarctic wind.

He was already unhappy with the innkeeper's vulgarity, and now seeing the poor environment of the room, his murderous intention was even more determined. This kind of profiteer who made money by relying on nepotism has no right to continue living in the world.

"We'll go out and ask him later where the Midnight Horror Tavern is."

"We will go hunt the werewolves when it is late at night. After completing the task, we will return to the inn and kill this disgusting fat man. We will disguise his death as being killed by a werewolf and let the sheriff and the werewolves fight each other!"

Tiffana nodded fiercely, her little fists clenched tightly.

"Well, let's do it. Killing him with one shot is a bargain for him!"

After discussing the plan, the three of them closed the door and went back downstairs.

The hotel owner thought they were not satisfied with the room environment, so he spoke at a very fast speed.

"This store does not provide any refunds.……"

Lin Qiming waved his hand, smiled and asked

"No no no boss, you misunderstood, we just feel bored and want to find a bar to drink and relieve our boredom!"

"This is also our first time in Kent. I wonder if there are any fun pubs here?"

He looked like he was looking for fun, which made the innkeeper relax. After thinking for a while, he showed a lewd smile and rubbed his carrot-like fingers.

Lin Qiming threw a 2-pence coin over speechlessly, and the innkeeper shook his fat head and said

"The most famous bar in the town is the Midnight Horror Tavern, which is located on another street not far from here. Turn left for 600 meters and then turn left again for 300 meters. They have gypsy dancers from Western Europe, who have sexy bodies and beautiful faces, especially their slender waists that can kill people when they dance!"

After finding out the exact location of the target, the three of them ignored the innkeeper.

Soon they followed the owner's instructions and came to a tavern with an old facade. Judging from the flow of people coming in and out, this tavern is doing very well.

""After we go in, James and I will be in charge of close combat, and Tiffany, you will assist us remotely!"

Lin Qiming whispered, pushed open the door of the tavern and walked in.

Tiffany and James Howlett did not hesitate, and followed him into the noisy tavern.

Many drunken men hugged the scantily clad gypsy dancers, drinking strong liquor while touching and eating the tender tofu with their big hands. Sometimes, if they fell in love, they would go into the toilet, and soon they would play the symphony of human reproduction.

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