American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 79 Allen’s Poison Ivy Robin

"Old man."

Alan's face squeezed into the frame, waving hello to Steve.

Steve subconsciously raised his hand to press the cut-off button, but Allen quickly stopped him: "Don't hang up. If you dare to hang up, I'll go straight to Stark Tower to find you."

Suddenly, Steve stopped what he was doing and asked helplessly: "What's the matter?"

For a moment, the rest of the people in the base were shocked.

They really know each other.

"Explain to them who I am."

Alan stood with his butt akimbo, waiting for Steve to say his famous name.

"You are Allen."

Steve couldn't figure out which one was involved. They were all mixed together, so they didn't know each other's details.

Allen reiterated: "I mean, my identity in SHIELD, during World War II."

"During World War II?"

Steve recalled: "SHIELD weapons expert, commando member, what's wrong, what's the problem?"

I have read the almanac, and I don’t understand the point of re-editing it.

"Na na na... you all heard it, I didn't say anything nonsense."

Allen proudly pointed his nostrils at everyone, almost wanting to write the word "awesome" on his face.

Bruce was not surprised. They met in the League of Assassins. Logically speaking, Allen should be middle-aged at this time, but as a result, he still looks like a teenager, which shows that there is something wrong.

But it can actually be traced back to World War II.

Under normal circumstances, he would be in his seventies or eighties.

Because Captain America is frozen, his body remains unchanged, mainly due to the super serum.

SHIELD conducted a comprehensive physical examination on him and concluded that the Dionysus factor played a big role, otherwise he may not be able to be successfully resurrected.

Eric was extremely shocked. From World War II to the present, Allen has been a veteran of S.H.I.E.L.D., and Director Fury must be respectful to him when he sees him.

Damian looked disappointed, not seeing the expected scene.

As for Lillian, she can ignore it, no one cares about the change in her expression.

"Sir, have you seen Kiba?" Allen asked casually.

Steve sighed: "Bucky's situation is very bad. He has been living in hiding, worried that Hydra will find him and control him to commit crimes."

"You can try bald Professor X. His psychic abilities may be able to help." Allen suggested.

"Maybe, you might as well give it a try."

Steve said: "I didn't hang up beforehand."

The screen is interrupted.

Stark Tower.

Tony Stark, who was hiding aside, said happily: "Fortunately, he didn't mention the Stark Industries shares."

When Howard founded Stark Company, he gave Allen 30% of the shares. If it were put now, it would be worth tens of billions.

However, after multiple rounds of financing dilution, the remaining 15% of the shares are currently managed by Tony. Only by combining his own shares can he have full control of the huge business empire.

"Don't think about him so much. How can you say that Allen is your uncle?"

Steve's words made Tony almost vomit blood from depression.

If Allen is an uncle, Steve is also in the same generation, and he will become a junior directly.

"You have such a venomous mouth, did you learn it from him?" Tony asked carefully.

"Not much, just a little."

Within the base.

Allen has no idea that he is a billionaire.

The matter of shares has long been forgotten and has not been taken to heart at all.

At that time, he didn't take it seriously and went through a series of things that he completely forgot about.

"Aba, I have a piece of information. Vampires may lock citizens in suburban warehouses. Please analyze which location is suitable."

The authenticity of the information about the female vampire needs to be verified, it's just one more trip.

Bruce pulled out a map of Gotham City and compared the information to analyze the possible location.

Allen explained the whole story, and then added more words: "My love betrayed the same kind for me, and watched the sunrise with me, even giving up a long life, just to pursue a moment of sweet memories, this one The feelings are too heavy, too overwhelming."

Clenching his fists, Allen tried to squeeze out tears.

Damian guessed the correct way to open it: "I'm afraid you're not forcing people to watch the sunrise."

"Hey..., you kid is so naughty."

Allen's face suddenly felt dull and he retorted: "Damn girl, you don't understand love."


It's so hurtful.

He actually called me a dead girl.

Damian's face turned red with anger, and he held back a sentence for a long time: "You will always imitate Batman, and you will never have Robin by your side."

"I don't have Robin!?"

Alan's eyes widened and he repeated, "I don't have Robin!"

His expression seemed to be stimulated, and his eyes looked back and forth.

At this moment, Lillian cast her gaze and watched with interest the madman and the child bickering.

By chance, eye contact occurred inadvertently.

Allen looked at Lillian with a mean smile on his face.

Oops, coming at me!

Lillian turned around quickly and pretended to be busy. With a glance, Allen was already beside her and asked in panic: "What are you going to do?"

"Robin, my Robin, Jie Jie Jie..."

Allen let out a breathtaking laugh and stretched his hands to his armpits.

"Eren, calm down. We have no grievances. Please don't do anything excessive."

Lillian kept retreating nervously, while Allen pressed forward step by step, with an oil pen already in his hand.


It's a pity, how can a female class resist Allen, whose strength is measured in tons.

Allen was seen drawing on Lillian with an oil-based pen, and after a while he said with satisfaction: "My Poison Ivy Robin."

Lillian looked aggrieved because Allen drew a black eye patch on her eye socket.

so awkward.

What a shame.

Robin is the most annoying.

Lillian covered her mouth, she wanted to cry but had no tears and was hopeless.

Damian, who witnessed the whole process, grinned in disgust.

This can be considered Robin, so what does he count?

Sure enough, the world of mental illness is incomprehensible.

"There's a clue."

Bruce completed the analysis and marked locations suitable for imprisoning citizens.

"There are three positions. It is clear that we want us to split up and defeat them one by one."

Allen squinted his eyes and said proudly: "I am very clever and can see through the other party's conspiracy at a glance."

"It may be divided into three warehouses. I have invited Green Arrow to help."

Bruce, who has always been cautious in doing things, has considered alerting the enemy and causing the vampires to take drastic actions, so he invited like-minded friends.

"Green Arrow is coming to Gotham, wouldn't it be pretty exciting?"

Allen couldn't help but look forward to it: "It would be great if Her Highness the Princess could come. She must have been heartbroken after I left for so many years. Oh, my damn and addictive charm."

"Who is Her Majesty the Princess?" Bruce asked.


Bruce said in disbelief: "You know each other?"

"Is there anything strange? During World War II, we both worked together in the commandos. It was natural that we developed feelings for each other. I was the first to land on Paradise Island and go back to my parents' home to meet my mother-in-law. Is there any problem?" Allen said happily. .

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