【Time goes back to a few days ago.

A young man with brown hair, purple-black lipstick on his lips, and extremely non-mainstream clothes appeared in the classroom of Class 3 of the junior high school of Zhongcheng High School.

Then, in front of the whole class, this young man with strange behavior randomly selected a student in the class and made an extremely high-profile announcement.

If the student he selected died as expected four days later.

Then the students of the entire junior high school class 3 will get their own death notice like the selected student.

When hearing the announcement of this young man with strange behavior, the students of the first junior high school class 3 did not care at all, and they all thought it was just a trivial joke made by a mentally ill patient.

But no one expected that after four days, the tragedy really happened.

The student who was originally selected suddenly let out an extremely violent and unbearable scream during class, and then blood rushed out of the noses of these"five, six, three" students without any warning like a flood.

Then within just a few minutes.

His heart stopped beating, his life came to an abrupt end, and he left this world completely.

And with this horrible tragedy.

The students of Class 3 of the junior high school of Zhongcheng High School woke up from their dreams and realized that what the young man with strange behavior said before was actually true.

And this means that the shadow of death has completely enveloped them like a thick dark cloud.

As for the subsequent development of the matter.

Just as the young man with strange behavior said.

As time passed ruthlessly, the students of Class 3 of the junior high school of Zhongcheng High School soon lost their lives in despair under the death notices.

Among them was the teenager at the beginning of the video, who had received his own death notice four days ago.

And at the moment when he learned that he was about to die, the teenager endured countless unspeakable fears and heavy pressures in these long four days.

In the end, he could only leave this world forever in endless despair.

Johnny Stone and Reed had actually launched a targeted investigation as soon as the first student died.

They hoped to stop the young man with strange behavior from continuing to brutally kill innocent and poor students.

But unfortunately, neither of them found any useful clues.

In the end, they could only watch this group of students, who were still in their prime, die tragically in endless despair and extreme pain.

And this is the fundamental reason why Johnny Stone and Reed showed such expressions. 】

In the coffee shop next to the Washington Monument

"Ah, I really can't stand it. Is there any way to let this group of Gurongi come out of the seal in advance? I will use my hang glider to tear this Gurongi into pieces!!"

Although the light curtain has not yet completely shown that the young man with strange behavior is a Gurongi, Sam Wilson still made a quick judgment based on his intuition, and then gritted his teeth and let out a low roar from the depths of his throat that was so angry that it was difficult to conceal.

Steve Rogers, who was also in the coffee shop, also had this situation. He looked at the figure of the young man flashing on the light curtain, and his eyes flashed with a murderous look that was even stronger than when he faced the Red Skull.

No wonder he felt so angry.

It was really that this Gurongi, who had not yet shown his own weird attitude, was too hateful!

Obviously, this Gurongi monster was able to easily kill those students who were still in their prime. There is such a painful killing!!

But he chose not to do so.

Instead, he used the most torturous method to start the ritual.

Let the group of students, drowned in endless despair and extreme pain, welcome their own death.

How cruel is this!!

At the same time.

Other viewers who were watching the light screen.

When they saw the adolescent students in the picture, they left this beautiful world forever amid the grief-stricken cries of their relatives. They all felt an irrepressible anger burning from the bottom of their hearts, like a prairie fire, spreading rapidly.

Then, they expressed their opinions on the Internet. (To read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

——"Don't think about it! This is definitely the work of Gurongi!! Red, you must cut this Gurongi monster into pieces!!"

——"This bastard! He actually targeted those underage children! This is really an unforgivable crime, unforgivable!!!"

——"Ahhh! Why have Officer Johnny and Red been investigating for so many days but still not found any clues about this Gurongi monster? He has been rampant for so long!"

——"Don't worry, those students' sacrifices will not be in vain!! Later, Red will definitely find him and give him the most miserable and fierce death!!"

——"That's right! The last person who threw objects from a high altitude was kicked to pieces by Red's Divine Sense. Ascended Knight!!"

Amid the discussions of countless viewers, the image on the screen flashed rapidly like lightning, and soon skipped this part of the memory, returning to the normal timeline to continue playing.

【In the picture........

After the last call ended,

Johnny Stone continued to investigate the case, and this time, he quickly got an extremely important clue.

That is, a female student who had just received a death notice chose to jump off the building and commit suicide.

According to his understanding of the ritual of the Gurongi monster, people who committed suicide should not be included in the number of sacrifices required for the ritual. This means that the young man with strange behavior must find a new target to make up the number of sacrifices.

And by chance, he learned that there was a student in the third class of the junior high school department of Zhongcheng High School who had just transferred to the school, so he had no contact with the young man that day.

It can be inferred that this transfer student is very likely to become the next target of the unconfirmed life form No. 42.

Realizing this, Johnny Stone immediately contacted Reed and informed him of the information.

The scene suddenly changed.

Just as Johnny Stone and Reed drove their cars and rushed to the transfer student's home address at lightning speed[]

The young man with strange behavior had already quietly groped his way into a luxurious villa like a ghost, and quickly knocked the father who wanted to protect his child unconscious. Then he walked leisurely towards the mother and child in front of him.

Facing this vicious and unconfirmed life form No. 42, the mother was so frightened that she was shaking all over. Although she was full of fear, she did not hesitate to protect her child tightly behind her at the first time, and then shouted at the top of her lungs.


"Why do you have to do this kind of thing!??"

"Why do you do this?"

Hearing the mother's cry, the young man's mouth corners slowly lifted up, outlining a creepy smile:"Hehe, of course it's because the more fearful and painful you are, the happier I am in my heart!"

"After all, there is nothing in this world more beautiful and melodious than the shrill cries of you Linduo when you fall into the abyss of despair, like the music of nature."

After that, under the cover of waves of invisible waves that are difficult to detect with the naked eye.

The young man's body began to undergo frightening changes, and finally completely turned into a monster that looks like a porcupine, with white vertical hair, dark blue eyes, and iron-blue armor all over the body.

And he is the unconfirmed life form No. 42 that the police have been searching for but have never found.

Porcupine Gurongi - Gogarakida! 】.

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