American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 159: great dennis

  Chapter 159 The Great Dennis

  In the garage where Tommy lived, the hood of the old antique C2 was opened. Tony was leaning his upper body in to check the condition of the parts, while Tommy took out different tools from the toolbox and handed them to him according to his brother's request.

"I don't think I'm a material for reading, Tommy, I may be more like my father, I didn't inherit the wisdom of my mother. When my mother was alive, there were always various ways to solve the problems at home. You are obviously the better of the Hawke family." The one like mom." Tony took the wrench handed over by Tommy, unscrewed a screw and threw it aside, and took the opportunity to look at his brother and said.

Then he continued to bend down and busy: "I mean, I would like to help you, but I don't have a smart brain like yours, and I haven't even finished high school. What's more exaggerated is that if you give me a copy of the U.S. without the place name map, I don't even know where Maryland is on the map."

Tommy picked up the cracked old screw and played with it in his hands: "The U.S. Naval Academy, the U.S. Air Force Academy, and West Point Military Academy, according to the relevant Congressional Acts, U.S. senators, representatives, and congressional representatives have two exemptions for admission each year. Quota, as long as the recommender is between the ages of 18 and 24, in good health, and is a citizen of the United States of America. If you meet this requirement, you can enroll with the recommendation letters of those big people. It’s amazing, right? This is the magical America, go to him Mom's grades, that's not important."

   "Are you talking about college or joining the army? It sounds like the recruitment conditions are the same as the conditions for recruiting soldiers in the United States." Tony changed the screws, straightened up and looked at Tommy, and asked with some doubts:

"Could it be a lie, maybe they lied to you that they could let me go to college with a letter of recommendation, but in fact they threw me directly into the army and sent me to those military bases overseas to wait for mold, after all, politicians often cheat people's business."

  Tommy threw the screw into the trash can in the corner, and his aim was a little off, hitting the bucket and making a noise.

He twisted the black oil stains on his fingers and said to Tony: "Actually, there is a little difference. Without a letter of recommendation from a congressman, you can only be tricked by the government into joining the army. However, with a letter of recommendation from a congressman, You can go to the Naval Academy to study, and the time you study in the Naval Academy will also be counted towards the service period. From the day you enroll, you are already a naval officer. Although you are a midshipman, those who have no letters of recommendation are moldy in various bases. If you are a soldier of the same age, if you have the opportunity to see you, you need to bow to you obediently and call you, sir."

"That is to say, with the letter of recommendation, even if I am illiterate, I can still enroll as a college student and a trainee officer? Will I not be expelled from school because of poor grades?" Tony showed an incredible expression as if he had heard a fairy tale: " It's so **** weird, me? A guy who dropped out of high school and can't even spell the word Navy, can go to college and become a Navy officer..."

Tommy smiled and nodded: "As long as you don't commit rape, trafficking, murder, treason and other crimes against the laws of the United States during school, basically you won't drop out of school, and you won't drop out of school with poor grades, because you There is a small additional clause on the recommendation letter to distinguish people like you from those guys who are admitted to the naval school by their own efforts. The additional condition is that you need to accept the Navy enlistment after graduation and serve in the Navy for at least three years. Because you were recommended because you were determined to serve the country and protect the great America, so you got this opportunity. No matter how bad your grades are, the Navy will not let you go in vain. They will find opportunities for you to contribute, even if it is just Let you help the Navy fix cars."

   "I went to repair cars for the Navy? After finishing college, I did the same thing as I didn't go to college? Then what did I waste four years for?" Tony couldn't help laughing when he heard Tommy's words.

"No, I won't let you fix cars after graduation. You only need to stay in school for four years to get the rank of warrant officer. After four years, I will help you arrange a good position. Every promotion you have in the future will be arranged A good position, I will do my best to help you prepare enough chips to impress your officer, now it is 1984, in my fantasy, you will be a captain in ten years, a colonel in twenty years, and thirty years later If there is no better development, maybe I can only be a poor general, if the development is good..." After thirty years, Tommy did not continue, but handed Tony a beer, and then transferred topic:

"Of course, the future is too far away. If you go to the university to report, you must make the SSD fraternity members of that school like you and treat you as a brother who is willing to trust and make friends. Don't worry about spending money to maintain friendship. You are not short of money. Take those people to a party, go for a ride, lend them money, and don’t even need them to pay back the money, just let them always respect you, the most generous and righteous brother, and let them have a certain opinion on something you propose one day in the future Can't say no, that's all."

  Tony took the beer and took a sip into his mouth: "An organization like SSD is called a gang if it is on the street, but it is only called a fraternity in college. Can I understand this?"

"Of course you can. You have to become a core figure in the university gang called SSD. After I finish investigating the information of SSD members in the Naval Academy, I will give you a list and tell you who you need to focus on maintaining relationships with." Tommy helped He opened a beer by himself, looked at Tony and said.

  Tony lowered his head somewhat disinterestedly: "Actually, I am going to school for you, right? You decide everything about me. I am those puppets in the circus. You hold a few strings to manipulate me to walk."

"I finished reading a best-selling book called "Twenty-Four Billys" some time ago. The author is Daniel Case. There is nothing in the story that attracts me. It is said that only a wise man with great wisdom can manipulate and change the fate of himself and others, and the execution of the plan can be left to the fool who trusts him. I don’t want to manipulate you into a clown, Tony, I need your help, I need your help Believe me, what I want to manipulate and change is the fate of the Hawke family. The prerequisite for changing the Hawke family is that the Hawke family can only have one brain responsible for thinking, and the rest are responsible for execution." Tommy walked up to Tony and raised his hand. With the beer in his hand, he looked at his brother:

"I know it's uncomfortable to let others make decisions for you, but the Hawk family can't go on like this forever. Your and Ashley's children inherit your garage or your father's shipbreaking yard? Stay in Warwick , Repeat your childhood and mine? The Hawk family, you can change your life and your social status."

Tony picked up the beer and touched Tommy, then took a sip into his mouth, and said with a smile: "So, the United States needs an officer who doesn't know how to spell the word navy to guard it? This is the best thing I've heard this year. Laughing joke."

"My business will grow bigger and bigger. When the size is large enough, even if I don't do anything wrong, trouble will definitely come to my door, so I need the protection of powerful people. If possible, I hope that the people who protect me, It's my brother." Tommy looked at Tony, spoke slowly, and said seriously.

Tony looked down at the beer in his hand, then looked up at his brother in front of him, he hesitated for a moment, and then said seriously: "You know, my dear brother, I'm not interested at all in what you said earlier , but you're right in that last sentence, if trouble comes to you, your brother will always stand in your way, yes, I mean, I will, from the moment you were born in the Hawkes, It is my duty to protect you."

   "Thank you, brother," Tommy said to Tony.

  Tony let out a mouthful of alcohol, digested the news that he was about to become a college student and a trainee naval officer, and then asked with a smile: "Seriously, Tommy, does your business that relies on selling software or books to make money need to be so complicated?"

"I'm not in business. I'm a country farmer who grows mushrooms." Seeing Tony's face relax, Tommy also heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "Do you know how to grow mushrooms? Feed them the most shit, put They hide in dark corners, quietly waiting to be harvested."

  After listening to Tommy's words, Tony thought about it for a while, but he still didn't understand. He raised his head and looked at Tommy: "So it a mushroom or a **** shit?"

   "Try not to mention that you are Italian. You can take the initiative to reveal that you are German. This identity is easier when socializing in military academies." Tommy did not answer Tony's question, but changed the subject.

   "So, what am I supposed to do? Get some textbooks, do your homework, and get ready for school?"

   "That's right, first you have to go home and tell Dad and Ashley that you are going to college, and then just wait for the recommendation letter and acceptance letter to come to your door." Tommy said to Tony:

   "I will help you transfer 200,000 yuan first to pay for your communication with SSD members. If it is not enough, please call me anytime."

  Tony couldn't help but widen his eyes when he heard this number: "Two hundred thousand? Going to a bar to drink is enough for me to take a group of people from college entrance to old age."

"When you go, you will know that 200,000 yuan is just the basic communication fee for a year to socialize with those people. If anyone needs your help, call me, and I will help you decide whether to help him, and then... "Tommy patted Tony on the shoulder, before finishing speaking, outside the garage, the servant Dorothy came over with a cordless phone:

   "Mr. Hawke, I have your call. It's Mr. Dennis Herbers."

"Okay, thank you for reminding me, Dorothy." Tommy took the call from the other party: "Hey, Dennis, you should have had a good time in Los Angeles these days, right, otherwise why have you been... What? What the **** are you doing? You can't... just ask yourself, I'm not God, I can't save you, not only can't save you, I'm even **** thinking about how to explain it to the outside world, so that they can believe that I don't know you! Stupid*! I'm're a **** genius, Dennis! I always tell other people that Dennis has a brain comparable to Einstein's, wait for me, I will rush over as soon as possible."

   Waiting for Tommy to hang up the phone, Tony asked Tommy curiously: "What happened?"

"That guy Dennis wandered around, ran to El Monte in Los Angeles, and played a cameo coach for a team at a community children's football game." Tommy sighed, closed his eyes and thought for a few seconds before speaking Said.

  Tony asked puzzled: "It sounds like this guy finally did something meaningful, so why were you excited just now? He beat up the coach of the opposing team?"

"No, it's worse than that, that idiot sleeps the mom of 3 kid players within 6 hours of the game, that community is a military community and the ones who are all alone are **** active duty stationed at various bases American military wives, you know what I mean? I'm trying to raise money for veterans and my best friend is **** their wives." Tommy opened his eyes and said to Tony:

"When the three young mothers were chatting with each other, they found out what this **** had done, so they teamed up to detain him there, and asked him to compensate them for the loss of being cheated. The old, ugly women of the community lined up to enjoy him and make money off of him as a cowboy."

   "So Dennis asked you to rescue him?" Tony frowned slightly: "My suggestion is to wait for him to be **** by ugly girls for a week before saving him."

Tommy shook his head: "No, he saved himself, just asked me to do a little favor, hoping that I would take out the money and lend some principal to those women, and he promised that those women would pay me back the money, and then I He did a really good job of finding out.”

   "What's the matter? *American soldier's wife did a good job?" Tony asked with a complicated expression.

Tommy let out a heavy breath: "Dennis is going to let them buy prescription drugs by mailing the drugs for their military husbands. Because of their special occupations, soldiers have a higher chance of suffering from various mental diseases, so it is more convenient for soldiers to buy medicines, and To prevent themselves from being unable to integrate into the social environment, the U.S. military law allows family members to take his case to the pharmacy to help buy it for them. They can buy more prescription drugs than ordinary people and do not have to worry about the investigation of the Drug Administration. That is to say, as long as Dennis If he is willing, he can immediately become the largest drug dealer in the El Monte military community, and all military dependents are his subordinates."

"Then what are you going to do?" Tony felt a little regretful when he heard that Dennis hadn't been raped by the ugly girl. He put the empty beer bottle aside, turned around and walked back to the car, and continued to check the car. asked.

  Tommy held the phone and muttered to himself: "I want to stop him, I know what bait I should let Jim use to attract powerful people."

After thinking about it for more than ten seconds, Tommy called Jim Manzi: "Jim, I think of a more sincere plan, the prescription drug assistance plan for soldiers, in simple words, soldiers and their families There should be discounts or reductions for the purchase of prescription drugs, and the method should be more convenient. I thought about it, military executives, ordinary soldiers, congressmen, and pharmaceutical companies will all like this plan, what do you think?"

"How the **** did you come up with such a cruel plan?" Jim listened on the phone, took a breath, and then blurted out: "All soldiers become drug dealers? Buy prescription drugs in large quantities with discounts or discounts, and then sell them Sell ​​it to those in need at black market prices?"

  Tommy looked towards the front yard of his house outside the garage: "We are just helping them. As for what they do with the medicine, all of us can do nothing. After all, America values ​​freedom, and we have no right to interfere with them."

   "Yes, everyone is happy, everyone likes this plan, except the original drug dealer." Jim smacked his lips and responded: "I will design it based on this idea, goodbye."

   "Being a soldier's wife, and tricking her into becoming a drug dealer." Hanging up the phone, Tommy walked out of the garage, suddenly feeling better:

  "Dennis is definitely a talent to be a president. The people need him to lead the United States to greatness and immortality."

   The first update, let’s scroll down and continue coding~ Fight for today’s 4D, and make up for yesterday’s delayed update due to the child’s fever~



  (end of this chapter)

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