American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 172: welcome to your tv station

  Chapter 172 Welcome to your TV station

  New York, One World Trade Center, 83rd floor, KeyBank New York Headquarters.

In Ottilia's office, two stylists stand against the wall, staring at Ottilia who is sitting at the desk, smiling and talking with Heidi, an interview reporter of the well-known American women's magazine "Glamour", always keeping an eye on each other The details of makeup, exchanging opinions in a low voice from time to time, reminding myself how to adjust the details of her makeup after the interview is over, before the photo is taken, so as to ensure that Ottilia’s image will add some independent temperament in the shots that the magazine will shoot later, at this moment The Ottilia looks a little too soft.

  In fact, there are more than these four people in the office. If you zoom out a little, you can see the entrance and the opposite corner of the office. Two cameras are working, silently recording everything that happened in this office.

  However, Ottilia, her assistant, or everyone in KeyBank has become accustomed to seeing the camera follow her lady wherever she goes.

   "If you were asked to define your own identity, how would you define it?" Heidi held the recording pen in her hand, looked at Otilia opposite her with a smile, and asked.

  Otilia thought for a moment: "Working woman, yes, I am a working woman."

   "I thought you would pay more attention to publicizing and emphasizing your independence or charity activities. Why did you simply describe yourself as a working woman." Heidi continued to ask curiously.

Otilia said seriously: "I'm just doing a job that I should do, that's all, it's not great, it's not independent, on the contrary, people see Otilia Farrell Go to Africa, Europe to do some charity activities, in fact, she is not the only one doing it, many people are doing the same thing as me, and this kind of thing is not great, but everyone will do it, because I believe everyone Good people, if they can, will do it."

   "Do you think working women who are independent of men can be understood in this way?" Heidi thought about a short play and asked Otilia.

   "I'm just temporarily independent at work. I have a boyfriend, and I rely on him a lot in my life. He will help me take care of the two adopted dogs in his spare time." Otilia said seriously to Heidi:

"In fact, I found that the longer I work independently, the more I rely on him psychologically. I look forward to finishing a stage of work and then ushering in a vacation, meeting him, vacationing with him, and traveling, so I Just an ordinary woman."

   Seeing Otilia's expression, Heidi nodded understandingly, but then paid attention to her relationship: "Wouldn't men and women in love prefer to be by each other's side all the time?"

"He has his job, and I have mine. Although work will separate us, it will also make our lives more fulfilling. More importantly, it will make us realize that we must cherish every moment we spend with each other. One minute." Otilia said to Heidi.

   "Before this interview, I got some information about you, Ms. Farrell, collected by my colleagues, and then I found a very interesting situation. Your boyfriend is called Tommy Hawk?"

"Yes, that's right."

   "You used to be his high school teacher."

"Uh... I don't have a teaching certificate, I don't have a teaching position, I just have an administrative position, but we did meet for the first time when he was in his last year of high school, but we didn't have a teacher-student relationship. We didn't try until he was in college. contact."

"Tommy Hawk was also a man of the computer software industry at a certain time, when the newspapers called him a software industry thief, but soon he disappeared, so is he still in the software industry? "

"Are we really going to focus on my boyfriend in an interview with a women's magazine? I don't think that's a good idea." Seeing Heidi asking about Tommy's recent situation, Otilia couldn't help but He smiled and asked Heidi: "This is too strange."

Heidi also laughed: "Well, in fact, there are still many people who know your boyfriend's name, but he has been very low-key in the past two years, and people don't have the latest news about him. Let's get back to the topic, Farrell Miss, I noticed that many of KeyBank’s charitable projects are placed abroad, do you have similar charitable projects in China?”

Ottilia nodded: "Yes, there has always been. We have made experimental attempts before, mainly in Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami and other places, providing small income to low-income people who are blacklisted by the financial system in these areas. To encourage them to get out of the predicament, the attempt has been very successful so far. Many people rely on KeyBank’s loans and good repayment habits to change the bad situation. As far as I know, there are at least dozens of people in California who have even Low-income people who earn less than 100 yuan have now started their own companies and recruited other low-income people to provide them with jobs to maintain their lives. This is what all colleagues in KeyBank hope to see. I In addition to accepting interviews this time, another arrangement is to go to Los Angeles, California to listen to the experience of those successful people and see if their successful experience can be replicated in Africa or Europe."

"Speaking of accepting interviews, how about why you accepted an interview from "Glamour" magazine? I mean, your assistant has rejected me more than a dozen times in the past year, but the editor-in-chief of the magazine suddenly rejected me last week. Inform me that you will accept my personal interview."

"Uh...sorry Heidi, I've been out of the's embarrassing to say, because Ms. Dana Conder, owner of Glamor Magazine, called me to chat about her ongoing charity to fight drought in Africa Project, let me give her some ideas, I said I can donate to her project, but she insisted that I co-initiate it with her, she thinks that maybe my experience in the past few years can give this foundation some experience, and then... because This kind of project requires three sponsors, so after a long discussion between the two of us, we sent an invitation to Ms. Hillary Clinton, the chairman of the New World Foundation, and she did not refuse us. I am very happy that we invited her. Therefore, the Well of African Mothers That’s how the foundation was formed.”

"Me, Ms. Dana Conder, the owner of Glamor magazine, and Hillary Clinton, the chairman of the New World Foundation, the three of us met at the headquarters building of the New World Foundation in New York. When talking about this foundation, Ms. Dana Conder Said the three of us were going to tell American women what we were going to do and maybe there were other ladies who would join in, she said, Glamor magazine was hers, the first interview with Mother Wells in Africa must not be cheap other media...yes Yeah, I'm not sure about her schedule, all I can say is, maybe one of the latest Glamour, there will be three character interviews in a's crazy, isn't it? When Dana brought it up, I Laughing with Diane (Hillary), that issue is bound to be scolded for being misprinted."

   "So, in addition to me visiting you, my colleagues may also be visiting my boss at this moment, and the wife of the Governor of Arkansas?"

"That's right, the title of my interview is called "Charm", and the title of Diane's interview is called "Independence". Dana helped us pick them all up, but the two of us also helped her pick up the title of the interview, called "Immortal" , the overall title of the three interviews is called "Three Women."

   “So, what is Mother Africa’s well?”

"Ensuring that every mother in Africa has clean and convenient well water is a long-term project. KeyBank will donate 5 million in the early stage, New World Foundation will donate 3 million, and Ms. Dana Conde will donate 10 million. It is our upfront disposable funds, which are predicted to provide clean and sanitary water for hundreds of thousands of African mothers."

   "It's a great cause that deserves the admiration of each of us. So what is your preliminary plan for this project?"


"Do you know how much money KeyBank gave away in order to send your wife to the New World Foundation, the stronghold of the American New Left, Tommy?" Jim Manzi looked at the office environment of BT TV station, his mouth was full of displeasure Complaining to Tommy Hawke:

"Five million, but also to help Hillary Clinton hang up the title of co-founder at the African Mother's Well Foundation, and promise that if her husband comes out for election one day, we will provide a sum of no less than two million Campaign funds in exchange for Otilia's status on the board of the New World Foundation."

   "You always have to find enough like-minded people before you can start a business. Doing business requires capital investment, Jim." Tommy said to Jim:

"Civil rights, political rights, environmentalism, feminism, same-sex rights, racial equality... Every political movement advocated by the New Left is actually a business. They know it, and we know it too. When traditional capitalists have already dominated other money-making industries, if you still want to earn some extra money with both fame and fortune, it is the smartest and safest way to use this extensive political movement to expand your wallet. Don’t pretend to be stupid and tell me you not understand."

"Understood doesn't mean I won't feel bad. You people always move your mouth and spend a lot of money one after another, but I can only be busy running around trying to get those money back. I'm so tired... It's been four days since I thought of going to bed with a woman..."

   "How about being a mascot in Lotus?"

"I have to admit that although I am tired, I earn enough, and the social level of the people I deal with is much higher than that of software sellers and program developers." Jim sat on the boss chair behind Tommy's desk, feeling The comfort brought by this chair: "Actually, Ottilia joined the New World Foundation and the company paid five million. Do you know how I convinced the board of directors?"

   "That's not something I should be thinking about."

"Hillary's husband, Bill Clinton, the governor of Arkansas, eliminated the sales tax on drugs for people over the age of 55, so we will open six branches in Arkansas to support low-income people around the state of Arkansas. We started a business with the welfare bill, and according to the predictions given by the model, we will be able to make this money back from Arkansas in about nine months.”

"While you are in Los Angeles, it is another thing to call you here. KeyBank and BT TV need to cooperate in some public welfare projects. That is, through our programs, you will give loans to some black people in need, which will help Raise the profile of the bank."

Jim put his legs up on the table and shook: "So, if those black people can't pay back, can I sell their debts to Big Jack and the others? They are really good at collecting debts and lending money. Black people wear gold and silver It makes me very uncomfortable, but the three brothers and their great mother, even if they have gold teeth, I will not be jealous, I just think they deserve it."

   "Whatever you want, I am only responsible for introducing customers and advertising. As for how KeyBank operates, I will not interfere. You can leave if there is nothing else to do. Someone will come to see me later."

   "I guess it must be a woman."

   "No, it's a black man. The reason why you took care of Ottilia last week is also a little bit because of him. He accounts for about 10%?"

Jim put his feet off the table, and said with some doubts: "You are unlikely to marry Otilia to him, right? And then you actually said that sending Otilia to the New World Foundation, and A black person has something to do?"

   "Of course, I even thought about the name of the child Otilia gave me, Jim, how could it be possible for Otilia to marry a black man?"

"Papa papa~" Jim stood up from the seat and clapped his hands: "Goodbye, wish that black overseer good luck for me, I'm glad you were a human being when I **** met you, and I'm even more glad that I am a human being." White man, Tommy."

   "That's right, thank you for your praise and compliments, I know that in your heart at this moment, I am already a perfect righteous person..."

  Jim walked out of Tommy's office without looking back: "F*ckYou! Righteous Tommy!"


"Mr. Hawke, I'm Earl Rush, you can call me Earl." Earl Rush looks like the most honest and reliable black friend around him, with neat and white teeth, and a simple and kind face Smiling, he held out his hand to Tommy.

  Tommy shook back slightly with force: "Delia didn't say that, my friends usually call me Tommy? Mr. Earl Rush."

   "Okay, Tommy, you have such a strong grip, and you exercise regularly?" Earl withdrew his palm, made an exaggerated hand shake, and said to Tommy.

Tommy smiled and greeted the other party into the living room of this villa where Martin was the only employee for the time being: "Actually, I just recently started looking for a fitness trainer to help me make a fitness plan, because I know that many black people like to exercise, this may allow us There are some common themes."

"Racial stereotypes are everywhere, it's the fault of this country, I was in law school, like you, I thought every white guy who got good grades was **** because all my black friends said so Yes, so I went to ask about it, and my white classmates thought it was mentally handicapped.” After hearing Tommy say that black people like to exercise, Earl Rush talked about his impression of white people in college.

   "So, give me some advice, should I fire that fitness trainer? Her salary is still a bit expensive." Tommy waited for Earl Rush to sit down, looked at him with a smile and asked.

Earl looked at Tommy with warm eyes, and said helplessly: "The message you conveyed is a bit big. For a while, I don't know whether you want to fire her or want me to give you a reason to keep her, Huo Mister K."

"Okay, I see." Tommy laughed, and after Dorothy brought the drink and took his leave again, he continued to say to Earl: "Delia should have introduced you to me and the BT TV station. Some situations, some of my needs, right?"

  Earl Rush nodded: "Yes, Ms. Keith introduced some of your situation."

"OK, let's skip the small talk and talk about topics we are all interested in, such as why do you think I should hire a lawyer instead of a professional manager to manage the TV station?" Tommy took a sip of the juice in hand , looking expectantly at Earl Rush.

  Earl Rush didn't answer right away, he just smiled and looked at Tommy, watching Tommy sip the glass of coconut juice, until Tommy put down the glass, he slowly opened his mouth:

   "Because it's not business, it's politics. What you need is not a black manager to help you increase your money income, but a black politician to help you grab political benefits?"

   "Then do you think that you, who failed to run for the Oakland City Council seat, will be a qualified politician, Earl?"

"Of course, it's not surprising to lose to the Republican Party. California is the stronghold of President Reagan of the Republican Party. As long as you give me this stage to increase your popularity, the Democratic Party will give me a chance to nominate within the party. I think, this is my job, or in other words, cooperate?"

"Well said, but lacking in depth, Earl, as a late blooming lawyer, you've said that very well, but still not enough, but enough for us to move on to the second topic, such as CBS, NBC, ABC The three major TV networks all lean towards the Democrats and liberals, in your opinion, which position should BT TV take?"

Earl laughed like he was self-deprecating: "The Black Panther Party, the Democratic Party, if I say that BT TV is best to support the Republican Party, it means that I have changed my position three times. If I were a businessman, of course I think the Republican Party is the best choice. It is convenient for cooperation and profit, but I am not a businessman, so I think the value of black people is that they are not in a hurry to express their positions, so it is more convenient for both parties to bid, and everything can be negotiated."

   "If you manage BT TV, what will you do after it starts broadcasting?"

"I'm not good at program production, but if the program is successful, with a small-scale ratings popularity, and the return of funds is normal, then I will find an ordinary TV station with a similar ratings as a target, create an opportunity to annex it at a low price, and grow BT."

   "You did a lot of prep work."

   "So, Mr. Hawke, is my guess right?"

Tommy stared at the blank space for a few seconds before looking back at Earl: "If it's a lie, what you said is impeccable. If it's the truth, Earl, you are just a child of tens of thousands of people. The level of mayoral candidates in cities.”

"Very well, because I said that on purpose. You exposed me instead of continuing to praise me against your will. This makes me believe that you are not going to treat me like a puppet. After all, my answer just now sounds like a perfect Puppet." Earl also looked at Tommy with a smile:

   "Political and business negotiations must go both ways, right?"

"Are you married?"

   "I have a white wife who has been married for seven years and has a good relationship."

   "I suggest you change to a black wife, because my woman is a board member of the New World Foundation, she will not recommend another white woman to join the foundation, going both ways, what is my attitude?"


   "Then maybe you'd like to raise your candidacy a little bit in my opinion?"

"Use the TV station to gather black groups first, and then trigger black conflicts at an important political node in California. After attracting everyone's attention, we will perfectly quell the conflicts and prove to everyone that we have a strong enough sense of social responsibility. At the same time, tell Those potential collaborators, BT's leadership for black people."

   "Before you were only a candidate for the mayor of a small city, but now, you are a candidate for the mayor of a big city like Los Angeles."

   "I think the level of the mayor of Los Angeles should be enough to manage BT TV station."

   "Of course, welcome to your own TV station, Earl."

   It's much better. After a week of fluid infusion, the symptoms have been relieved by half~ I finally survived again...



  (end of this chapter)

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