American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 186: Help others

  Chapter 186 Helping others

   "Old guy, your TV station is really famous now." A black policeman looked at Chapman-Tanger's office, and said to Chapman with gray hair and bitter face:

"If your TV hadn't been playing those **** songs last night, the Big 10 wouldn't be smashing the poor man's eyes out for scrap, and he wouldn't be terrified and hiding in a fancy LA hotel right now, I have nothing to say except greeting you with swear words like crazy, by the way, a friendly reminder, Big10 is looking for a lawyer to seek compensation from you, because he is worried that this incident will damage his reputation and affect the release of subsequent albums."

Chapman is just a music teacher in an ordinary elementary school. In his fifty-seven years of life, he has never done anything bad. He listened to his parents and studied hard. A music teacher, married a wife and had children. When his son grows up, he doesn’t need to continue to take care of him. He can finally spare time to do something he likes, which is to set up a small music TV station and share his favorite music. Songs, and BHH TV station was also thriving under his careful care until last night.

All the El Camino blacks who watched BHH last night witnessed their own BHH TV broadcasting songs that humiliate blacks in prime time. As low-level blacks who have not received any good education, they reacted very directly after being humiliated That is, Chapman's car was set on fire that night, and several violent elements even ran outside their TV station and shot and threatened themselves to get rid of themselves, the sinner who betrayed the black race.

   As for the Big10, who were supposed to return home last night, they suffered an unwarranted disaster. The young man chose to leave immediately after encountering this kind of thing. Unfortunately, the sports car was smashed before he could get out of El Camino.

"I really don't know anything, Officer Ed, the signal of my TV station has been illegally hijacked... Those songs are not my intention at all. As a native black man, how could I play such songs that insult my race! "Since last night, Chapman has been repeating this sentence to the police who dispatched the police.

   It’s just that the police are not professionals. They don’t know what signal hijacking is. They can get a very positive answer from other people, that is, the old guy Chapman used the TV station to play songs that humiliate black people.

"Listen, Mr. Tanger, the reason I'm here, suppressing the rage of black people, and staying inside as much as possible, is because I want you to cooperate with me, go to the police station, and provide the police with information about the accident you mentioned last night. Some necessary help." The policeman opened the small notepad in his hand, and while recording Chapman's words, he said unhappily:

"Although there is no law that black people cannot play such songs that discriminate against black people, but Mr. Tanger, you'd better cooperate with us obediently, otherwise I think those people outside who are forced to listen to the songs played on your TV station will find you at any time, Talk to you personally about what anger is."

Earl Rush came in from the door in a royal blue suit, and said to the black policeman who communicated with Chapman in a questioning tone: "I think you, as a policeman, you'd better understand first. Consequences of talking to ordinary citizens in this tone in front of lawyers, Mr Inspector."

   "Who the **** are you?" The policeman turned his head, looked at Earl Rush at the door, and immediately snorted disdainfully after seeing that the other person's complexion was the same as his own.

Earl spit out the gum in his mouth, took out a business card from his suit pocket and threw it on the desk in front of the police and Chapman: "Earl Rush, a nigger, a **** lawyer, a fellow **** A **** lawyer who solves **** troubles."

   "Sir... I... I didn't call..." Chapman glanced at the business card on the desk, and said nervously, "I'm sure I haven't called to consult with lawyers."

Just kidding, the fees charged by lawyers are sky-high. These favored sons from law schools can earn money in an hour that many low-level **** can't earn in a week. Chapman doesn't want the other party to earn a few hours of fees from himself. .

   "Don't worry, Mr. Tanger, we don't have a contract, so I won't rush to charge now." Earl laughed: "I just came here to tell you that you are innocent in this matter."

  The police officer named Ed picked up the business card and looked at it for a few seconds, and asked Earl: "The other party doesn't need a lawyer, so you are here, are you going to be a guest salesman to promote the latest sanitary toilet?"

"The signal interference last night was an accident, Mr. Tanger, it was my client's unintentional act." Earl saw a box of throat lozenges on Chapman's desk, and walked over to pick it up, while He said casually: "They realized that they caused trouble for you last night, so they asked me to come over and explain clearly, and apologize to you and seek your understanding."

"The most important thing you should do now is to ask your client to report to the police immediately, Mr. Lawyer." The policeman stepped forward, snatched the throat lozenge from Earl's hand, put it back in place, and said with a straight face .

  Ear was not irritated by the opponent's actions, but laughed more and more disdainfully: "So, today is April Fool's Day, are you kidding me?"

   "What do you think?" Officer Ed moved his face in front of Earl dissatisfied. It seemed that if Earl dared to speak to him in this tone, he would let the other party see the execution of the police.

Earle opened the briefcase and threw a stack of documents from it on the desktop: "This is a copy of my client's radio license. They are protected by US law and can freely use broadcast signal transceiver devices, as long as they do not involve commercial use. huh? Looks like you can't understand, if you can, you should be a college graduate, not just a poor policeman who graduated from high school, but Mr. Tanger should understand, there is him in this file last night Specific data such as the type and power of the transceiver device used."

Chapman picked up the file and opened it, and then nodded weakly and relieved: "Yes, the signal transceiver device of this file is more advanced and powerful than that of my small TV station in terms of power and model. Later, it was this type of transmitter that was working near BHH, hijacking BHH's low-power channel is very easy, and you don't even need to deliberately, BHH's transmitter is from the 1950s, and this document is the latest model product."

After he finished speaking, he looked at the policeman again: "So, Officer Ed, you heard it. The lawyer's words should also prove that I have nothing to do with the sudden incident last night. If you want to pursue responsibility, you should ask the other party parties."

"No, no, I only know that your TV station played those songs, which made the local audience very dissatisfied. Who knows if this lawyer is an actor you hired on purpose, Chapman, I know you old guys can always come up with various It’s a trick to avoid the trouble of the police.” The policeman stared blankly and innocently, and after several repetitions on Chapman’s and Earle’s faces, he gave his own judgment:

   "I don't care how you act, in short, stand up now and follow me to the police station to cooperate with the investigation obediently."

Earl looked at Chapman, who looked embarrassed and didn't want to get up and go to the police station, and spread his hands: "Do you need help? Mr. Tanger, you only need a verbal authorization, and there is no fee. I am willing to help you deal with it." This policeman, I can help you get rid of him first, and then we can talk about how my client can get your understanding."

   "Then I will trouble you..." Chapman glanced at the business card again: "Attorney Earl Rush, I authorize you to help me with this matter at this moment."

Earl Rush turned around, picked up the landline on the table, glanced at the work ID pinned to the policeman's chest, then pressed the hands-free button, and dialed a series of calls that made the policeman's eyelids twitch. Number, soon, a cold male voice came from the phone:

"here it is…"

  Ear interrupted the other party, and said directly: "Officer Gibson, I guess you must miss me very much, that's why you let your subordinates come to see me."

   "Earl, Earl-Rush..." Chapman and policeman Ed in the room at this moment could clearly feel that the man on the opposite side heard Earl's voice and immediately came to life.

   It was like he was slumped on a chair lazily before. Hearing the lawyer's voice, the man opposite him immediately sat up straight, holding the phone receiver with both hands, and his voice was full of disbelief.

   "Answer me, your subordinate is going to take my client to the police station in front of me. Do you miss me so much?" Earl continued to ask with a smile.

  The tone of the police officer on the opposite side was a little dazed and angry: "Which idiot did this? Didn't I give them a list of the top 100 black gangster lawyers in California before? You are ranked thirteenth, a very conspicuous position."

   "Ed, Ed Finch." Earl glanced at the policeman's work ID and reported the other person's name.

  Officer Gibson on the opposite side directly called his subordinate's name: "Ed, are you there?"

   "Yes, sir." Ed reluctantly agreed.

   "Very well, the case you are investigating is that Lawyer Rush's client colluded with the Soviets to resell nuclear weapons, or sold American secrets to aliens?"

   "No, sir, it was a small black TV station that played insulting songs to black people last night, and I suspect a hip-hop singer was attacked as well..."

   "Black people insult black people all day, nigga, I'm a nigger, and I call you a nigger, please, is that an insult?"

   "No, sir."

"Now, obediently make an appointment with the other party. If the other party is willing and has enough time, invite the other party to the police station as a guest. After all this is done, bid them farewell politely, and then go back. Don't find these lawyers to blackmail the police Police opportunity, **** it, the LA County Sheriff's Department just had a meeting, lawyers have extorted over three million dollars from the police department in the last year, I don't want the latest extortion to appear in my precinct, understand? If you're not going to be a cowherd to help me earn back my losses, just accept my team obediently."

"Yes, sir."


"Very well, it seems that you don't need to see me today, Mr. Gibson, see you next time." Earl Rush pressed the hang up button and looked at the police: "Would you like to tell me now that your officer is also An actor brought in by Mr. Chapman-Tanger?"

  The police finally pursed his thick lips and looked at Chapman: "Mr. Tanger, if you are free and willing to cooperate with the police, you can call me, goodbye."

  He turned around and walked out the door in frustration, and couldn't help complaining as he walked: "Maybe my boss is also an actor. It's common for lawyers to lie and deceive people, isn't it?"

   "Remind you, lawyers never lie outside the courtroom, officer." Earl said with a smile as he watched the other party leave.

   After the police left, Chapman breathed a sigh of relief, but Earle put on a straight face: "Sir, you have caused a lot of trouble. You should know that lawyers never show kindness in front of ordinary people."

   "Big trouble? But... that was just an accident, and the information you just gave can also testify for me, Mr. Rush." ​​Chapman said puzzled.

Earle shook his head: "It's just to scare the bottom of society like the police. Do you think Big10 will believe it is true? I received news that he hired another well-known black lawyer and is going to sue you and your TV station. , of course, including my client, both of us are innocent, my client was just experimenting with signal transmission technology, and you just happened to start broadcasting on the TV station at that time, two things that were not wrong happened at the same time, resulting in For this accident, do you think you can spend 150,000 yuan as legal fees, and prepare 2 million yuan as compensation after losing the lawsuit?"

   As soon as Chapman breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes widened in shock at the two numbers that came out of Earl.

"Looking at your expression, it's obviously not very optimistic." Earl lowered his head and sighed, and then looked at Chapman again: "My client Stanley Jack is a TV broadcaster, and he plans to set up a small TV station by himself. That’s why he recently debugged signals and the like, and if you don’t object, I can give you the safest suggestion to avoid your losses.”

   "What advice?"

Earle said in a calm tone: "Let my client use his advanced transmitter equipment to invest in BBH and become a shareholder of BHH TV station. In this way, two defendants become one defendant, and I only need a lawyer to deal with it. You need to hire a lawyer yourself and partner with me to do repetitive work, and we are not interested in interfering with the normal operation of BHH, as long as you let Mr. Stanley-Jack experience the addiction of signal transmission, if you think I am joking, we You can sign a formal contract and use the law to bind each of you to perform the contract, please believe that I just like to help others."

"I don't think this is a good idea, Mr. Rush, I..." Chapman shook his head and rejected the proposal. He didn't want his TV station to have other people who could affect the operation, but before he could finish speaking, the phone rang stand up.

The phone rang, Chapman picked up the receiver, and an indifferent male voice came from the phone: "Mr. Chapman-Tanger? This is Mr. Ron Hody's legal adviser, who is known as Big10, Sutherland- Campbell Law Firm, I am calling at this time to ask for the detailed address of your TV station, and I have ensured that you can receive our lawyer's letter, may I ask..."

   "Wait a minute." Chapman hung up the phone and looked at Earl Rush: "It's just a minority shareholder, and it won't interfere with BHH's daily operations?"


Ed Finch got into the police car depressed, started it and drove out two streets, then stopped to take out a cigarette and lit it depressedly, the co-pilot's door was opened, Bernard, the eldest of the three Big Jack brothers, sat up, Looking forward blankly.

   "Who the **** gave you the courage to get in my car, nigger?" Ed asked Bernard with a cigarette in his mouth, turning his head fiercely.

  Bernard also turned his head, with the same murderous look on his face: "Hey, Tiaozi, do you believe that within ten seconds, I taught you the ridiculous posture of holding that cigarette with your butt?"

   "Just like what you did to those idiots in the Men's Central Prison?" Ed finished disdainfully, but then smiled, and raised his broad palm to hold Bernard together.

  Although Ed was in Chapman's office and suspected that Earl was an actor invited by Chapman, in fact, he was the invited actor.

He is a member of the Compton Executioner, a police agent gang. In fact, although the local blacks were excited last night when they saw the song insulting blacks on the TV station, it was not a big deal. It was just a simple accident on the TV station. The police show up.

   Even calling the police was done by the second child Stanley through the public phone, and then cooperated with the third child Josh to lead someone to smash the hip-hop singer's sports car, which gave Ed a chance to intervene and scare Chapman by the way.

  Bernard picked up a cigarette and lit one: "Is the old guy scared to shit?"

   "Of course not, Bernard, it's just a broadcast accident, and it's not that his wife gave birth to a white man, so it's not that scary." Ed said: "Speaking of it, why did you come to set up a TV station?"

"I don't know why. According to the boss's instructions, the boss introduced a **** man to us, and let us do what he said. The black boss likes to run a TV station, so we can only be happy with him. Of course, Stanley said that we must also It will be good," said Bernard, smoking a cigarette.

Seeing that Bernard refused to give more details, Ed did not continue to ask, but said another matter with some hesitation: "I know I shouldn't bring it up now, but I... Bernard, I still In other words, the payment from me and the other brothers in the police force may not be on time..."

   "Stop making trouble, buddy, we are a family, of course we can postpone it." Bernard took out his wallet from his pocket and handed him a stack of banknotes.

  Ed looked at Bernard suspiciously: "What is this?"

"The amount due, you can bring it back to me when the time comes, Stanley said, business is business, we can't let everyone think that someone can break our rules of repayment on time, I can pay for you in private, But you have to pay me back when you repay the money." Bernard said seriously to Ed: "Also, I don't have much time to go to the police force recently, I'm going to hand over part of the financial business to you, Ed."

  Ed took the money: "This is the benefit of working for the big shots, huh? You can even give up lucrative jobs like lending money to the police. Obviously, you are going to make a lot of money, Bernard."

"Then you'd better do everything according to my orders before I become a big shot, so that I can assure you that you will make a lot of money one day, instead of being a prostitute who can only find The **** cops who are rotten on the street." Bernard said with a smile and patted the other person on the shoulder.

  At this moment, the mobile phone in his hand rang, and Earl's voice sounded: "The old guy from this TV station has already been hooked, let's go to the next one to work, Big Jack."

  (end of this chapter)

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