American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 12 The world is dangerous

"That's okay too."

Hailey glanced at Chuck and replied to her father with a smile: "Chuck said, a bald head is more handsome than a bald one."

The bald director was so angry that he scolded: "Don't use your brother as a shield, how could he say this!"

"That's what I said."

Chuck is very upright.


The bald director was at a loss for words, but Chuck was not his child after all. Seeing his wife peeking over in the kitchen, he could only suppress the complaints in his heart and said with a bitter smile: "Chuck, Hailey is still so young and a girl. , is this really necessary?”

"Of course it's necessary."

Haili quickly answered: "Girls, don't say go out, even if you stay at home, you should pay attention to protect yourself, because perverts may come directly to your door at any time."

"If he comes to your door, you won't shoot him with a gun?"

The bald director asked, "This is Texas!"

"What about meeting on the road?"

Haley retorted: "I can't always bring a gun to school, can I?"

The bald director was speechless.

This is Texas, and only if everyone has a gun can there be chaos.

But even here, it is impossible for a girl to go to school with a gun.

"Also, even if there is a gun at home, what if the firepower is not enough?"

Hailey followed closely and asked another key question that is common to the whole world.

"You're simply being whimsical, and you don't have enough firepower?"

The bald director couldn't bear it anymore and said angrily: "Do you think we are going to fight?"

"Isn't there such a problem?"

Hailey hit the nail on the head: "You are the director of the IRS branch. I can't hide any purchases from you. Are gun purchases, especially high-power gun purchases, increasing in number?"

"That's the procurement from law enforcement agencies such as the police department..."

The bald director tried to refute, but under his daughter's gaze, he couldn't continue.

Because everyone knows that the fundamental reason why police stations and other law enforcement agencies have an increasingly strong demand for firepower is that criminals have increasingly powerful firepower.

In order to ensure their own safety, safety-first law enforcement agencies need to achieve fire suppression, and naturally they must continue to increase their firepower intensity.

"Hailey, don't worry."

The bald director said helplessly: "We are about to move to Washington, D.C., which is the capital..."

When he said this, he was interrupted by Hailey: "Chuck, you are a detective, tell me, is the capital better than other places, without perversion?"


Chuck continued: "Washington, D.C. itself is a place with a very high crime rate. Let's just talk about the most serious violent crimes. According to data from the FBI, there are 45.1 violent crimes per 10,000 people in Washington, D.C., ranking 22nd in the country.

It is only 60 kilometers away from Baltimore, which ranks first in the country with 98.6 violent crimes per 10,000 people.

It is only 200 kilometers away from Philadelphia, which ranks 19th in the country with 46.8 violent crimes per 10,000 people. "

"Did you hear that?"

Hailey smiled and said: "This is the data issued by the FBI. It must be relatively formal and conservative, and it is still a violent crime. What happened to the capital city? The capital city and its surrounding areas are simply the center of violent crime. It is not as convenient for people as here in Texas." People hold guns, Dad, tell me, should I learn some self-protection skills?"

"...What else can I say?"

After the bald director was stunned, he showed an expression of deep helplessness like George Cooper: "Otherwise I won't go to Washington, D.C.?"


Hailey waved her hand and said, "I don't want you to complain that I'm blocking your career in the future."

"Are you going to be transferred to the General Administration?"

Chuck asked.


The bald director nodded dullly: "Go to the General Administration and be in charge of the audit department. If I encounter someone as difficult as the Cooper family's little genius, I might need your help."

"Just hire me as a consultant."

Chuck nodded.

"I try my best."

The bald director finally suppressed his depression a little bit when he got down to business. He tried not to look at the playful and smiling face of the black-hearted little cotton-padded jacket, and said in a deep voice, "I'm afraid I can't give him much in terms of salary."

"As long as it's an interesting case, it's free."

Chuck stated his request.

Today, he earned his first pot of gold by relying on his reputation in the accounting industry. Later, he used his super IQ to invest in information about past lives and the future. He has already become financially free, and his future assets will also be He was improving steadily and rapidly. If it weren't for the fact that some things required long-term and large capital investment, he would have no interest in money.

Even so, relying on the detective's characteristic of "not opening for three years, and surviving for three years after opening" is enough to support all expenses without using high-quality assets.

After all, for such capable people, rich people's money is the best way to earn.

Therefore, he is willing to participate in any field that is interesting enough to stimulate the rapid growth of positive and negative points, even if it is free.

"I see."

The bald director was able to achieve this position, and looking at his hairstyle, you knew he was a smart man, and he immediately understood what Chuck meant.

Although he didn't know about Chuck's system or what the system needed, from the information he knew, he thought it was Chuck, who had severe autism, who was trying to find the meaning of life.

So he thought that whenever he encountered an interesting case in the future, he could not only ask Chuck for help, but also try to find Chuck for help, not even limited to the IRS.

Thinking of this, he tried: "Give me more of your business cards. When I get to Washington, D.C., I will come into contact with many more people than here. If there are any interesting cases there that need your consultant, you can choose according to the situation." Accept it or not, how about it?"


Chuck glanced at the bald director and nodded.

Now it seems that I made the right choice to come here.

A department leader from the General Bureau of Internal Revenue who had access to people at a very high level and who understood his needs and was willing to help was very valuable to Chuck.

The bald director showed a relieved smile.

Although Chuck didn't show any expression of gratitude, for someone like Chuck, it was a pleasant attitude to be able to accept his overtures.

"You guys have agreed, what about me?"

Hayley interjected.


The bald director's smile faltered. Looking at his daughter who could make him angry to death, he said angrily: "As long as Chuck agrees, I'll do whatever you want."

"Then it's settled."

Hailey smiled with satisfaction: "Chuck, when do we start?"


Chuck stood up.

If his need for Hailey's spanking was negligible before asking the bald director for permission, then after the bald director agreed and learned that they were about to move to Washington, D.C., he, like Hailey, couldn't wait for the spanking. .

This naughty kid really needs a few good spanks to let her experience the dangers of the world.

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