American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 39 Texans don’t lie to Texans

As he spoke, he did not chase him directly, but rushed into the container room, took a quick glance, then went out through the open window, and followed the security captain into the deep mountains and forests.

"Wait for me!"

Jane wanted to follow, but looking at the dead and injured on the ground, in a place where the signal was blocked and unable to call for support, she hesitated for a moment, and finally stayed to help the female police chief rescue the injured tribal police officers.

In the snow-covered mountains and forests.

The security captain was panting and running as fast as he could.

If he had planned to kill everyone in one wave, including Jane the FBI, he was confident that he could do this with his own superior firepower and tactical sneak attacks. However, after seeing Chuck's marksmanship, he first It was time to make a tactical retreat.

Very meow!

This is simply like encountering the classic gun-drawing technique in Western movies, fast, accurate and ruthless!

Fortunately, as long as he ran fast, in this unfamiliar mountain forest, no matter how fast he drew his gun, he would not be seen, and the bullets would not be able to catch up with him.

Thinking of this, he ran even harder.

As long as he escapes to Olson's house and relies on the power of the Olson family, everything will turn around. After all, they are doing things for Matt Olson.

He ran wildly for a long time, and just when he could no longer hold on, he looked back and looked again, and found that no one was chasing him. When he was about to take a rest and catch his breath, a figure appeared directly in front of his field of vision, looking at him leisurely.

"Don't come over here!"

The security captain was horrified, and while screaming, he subconsciously tried to raise the muzzle of his gun and shoot. However, when he saw Chuck's calm eyes urging you to be kind, and thought of the row of neatly fallen subordinates, he felt inspired and quickly raised the muzzle of his gun. Facing the ground, afraid of causing misunderstanding: "What do you want?"

"the truth!"

Chuck said calmly: "I'm just a detective. I only care about the truth. The rest has nothing to do with me."

"If I tell you the truth, will you let me go?"

The security captain hoped.

"It's the police and FBI's job to catch you, not mine."

Chuck reminded: "They will be here soon."

"Okay, I say!"

The security captain looked back, unable to fight again and again, and now he could only choose to believe in Chuck's character.

Things are simple.

They were originally just security guards for a team of drilling rigs. They lived a poor life and had nothing to say.

However, not long ago, the son of their company owner came here with a group of bodyguards to have fun and often hold parties.

Because these people make the boss's son happy, they are also lucky enough to attend parties from time to time, which is really a great enjoyment.

There was another party the night before.

In the middle of the trip, the boss's son saw that one of his bodyguards was missing. After asking, he found out that he had gone on a date in his shift.

One of the security guards said in a lemon-sounding voice that this bodyguard named Sean was really charming. He had charmed a local pretty girl named Natalie when he first arrived. He would probably do good things with them tonight.

The boss's son, who was having fun, suddenly became interested. He came over with the drunken people, and sure enough, he cornered Sean and a beautiful girl on the bed.

Sean and the others thought that according to custom, no one would make an appointment here tonight, but they never expected that this would happen. When they saw a group of people staring at their female companion, Natalie, with malicious intent, they reminded them to leave.

The boss's son, who was having fun, also became more interested and began to talk a lot.

Sean got angry and yelled at everyone to leave.

The other bodyguards also followed suit, but the security guards started making noises. The boss's son was a master who would kill people just to win the game of Brave. Now he was having fun. How could he tolerate his own bodyguard's attitude? After being coaxed, Sean directly lifted the quilt and started to touch and touch Sean's female companion, Natalie, who was only wearing pajamas.

As Natalie screamed for help, Sean became furious and wanted to kill the boss's son.

Other security guards rushed forward and held Sean down.

The boss's son scolded the bodyguards who tried to dissuade them, and said they would increase the money, and then he was completely taken advantage of.

Seeing that his companion didn't help him at all, but kept urging him to be more open-minded. She was just a girl he just met. Don't worry about it. Sean completely exploded. He bravely broke away from the crowd and laid on Natalie. The boss's son was pulled off and beaten violently while telling Natalie to run away.

Natalie was so scared that she didn't even wear any shoes. She ran out of the container house barefoot and ran as hard as she could until she choked on too much cold wind and caused blood to accumulate in her alveoli and lungs. The temperature was too low and her lungs were damaged. The blood in his chest coagulated, and he coughed up blood. After he fell down, he eventually suffocated to death on his own vomited blood.

"What happened to that Sean?"

Chuck asked calmly.

"I don't know either."

The security captain shook his head: "This guy is really powerful. Even though all of us couldn't capture him, we fired a gun later. He escaped after being shot. I heard that the boss's son has been sending people to search, but he still hasn't been found. "

"Okay, you can go."

Chuck interrupted.

"You really let me go?"

The security captain was shocked and confused.

“Texans don’t lie to Texans.”

"If you don't disappear within ten seconds, this sentence will no longer be valid," Chuck said.

"Texans don't lie to Texans! I'm leaving!"

The security captain shouted these words, took a few cautious steps, and then ran wildly into the woods, looking back from time to time, fearing that Chuck would shoot him from behind.

Chuck made no move and watched him leave, returning to the container living area.

Jane and the female police chief worked together to carry the last injured person into the car and were about to leave. Jane Chuck came back and immediately asked: "How was it?"

"Didn't catch up."

Chuck shook his head.

"He can't run away!"

The female police chief gritted her teeth and said bitterly: "Let's go back first!"

This time, their police station suffered heavy casualties. Not counting her, there were a total of 5 police officers. Three were shot dead on the spot and two were seriously injured.

You must know that this is most of the manpower of their tribal police station.

If it weren't for the quick and accurate Chuck gun, the tribal police station, including her, would have been wiped out.


Chuck nodded.

Jane looked at the corpses on the ground and had no objection. The three of them drove the injured quickly away to the hospital for treatment.

In the mountain forest, in an abandoned hunter's cabin.

A strong man was covered in filth, his chest and arms were simply bandaged with rags, red oozed out, and he stared at the fire with violent eyes.

"Do you regret it?"

A voice suddenly sounded.


The strong man was horrified, grabbed the tree trunk in his hand that was polished like a javelin, and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a figure coming out of the shadows, and its outline gradually appeared in the firelight. Who was it if it wasn't Chuck?

"Oh it's you!"

When the strong man saw it, his eyes became more violent, and he directly stabbed Chuck's chest with the homemade javelin in his hand.

Chuck casually grabbed the javelin, and when he saw the strong man becoming ruthless and determined to kill him, he ducked behind him and knocked the strong man unconscious with a knife.

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