American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 632: Master Shen Cha Ke’s special skills are used to control Shen Cha Ke!

"Lele, why are you going?"

The waitress Peggy was shocked. She saw the strong man running away and the short Lele running after him, and immediately shouted.

"Quick! We can take down this guy!" Lele said as he ran.

Seeing that the shortest Lele was chasing after him, even if Walter didn't want to catch up, he had no choice but to instruct the psychological master Toby to catch up too.

And he drove the fat young man Sylvester and the waitress Peggy and chased them around the road.

"Is this really okay?" After the waitress Peggy got on the bus, her heart was still beating rapidly and she looked out the window worriedly.

In her sight, Lele chased the strong man who installed explosives and didn't even look back after the explosion into the alley.


Anyone who has watched any TV series should know that it is a natural breeding ground for crime.

She was extremely worried that the strong man would suddenly stop and kill Lele first, then chase them over, kill them all, and then leave calmly.

It's not impossible.

The more she thought about it, the more worried she became, and she couldn't help but ask the fat young man sitting in the back row: "Sylvester, what is the probability of this?"

"..." When the fat young man Sylvester heard this question, his whole body felt bad. His fat face was trembling and he didn't know what to say.

As long as this strong criminal dares to turn around and kill their entire Scorpio team without the gun Kaibe, the probability is more than 99.9999%.

This is the combat effectiveness of a strong man without a gun.

Although in a free America, the probability of a strong man doing such a big thing without a gun is less than 0.0001%, this time he probably didn't have a gun.

Otherwise, he really couldn't imagine why the strong man with the gun ran away like crazy when he saw them?


But if you take a closer look at the fear on their faces, you shouldn't run away.

This strong man dared to play with bombs and killed many people directly. Why did he run away? Why didn't he dare to go back and kill them?

The fat young man Sylvester only felt that reality was so magical and absurd.

Fortunately, he was praised for being able to calculate all possibilities... He really couldn't understand this operation.

"This is a dead end!" Peggy, the waitress, warned in time, and then shouted at Lele who was climbing the fence to catch up: "Lele, stop chasing!"

Then Lele seemed to have immediately awakened to the mysterious power of the East. She sang and danced, no, with Jackie Chan-style agility, climbed the several-meter-high fence desperately, and still chased after him.

The waitress Peggy could only remind the stunned Walter to drive around and pick him up.

"Sylvester, call Cabe again and tell him to go faster!"

"Oh, oh!" The fat young man Sylvester has completely turned into a yes-man. He no longer wants to have his own thoughts and is afraid that he will pee his pants if he thinks about it too much.

Psychological master Toby relied on being on the streets for a long time and was familiar with the trails, so he was the last to arrive and blocked the fleeing man.


But as soon as he opened his mouth and stopped softly, the strong man saw through it immediately, and without any pause, he struck directly, knocking the psychological master Toby to the ground.

"Ouch." Psychological master Toby cried out in pain when he was hit, but he didn't feel so uncomfortable in his heart.

Because it's better to just ignore being knocked to the side than to take out a gun and kill yourself with one shot, right?

Lele ran past him, gave him a look of contempt, and continued to chase him.

The strong man ran through the alley and came to the road. When he saw Walter's car catching up, he seemed to remember that he had a gun and didn't need to run at all. He drew his gun and pointed it at the car.

"You have a gun, get down, get down!"

Peggy, the waitress, screamed in horror.

Walter also stepped on the brakes and stopped getting closer.

However, the strong man later realized that he was being chased by someone. He was so angry that he wanted to shoot and kill these bastards, but he didn't want to think about the fact that he was on the road, or at a fork in the road.

The big car coming behind him had no time to dodge and knocked him away.

Scorpio is free from danger.

But the old detective Kaibu and the others who arrived got angry.

Because this strong man is the specific executor, it is more valuable to capture the eloquence alive.

But now it is basically a miracle to be able to become a vegetative state.

"Well done, Mensah!" the African-American agent from the federal surveillance team taunted him as soon as he came over.

"Mensa? Please! Now even the star Liu Bei can enter Mensa!" Psychological master Toby came back angrily.

The Mensa test is the so-called IQ test.

"I'm going to put you all on record for obstructing the federal investigation!" the African-American agent said angrily: "Caib, you have really tied yourself to a group of troublemakers."

With that said, he left.

Walt wanted to communicate with the old agent Cabe, but the old agent Cabe was too tired to communicate.

The Scorpio Five could only return to the base in despair.

"This time our cooperation with Cabe is probably going to blow up." Walt looked at his decadent partners and said in frustration, "What's going on with us?"

"Do you really want to say it?" Lele, as the warrior with the highest combat power and the highest combat IQ among Scorpios, saw Walter asking and couldn't help but look at him.

"Now that it's like this, is there anything else that can't be said?" Walter said helplessly.

"This is what you asked me to say." Lele nodded: "I think we are completely trapped in an infinite loop!

who are we?

We are geniuses with high IQs, and what we play most is computer networking.

Now, as soon as you come up, let us benchmark ourselves against Detective Chuck!

no problem.

Because it is our honor and pleasure to compete with him.

But are we overestimating ourselves?

Look at the three cases we took on in partnership with the Department of Homeland Security.

The first one can be said to be the most suitable for us!

But what about the second one?

Biochemical hackers just popped up, and they are already crooked.

But now it's even better, let's directly confront the terrorists who are playing with bombs and guns.


We were bullied in Bahrain growing up and it hasn’t stopped until now.

So what gives us the courage to skip the bullies and face the bomb terrorists who even make the bullies weak in their legs and make them pee?

Just Detective Chuck can do it, so we who are benchmarking against him can try it as soon as we get started?

Sylvester, you do probability calculations!

Tell me, how high is our success rate when faced with such a task? "

"There is almost no chance of success..." The fat young man Sylvester was so frightened that he no longer cared about taking care of Walter, so he told the truth.

"Water, do you need me to continue?" Lele looked at Walter, who had an ugly face, and signaled whether he wanted to listen.

"Keep talking!" Walter gritted his teeth.

Lele had the experience of holding him back at critical moments, and he knew it in his heart.

The words were ugly, but they were beneficial to him.

"Most of these cases from the Department of Homeland Security are criminal cases." Lele continued: "And they are not small cases.

Even Detective Chuck first came into contact with these criminal cases by watching the microexpressions of jurors in the courtroom.

That way, you can be safe and you can learn more about the whole story of the crime.

Only then did he gradually come into contact with more direct criminal cases.

That's it, he is still taking on ordinary criminal cases and understanding more basic daily situations.

It is precisely because he is so strong, yet so cautious, and learns so step by step, that he has become the now omnipotent Detective Chuck.

But what about us?

Before working with the Department of Homeland Security, our combined real and criminal record was that we had all been arrested as criminals.


listen clearly!

We were the ones who got caught!

Not the arresting party!

Although a long-term illness can make a good doctor, and a mouse can turn into a cat, have we carefully summarized any experience?

Walt does.

This is how he caught us later.

But that’s just us.

As ‘hacker criminals’ like us, as long as we are stronger than the other party in the hacking field and lock the other party’s IP address, the battle is over.

This is what we do best.

But that's not what we are facing now.

What we are facing are major cases thrown over by the Department of Homeland Security, which are often biological and chemical attacks and bomb attacks. These are extremely horrific cases.

Do you know what I'm thinking about right now?

If the strong man with the gun had not chosen to run away, but had chosen to rush over, he could easily kill us all.

And this is just a warning.

Even if we were lucky enough to solve major cases again and again in the future and gain fame, as the fame spreads, we will not have the matching combat effectiveness.

Next time someone wants to commit a crime but is afraid that we will ruin their plan, will they find our base in advance and easily destroy us first?

Just like a DC reboot, the first one to be sacrificed is always The Flash! "

"OMG!" The fat young man Sylvester shouted out in horror: "Walter, Lele is right!

Every time it restarts, The Flash is sacrificed first!

Because he is too capable!

But there is no corresponding self-protection ability.

He was killed easily.

It's exactly like us.

Don't talk about us, even the detective Chuck has been assassinated many times, hasn't he?

What's his fighting ability?

What is our fighting capacity?

Even if that strong man wakes up today and comes back with serious injuries, he will most likely be able to destroy us together. "

Speaking of this, the more he spoke, the more frightened he became. He glanced around at the many glass windows in the Scorpion base, as if someone would jump in and kill them in the next moment.

"Please! His cerebrospinal fluid has been knocked out, how can he come here? Float here?" Psychological master Toby mocked.

"How do you know he's the only one?" Lele retorted: "What if he has an accomplice? Now that we've been exposed, won't they care about us?"

"Lele..." Waitress Peggy was also afraid.

She was terrified, and she was even more afraid that her son would often come here and call this place his home.

If this brawny man's accomplice came to find her, she couldn't even imagine the consequences.

"I just said there is such a possibility, not that they will come here now." Lele reassured.

“As highly intelligent people, we should anticipate this and take effective precautions in advance.

Batman, who always has a defense plan and a backup plan, is what we should emulate. "

"You mean to let us learn to explore Chuck?" Psychological master Toby said with some resistance.

He recognized it, but didn't agree with it.

Because Detective Chuck looks down on him.

"There are two options now." Seeing that Walter was also somewhat resistant, Lele shrugged and said: "The first is for us to give up cooperation with the Department of Homeland Security and start from scratch, starting from small things, to accumulate our capabilities and financial capabilities. .

The advantage of this method is that it is completely autonomous and does not need to rely on anyone.

But the disadvantage is that it takes a long time and there are too many variables.

It's very possible that our thoughts are wonderful, but the reality is that we have so many geniuses gathered together, but we can't even pay the utility bill, and we have to be chased by street gangsters.

The second is that we still cooperate with the Department of Homeland Security, but ask Detective Chuck to help us and be our mentor to guide us online on how to solve the case.

The advantage of this method is that we don’t need to give up everything we have now. We don’t have to worry about running out of money. By following the world’s best and our ultimate goal, Detective Chuck, we can learn the knowledge we lack most at the fastest speed and grow quickly.

The disadvantage is that we need to give up some of our unnecessary arrogance, and endure for a long time the detective Chuck's nagging remarks and never-ending hellish jokes to us.

But as long as we endure it, devote ourselves to learning, and train as quickly as possible, the time we will be humiliated will be shortened to the greatest extent.

Otherwise, given our current situation, we may be humiliated by Detective Chuck for the rest of our lives.

Or worse!

As we sink and achieve nothing, over time, we don’t even have the chance to be noticed and laughed at by him.

This is the scariest thing!

Isn't it? "

"..." The corners of the waitress Peggy's mouth twitched. Wouldn't it be better not to be humiliated?

But she could also understand what Lele meant, especially when she saw that Walter's face turned blue and white, and thought about how arrogant he was when she met Walter not long ago.

I didn't expect that I would be so embarrassed now.

Life only lasts a few decades. With Scorpio's super IQ, why can't they live a stable life? Why do they need to set such unattainable goals?

And now it is both dangerous and depressing.

It's not a brain circuit.

"Walter, I think Lele is right." The fat young man Sylvester looked at Walter cautiously.

"No matter what choice you make, we will support you! But the most sensible choice is to become a disciple of God Detective Chuck.

In fact, this is not a humiliation.

Only by standing on the shoulders of giants can we have the opportunity to see further and create achievements more valuable than giants.

We just need to take a longer-term view and not be limited to immediate gains and losses. "

Everyone was silent, just waiting for Walter's final decision.

Walter's face changed, and various fan-shaped emotions flashed ten thousand times. Seeing that the old agent Cabe seemed to have lost contact, he gritted his teeth under the expectant and encouraging eyes of the fat young man Sylvester and Lele.

"Okay! We can choose to cooperate with Detective Chuck and temporarily consult him to learn quickly, strive to catch up with him as quickly as possible, and then surpass him."

"So we are independent contractor consultants for the Department of Homeland Security, and Detective Chuck is our senior consultant for Scorpio..." Psychological master Toby only felt that there were countless flaws.

“This captures the essence of American layered outsourcing!”

Having said this, he couldn't help but laugh at himself: "Not only will this plan succeed, but it will also allow me to get more money from Kaibo!

At the very least, all salary, bonuses and benefits should be tripled.

The premise is that Detective Chuck agrees~"

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