America’s Treasure King

Chapter 41: gratified

Chinatown, Great Wall Antique Store, Mr. Zhao Zhiyun smiled happily after listening to Li Xiaoshuai's introduction.

"Okay, your senses are very sharp, and you are naturally suitable for playing antiques. Well, from today onwards, you can be said to be my apprentice of Zhao Zhiyun."

"Master" Li Xiaoshuai respectfully bowed to the master.

Then there was a long lecture, which started from the origin of Rabbit Porcelain to the end of the Qing Dynasty, from the difference between porcelain and pottery, to the identification of monochrome glazes and colored glazes.

From the control of kiln temperature, to the atmosphere of the kiln, and from the spread of ceramic patterns, to the shape of ceramics. While talking, he also took out porcelain specimens for comparison.

In this class, I talked for three or four hours before giving up.

Mr. Zhao said that he was exhausted, and what Li Xiaoshuai heard was that he was fascinated and learned a lot.

Before leaving, Mr. Zhao gave Li Xiaoshuai a thick copy of "History of Ancient Chinese Ceramics", "Porcelain in the Forbidden City" and several other books about porcelain, and also gave him several boxes of broken porcelain pieces, telling him to go ahead have a look.

It is said that if you look at it from a distance, you can see if it is true or false, and it is made by that dynasty.

Passing by Gardner's second-hand store, Li Xiaoshuai told the two old people in the store what happened a few days ago. The grandparents are also very pleased, and hope that Li Xiaoshuai will continue to have good luck.

Li Xiaoshuai went to Gardner's second-hand store not to show off. He wanted to reassure the two old people who cared about her that at such an old age, it's better to worry less.

When going out, Li Xiaoshuai looked at his mobile phone, and there were two messages on it. One was from his mother-in-law and asked him to go to the jewelry store.

The other was a short-hand from a second-hand website. He said that he was a coin collector, and he liked the Eo version of Mexican silver coins that Li Xiaoshuai posted on the website. He was willing to pay a high price of 22,000 US dollars.

I just hope that Li Xiaoshuai can keep the silver coins for a few days, wait for him to return from Europe in three days, and trade them immediately after meeting for appraisal.

Since he is a collector, Li Xiaoshuai is still willing to wait, so that he can have one more network. This kind of person has unique vision, and the price is relatively straightforward. Unlike ordinary people, who has to haggle for a long time to buy something, Li Xiaoshuai's patience is almost worn out.

In the jewelry store, Johnny Klute, the director of the store's acquisition department, had been waiting for a long time. Seeing Li Xiaoshuai coming in, the middle-aged man in his early 50s greeted him from a distance and said hello. "Li, congratulations on finding a treasure."

In the office behind the store, in the atmosphere with the strong aroma of Blue Mountain coffee, Johnny once again took out the piece of golden amber with small bugs picked up by Li Xiaoshuai.

"Li; thank you for your trust in our store. I want to buy this amber for 11,000 US dollars. What do you think?"

"Okay, a thousand dollars more than I expected."

"For the extra thousand yuan, we hope that you will take care of our store in the future. You still have a relationship with our store, right?"

Oh, the extra thousand bucks is to buy me, to keep supplying Martins with good jewelry. He said in his heart that as long as I can pick it up and the price is right, whoever sells it will not sell it. "Ok, no problem!"

"Thank you, thank you very much, Li."

Then Johnny praised incessantly, saying that Li Xiaoshuai is a man of great fortune, a top treasure hunter, and his future prospects are limitless. He also said that if you get rich, don't forget your old friends.

"Okay, okay" received the bank transfer, Li Xiaoshuai wanted to perfunctory a few words and then slipped away.

Who knew that he was entangled by a group of flamboyant young ladies and sisters in the store, and they all held on to Li Xiaoshuai, saying that he had made a fortune and that he must treat the sisters to an ice cream today.

Even the two security guards with guns at the door of the store stuck their heads into the store and said that they also wanted to eat ice cream.

Johnny, who was going out with the young handsome who wanted to give a gift, also said with a smile, "It's time for you to treat yourself to a meal, just Häagen-Dazs."

This stuff is cheap, you can get a Chase for a few bucks, and there's a discount on two barrels. Li Xiaoshuai looked at many people in the store, then took out 20 dollars and handed it to a young lady who was the most noisy, and asked her to do it for him. He had other important things.

In fact, he said in his heart that if there is time to talk nonsense, it is better to go home and read more books. Now accumulating knowledge is the most important thing.

Soon, Li Xiaoshuai started reading in the study.

According to the introduction in the book, take out the small pieces of wood for comparison, what kind of wenge, iron wood, huanghuali, red sandalwood and so on.

Until his mother came back, he woke up from the book. "Mom, give me your bank card and I'll send you money."

His mother asked, what do I want your money for?

"Yesterday, Elaine and I went to the Hell's Kitchen Antique Market, and we bought a few antiques at a very cheap price. We sold a small amount of 200,000 that day. I want to transfer this money to your card, which is our family. family."

"Really." The son can make a lot of money, and he knows how to honor his mother, so there is no reason to be unhappy when he is a mother.

Xia Huifang's happy face bloomed with a smile, and she said, "Okay, my son has finally grown up and knows how to save money. I'll save this money for you to pay for your marriage and marry a new wife. , but it will cost a fortune.”

Li Xiaoshuai said, this money is for you. We are still young and we are still married for several years.

Don't I still have that rose gold pocket watch here? I also received an antique piano and an antique table clock the day before yesterday. If both of them are repaired, I can still make a lot of money.

You don't have to worry about me I still have tens of thousands on hand, which are specially used for business.

"Okay, let's start saving money." Xia Huifang readily took out her bank card.

Li Xiaoshuai started the transfer according to the number on the card. After a while, Xia Huifang's cell phone rang. When she saw that 200,000 funds had been transferred, she couldn't be more gratified.

"It's a huge sum of money, hahaha, I'm so happy, if your dad is still alive, he'll be happy too."

Xia Huifang has been in the United States for almost 30 years, but she knows the life of ordinary people in the United States very well.

In the United States, most ordinary people spend too much, overdraft bank cards, and have very little cash.

Not to mention two hundred thousand dollars in cash, but twenty thousand dollars in cash, if you want them to take it out, it will kill them.

In the Li family community, there are still 6,000 to 7,000 yuan of monthly income for small employees. When the salary is paid, the pension insurance, dental insurance, and the cost of the savings fund purchased by the company for the employees have actually reached the peak of 4,000 yuan.

The 4,000 yuan has to be paid for housing loans, auto loans, travel loans, etc., which is another huge sum of money. If the male owner of the family is still divorced, and he has to pay child support to his ex-wife, he will get even less.

Coupled with the big-handed character of the Yankees, can they not be poor?

Therefore, in many places in the United States, as soon as seven or eight o'clock in the evening, the road is completely dark, and everyone washes and sleeps early, saving money and resting their minds.

Putting away the bank card, Xia Huifang said, "Okay, there is a future. In the future, my mother will no longer care about you picking up treasures."

"Huh" Li Xiaoshuai felt relieved, and said that his ears were clean.

This night, Xia Huifang slept extraordinarily sweetly. It can be said that she slept until dawn, and the next day she was more energetic and energetic in everything she did.

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