America’s Treasure King

Chapter 86: North East Coast

After a good meal and a good night's rest, Frank recovered completely the next day, and he went to the flea market with him in the morning.

Yesterday I went to one place, mostly used goods. Today, Li Xiaoshuai went to another place. The booths here are much less than yesterday's, and the popularity is also much less.

As soon as he entered the market, Li Xiaoshuai saw that the stalls here mainly sold handicrafts. There are new bracelets, antique swords, and fabric trinkets.

Seeing the bracelet, Li Xiaoshuai suddenly thought that tomorrow, on his uncle's 60th birthday, he could also make a string of bracelets for him. As long as the raw materials are better and he made it himself, his uncle should like it.

There was nothing to look at along the way, Li Xiaoshuai walked very fast, and reached the end of the explanation in a short time, where he received a prompt of the ability.

Looking up, it was a stall specializing in ore.

Walking over, I saw a lot of ores of different colors on the stalls paved with newspapers. Li Xiaoshuai himself knows low-end gems such as turquoise, garnet, and moonstone.

There is also a crimson stone in the middle, which is the red agate indicated by the power.

This red agate looks like a crooked and irregular stick, some places are round, some are flat, and some places are like several beads strung together tightly.

The eye color is really great, pure red and flawless, and the texture is delicate and oily. When you pick it up and touch it, it is like stroking the tender skin of a child, which is very smooth.

Li Xiaoshuai fell in love at once. This is a good raw material for car beads to do.

I asked about the price, but it's not expensive. A few kilograms of agate cost only $200. The price is quite affordable. I bought it!

Frank also said what to buy these things for?

Li Xiaoshuai told him what he thought, and the stall owner felt that there was another business coming. He said that I still have a few good peridots here, which are just right for you to make bracelets.

Peridot is also a kind of low-grade gemstone. If it is of good color, large in size, and expensive, it is definitely suitable for bracelets!

After speaking, the boss took out a small cardboard box, opened it, and handed it to Li Xiaoshuai for him to watch. Li Xiaoshuai saw that there were about ten rough yellow-green peridot stones of different sizes in the box.

The thing is right, what price is Li Xiaoshuai asking?

The stall owner said that according to the quality, the good 300 is almost 200.

The price was fairly reasonable, and Li Xiaoshuai asked Frank to help, taking them out one by one, irradiating them with a strong flashlight, and picking out the good ones. A total of six were selected with the best quality and the largest size.

Speaking of large, it is just a little more than 20 mm.

After haggling for a while, the boss agreed to a deal for $250 a piece.

After paying $1,500, Li Xiaoshuai also asked the boss if there was amber beeswax, which is the best material for bracelets.

The boss took out a rough amber stone the size of a red date. Frank took a flashlight and took a picture of it. It was full of black impurities. He said that the rough amber stone was only worth $10, which was not enough for a gift.

Rolling the boss's angry white eyes, he kept arguing with Frank about how good his amber was.

On the way back, Li Xiaoshuai asked Frank to drive, and he began to think about the material of the bracelet.

Generally, a bracelet needs at least 9 beads. Now that I have three kinds of tortoiseshell, onyx and peridot, I need to find another six to match them.

Among them, Amber has already thought of it, which is another kind.

He also wanted to add huanghuali and red sandalwood, which are also very popular for bracelets in Rabbit Country, plus jasper and ivory beads from Hotan.

He also told Frank about his own ideas, asking him to help him think about it, what to add to the last material.

As a result, people didn't even think about it, they just said that adding an amethyst would be good, it was mysterious and noble, and it was also economical and did not drop the grade at all.

Li Xiaoshuai also asked, why did you think so quickly?

The answer is that while you are thinking about it, I am also thinking about it. "Li, you can buy more than just a bunch of materials."

"Then make a few more strings as gifts. My mother, Elaine's mother, and relatives in my hometown can all give them away."

Bo Yang: "Then what about the rough peridot you bought? These are all to be polished. Do you do it yourself or hire someone to process it?"

If he knew that Li Xiaoshuai had studied jewelry design, he would only ask this question.

"Buy the equipment, I will do it myself, that's how I'm sincere." By the way, he also thought that the craftsmanship he had worked so hard to learn for four years couldn't be just wasted.

Today is the last day in Boston, and Li Xiaoshuai took two assistants to visit the remaining attractions.

Like the Freedom Road, Trinity Church in Boston, Li Xiaoshuai thought it was very ordinary.

Only in the Natural History Museum, Li Xiaoshuai looked very exciting.

Because there are many brightly colored ore specimens and natural gold specimens, all of which made Li Xiaoshuai and his two assistants very After dinner, Li Xiaoshuai took a walk in the parking lot alone. Thinking back on this trip, he was lucky and he didn't even think that when he had assets, he would have cash soon. He felt that such a day was beautiful, and he had no worries at all.

Even the cool night wind made him feel relaxed and happy, as if raising his arms, he could follow the wind like a wild geese, spreading his wings and flying high.

Looking up at the sky, the clouds are light and the wind is light, the stars are blinking in the black velvet-like night sky, it is a good autumn weather, and it is still a full moon night.

Li Xiaoshuai saw that the moon today was big and bright, as bright as the moon on the day he got the power last time. Just thinking about it, his eyes suddenly felt as if someone was blowing air, and it felt cool. A cool breeze was blown into his eyes, which was extremely comfortable.

Li Xiaoshuai just closed his eyes and enjoyed it. . . . . .

After a while, he opened his eyes and felt like his body had been baptized again, his heart was peaceful, he had no desires and no desires, and his body and mind were purified once again.

I tried the clairvoyant ability again, and I felt that I could see farther than before. Before I used the ability, it was pitch-black more than ten meters away. After I used the ability, it was like seeing things in broad daylight. Clearly slender and visible.

If you look at the bottom of the ground, you can also look deeper, and you can see that the ground is several meters deep and the rocks are broken. He can also see through one big truck and see everything in the cab of another truck.

This is. . . . . . The ability was upgraded, and Li Xiaoshuai felt a burst of joy in his heart.

This means that God is giving him money, and it is still unconditionally free. Where can I find such a good thing.

Li Xiaoshuai secretly prayed in his heart that such a good day would continue like this, forever.

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