Amid Natural Disasters, The Country Asked Me To Be A Diplomat

Chapter 46 Terrible Natural Disasters, Global Silence!

On the other side, the situation is completely different from that in China.


Watching the terrifying vortex of natural disasters appear, the sea water pouring in, the cliff like a moat has almost no hope of escape.

Countless warships struggled to survive in the huge meat grinder, but they were forced into the abyss of death little by little...

In the small days, all major online platforms have become tense, especially seeing that their fleet has also been affected by the whirlpool.

All kinds of scolding and panic appeared one after another.

"How could this happen? How could there be a natural disaster in a good military exercise? What is going on with that terrifying vortex!!!"

"Our fleet, run! Don't fall into that vortex, otherwise everything will be over. We already have an aircraft carrier blown away by the typhoon!!!"

"Baga, what the hell is Yingjiang doing? Don't they claim to be the most technologically advanced country? Why did they anticipate this disaster in advance!"

"This is a completely innocent disaster. What happened to the empire on my great day? Why do I have to suffer from natural disasters..."

"No, our aircraft carrier is light, it will definitely be able to rush out of the vortex, and it will never sink again. It will be our last Izumo-class aircraft carrier!!!"

"Damn natural disasters, why are you always pestering us!!!"

Wanting to compare the panic of the little days, Ying Jiang's side was even more desperate.

Seeing that the aircraft carrier they are proud of has been trapped in the whirlpool and cannot get out, and there are still three of them.

Even the entire fleet is already facing desperation.

Like a whirlpool and tsunami hanging upside down in the sky, its power is as doomsday as it makes people unable to arouse any will to resist.

All the major Internet media in Yingjiang were full of wailing.

"How could this happen, damn it! What the hell is the disaster prevention and early warning department doing? Why didn't they discover this disaster in advance!!!"

"It's over, there are three aircraft carriers of the Yingjiang Empire! There is also an entire escort fleet. If this really sinks into the deep sea... I can't imagine..."

"No, our aircraft carrier is very strong, and its performance is also the strongest in the world. It will definitely be able to rush out of that damn vortex, and it will not sink!!!"

"God bless, this must be a nightmare, please wake me up..."

"Watfak, there is definitely a conspiracy here. Someone concealed the natural disaster, otherwise it would be impossible for such a situation to happen!!!"

The proud Eagle Sauce would naturally not admit that what happened in that exercise area was caused by their own negligence and mistakes, they could not admit such a failure!

The three aircraft carriers, even if they are the world's most powerful technological power, if they are really sunk into the deep sea, it will definitely be a fatal blow.

Their military strength at sea will drop a lot, and it will definitely have a great impact on the strategy of controlling hegemony, which is unacceptable to all eagle sauces.


Gaul, State Council.

Luther, the commander-in-chief of the military exercise, was anxiously walking back and forth on the podium. On the huge screen in the center of the hall, the picture of the sea area where they were in the military exercise was being played.

There, too, their fleets have been affected by the power of the Scourge.

Although the fleet is evacuating, the suction force from the center is getting stronger and stronger, and their fleet... may not be able to get out...

The entire National Assembly Hall was silent, and everyone looked nervously at the big screen.

I kept praying in my heart...


Hans Country, the Supreme Council Hall.

A group of high-level executives sat silently at the round table, their faces extremely ugly.

This natural disaster has affected all countries participating in the military exercise.

They are no exception.


John Country, bar.

The exciting heavy metal music has stopped.

The hot girls and the strong men dancing on the stage had also stepped off the stage at this time, and gathered around the big screen in the center of the bar.

Everyone held their breath.

The original fiery and excitement in the eyes has all disappeared with the appearance of the huge ocean current vortex on the screen.

Watching the vortex quickly sweep across the entire exercise area.

They all fell into silence.


Baixiang Kingdom, temple.

Under the huge projection.

Those who had been quietly watching the exercise couldn't help standing up at this moment, panic and tension appeared on everyone's faces.

The ascetic wrapped in a robe prostrated himself on the ground, muttering prayers.

The business elite in suits frowned and looked gloomy.

The child in the woman's hands looked at the huge vortex on the screen, his face was full of curiosity, just like the funnel game they usually played...

The solemn atmosphere continues to spread here.


Hua Guo, the foreign affairs headquarters.

In the hall, the usually busy staff gathered under a large screen at this time, watching the live broadcast of the military exercise, discussing in twos and threes.

Huaguo did not participate in this military exercise, so they were not too worried about this disaster, but saw such a scene with seriousness on their faces.

In the office, Jiang Guotao and Lin Xibei were analyzing the current situation.

"Crust movement..." Jiang Guotao looked at the document just sent from the domestic disaster prevention and control center, and murmured softly, with a flash of light in his eyes from time to time.

Immediately, his eyes turned to the computer beside him.

Above, what is shown is the picture of the sea area of ​​​​the military exercise.

Seeing the Eagle Sauce Fleet in the center of the vortex, who were struggling and trying to escape the suction of the vortex, his face was serious.

"That aircraft carrier is about to sink..."

In the picture, the entire hull of the aircraft carrier closest to the center of the vortex has already shown a tilt of nearly eighty degrees, and the stern is almost drawn to the center of the vortex. Once it is drawn into the center, no matter how strong the armor is , It is impossible to resist such a terrifying power of nature.

Not only that, the other two beast eagle sauce aircraft carriers that were far away from the center of the vortex, as well as a large group of escorts and battleships, were also completely pulled into the vortex at this time, and the terrifying suction force was dragging them into the center of the vortex little by little .

Under such circumstances, the Yingjiang battleship group, including the three aircraft carriers, may not be able to escape the fate of being buried there.

This is a natural disaster!

A natural disaster that even the strongest technological powers cannot resist!

"This time the joint military exercise is a complete hip..." Lin Xibei's voice also sounded in the office, also with a hint of seriousness, "The losses of all countries this time, let alone trillions of dollars. ah......"

"This is the power of natural disasters..." Jiang Guotao also sighed.

In the face of such natural disasters, the power of mankind is too small.

"The situation here is basically clear, but on the other side..."

At this time, Lin Xibei's expression gradually became more serious.

"According to the latest news from Hippo's overseas colleagues, when this natural disaster occurred, the turbulent situation over there intensified..."

"Oh?" Jiang Guotao's face instantly became more serious.

"Judging from the current situation, not only did this military exercise not have a deterrent effect, but it made the place even more chaotic!"

A thoughtful expression appeared on Jiang Guotao's face.

The worry in my heart has become more intense.

"Keep in close contact with the colleagues stationed abroad. If there is any situation, report to me as soon as possible. Once the war comes, we must ensure that our people can evacuate safely. If necessary, we will provide support at any time!"


Lin Beibei replied in a deep voice, turned and left the office.

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