Amid Natural Disasters, The Country Asked Me To Be A Diplomat

Chapter 92 Shock! Eagle Sauce's Full Counterattack!

Eagle Sauce, National Hall.

A tense atmosphere spread across the conference table.

Isius sat on the first seat, staring at all the councilors on the conference table with a gloomy face. He didn't speak, but the strong pressure he radiated made everyone dare not look up, because these councilors knew that if eyes could kill , then at this time they may have died for an unknown number of times.

After a long time, in the dead silence of the meeting place, Isius's slightly hoarse voice sounded. From this voice, it can be seen that he is obviously really angry.

"They're all dumb? You have always promised that there will be no problems before. What's going on now, who can give me an explanation?"

Although the hoarse voice could not hear any anger, it made all the councilors' palms sweat and their backs felt like pins and needles, making them restless.

"Your Excellency Iseus, this situation is purely accidental. We have already investigated clearly. The reason why the decline in Huaguo's gold market has changed is entirely because they have discovered an unknown situation in the spot market. This is what we have previously done. Unexpected...."

"Spot market? Unknown?" Iseus obviously suppressed his anger, his tone became a lot more serious, and his voice became even colder, "What I want is not to shirk responsibility!!!"

A soft drink made the entire meeting room shudder, and everyone was terrified.

After a while, someone finally had the courage to speak up and said: "We have already investigated and found out that Huaguo's gold spot market suddenly exploded, mainly because of a trending search on the Internet platform, and this trending search"

The congressman paused, as if he felt that the matter was too unbelievable, so he didn't dare to continue talking. When Iseus glanced over, he cared so much.

"That hot search is related to Lu Chengfeng, a diplomat from Huaguo who came to visit us now. He has been very famous on the Internet during this period of time. Before leaving Huaguo, he bought a set of gold jewelry, which caused countless Huaguo Auntie followed suit, causing Huaguo's gold spot market to suddenly explode, and countless physical stores sold out of gold..."

Hearing this news, many people at the conference table were dumbfounded.

Some of these congressmen didn’t know about this situation, so it just felt like a fairy tale at this time, because a hot search by a Chinese diplomat caused the entire gold spot market to explode, and all stores were sold out?

How can this be!!!

How can a trending search have so much energy???

If this is the case, the Fed and Financial Street have already published so many analyzes and articles that slander gold, and many of them have been on the hot search, why didn’t it work???

Could it be said that the Chinese diplomat named Lu Chengfeng is more authoritative than the analysis articles issued by the Federal Reserve and Financial Street? It's ridiculous!

All members of the House of Representatives were a little confused.

It was completely unexpected that the reason for their defeat this time would be because of this!

"Your Excellency Iseus, I think this should only be temporary. As long as we continue to suppress the gold price in Huaguo, these Huaguo aunts who buy gold will definitely start to panic, and then sell their gold, and even accelerate the panic in the gold market. Can!"

"That's right, as long as we forcefully break today's stable situation and let the gold market continue to fall, these people will definitely not dare to continue buying. At that time, it may have an unexpected effect and make the Huaguo gold market collapse faster!"

"How rich are those Hua Guo aunts? I heard that in Hua Guo's vegetable market, those Hua Guo aunts always care about every detail when buying vegetables..."

"This is definitely only temporary, as long as we continue to suppress the price of gold, we will be able to reverse the situation!"

"There is also that Lu Chengfeng, I feel that there is something wrong with him, maybe he needs to pay more attention, I suggest finding some people to keep an eye on that guy, and see what he is doing!"

People began to speak on the conference table, and the originally dignified atmosphere gradually eased. These councilors obviously didn't think that their long-planned harvest plan would be destroyed by the mere Aunt Hua Guo, and they didn't believe that Lu Chengfeng could really With one's own strength, influence the entire Huaguo gold market!

As for a popular rumor that affected the entire gold market, they were not willing to believe it at all. They had already decided in their hearts that this must be a fog bomb released by Huaguo to cover up the truth, just to mislead their judgment.

Listening to the speeches of these congressmen, Isius fell into silence again.

He was thinking quickly in his mind, and soon his eyes returned to calm, he raised his head again, and looked at all the councilors lightly.

"Tell the Fed and the Financial Street side to intensify their attacks, and they must defeat the defense line they have established in one fell swoop, and they must not be given any chance to struggle~~!"

"In addition, keep an eye on that diplomat named Lu Chengfeng, and see what he is doing these days. If necessary, you can use the name of negotiation to stabilize him and "cooperate with the completion of the harvest plan!"


A group of members of the House of Representatives responded in unison.

"Also..." Isius had already stood up and was about to leave, but he suddenly turned around and asked, "Is there any progress on the incident of the plane out of control at Newt Airport?

Hearing this, a congressman quickly replied: "We have conducted a comprehensive investigation. This incident is indeed an accident, and no human factors have been found!"

The congressman said for sure that they really did a careful investigation.

From the time Iseus issued the order, until now all the evidence shows that it was an accident and there was nothing suspicious...

Iseus frowned slightly, then nodded slightly.

"Okay, I see!"

After hearing the news, his heart relaxed a little.

Before, he always felt that the matter at Newt Airport was not simple, and he thought that some people would do it. Now that the truth is revealed, he completely put this matter behind him.

At the end of the meeting, Isius quickly walked out of the meeting room.

A member of the House of Representatives also immediately acted.

Garlic Fed, Center for Financial Regulation.

After receiving the order from above, Joseph, the head of the Harvest Operation special operations team, held a meeting with a serious expression to agree on the follow-up plan.

At the conference table, all the members of the action team looked a little heavy, and some of them had a trace of violent anger on their faces, obviously not in a good mood.

"The offensive was blocked this morning. We need to reflect on our own reasons. The original careful plan should not have such a situation..."

Joseph said in a solemn voice.

A member of the action team was immediately puzzled and said: "Team leader, I think this incident is too weird. Huaguo's gold spot market suddenly exploded. This kind of popularity cannot be formed in a day or two. There are backhands..."

"I heard that the boom in the Huaguo spot market this time was caused by a hot search triggered by a Huaguo diplomat. This statement has spread in the financial circle. What does it mean?" Another member asked, There was also doubt in his tone.

"I think this is simply nonsense. A trending search sparked an explosion in the entire Huaguo spot market. How is this possible? This is not an oracle sent by God..."

"I also don't think it's possible. There must be the backing of Huaguo's financial department. How could a diplomat's Weibo cause such a situation?"

All the members of the action team are now holding back a fire in their hearts.

They originally thought that this task could be completed easily. In fact, when they attacked Huaguo on the first day, it really went smoothly.

They would never have dreamed that on the second day after the plan was implemented, there would be a change that they hadn't expected at all, making their efforts come to naught!

A hot search saved the Huaguo market?

This is just like a fairy tale!

There is also the diplomat named Lu Chengfeng, they are also wondering in their hearts, who is so sacred that he can cause such a big impact by himself?

Looking at the somewhat noisy meeting room, Joseph, the head of the action team, frowned slightly, and said softly, "Quiet!"

"No matter what backhands Huaguo has, and whether this incident is caused by that diplomat named Lu Chengfeng, we don't need to think too much!"

"The harvest plan has been prepared for a long time, and we have prepared for all possible accidents in advance, so there is no need to worry too much!"

"Now, we just need to intensify our attacks to completely suppress the emotions in Huaguo's spot market, and let them understand that buying gold now is digging their own grave, so they will naturally panic. The moment they panic, is When our plans are back on track!"

Joseph glanced over all the members of the action team, his face serious.

"The higher-ups have issued an instruction to let us use all means to suppress the market again. At the same time, the Fed treasury will also allocate gold reserves to the market. I want to see how much money those Chinese people dare to throw in. Sooner or later It's all ours!"

Joseph's words calmed down the members of the action team.

Immediately, fire appeared in their eyes again.

That's right! As long as they continue to suppress the market, won't the money thrown in by the Chinese people belong to them sooner or later? As long as the harvest plan is completed, the more money the Chinese people throw in, the more they will earn. This is for them Saying it is not necessarily a bad thing!

At this moment, the members of the action team seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood.

I felt a flame burning in my chest.

"Leader Joseph, give the order! Let's continue to fuck them!!!"

"I'd like to see how much money those Chinese people dare to throw in. Then they will lose all their money, and we will make a lot of money!!!"

"Even the capital power of Huaguo dare not fight against us. The people of Huaguo, no, just rely on those Huaguo aunts who don't understand anything and dare to buy gold after reading a trending search."

I'm going to make them pay for their stupidity!!!"

∼Joseph, our funds have already been prepared and can be put into battle at any time, not only that, the financial street has also been prepared!"

"The battle in the afternoon will let these Chinese people know what the financial market is. They don't come and go whenever they want!"

Listening to the voice constantly ringing in his ears, Joseph nodded in satisfaction.

Afterwards, he waved his hand, "Okay, let's act because of the family!!!"

All the members of the action team in the entire conference room got up, walked out of the door with an excited face, and rushed to their posts again.

This time, they are determined to make Huaguo completely lose the ability to resist!

Newt, Financial Street.

In the bright and bright office, through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, you can have a panoramic view of the entire Financial Street. This office is the office of the financial street giant Slamp.

What he likes to do the most is to stand in front of this huge floor-to-ceiling window, overlooking the world of feasting and feasting outside, and feel the superiority of the world being trampled underfoot.

Every time he stands in front of the window, he is always in a good mood.

But today, this good mood has been destroyed a lot.

There is also a small conference table in the office.

This conference table is usually used when he conducts top-secret meetings.

At this time, there were three people sitting on this conference table, and the three people were quietly looking at Slamp standing in front of the window with serious expressions.

"I never imagined that one day I would be crushed by a group of big women. It's a surprise, isn't it guys?"

Slamp's voice was calm, without any emotion.

But the faces of the three people sitting on the conference table behind them were a little stiff.

As the four giants of the financial street, they, like Slamp, are the bigwigs who control the most resources on this street. Even the Eagle Sauce Fed is afraid of them.

But this time, they cooperated with the Federal Reserve to carry out the Harvest Plan, but encountered some unexpected situations (by Wang).

This made them feel a little embarrassed.

They know that the entire financial street is waiting to see their jokes.

Once the current situation cannot be restored, their identities as the four giants may not be preserved, at least it will cause them a lot of trouble.

"Slamp, can you stop standing there and pretend to be aggressive? Hurry up and discuss how to solve this matter, we don't have time here to listen to your emotions!"

A deep voice sounded in the office.

One of the bosses finally couldn't stand Slamp's pretentious appearance, and took the lead in breaking the quiet atmosphere in the office.

"A trending search... a group of Chinese aunts...hehe..." Another voice sounded: "This is the harvest plan, I'm afraid it's not that simple...

"No matter what, we are now in the same battleship as the Fed, and we have no way out. We can only use all means to win this battle!"

The last person on the conference table also spoke.

At this time, Slamp turned around slowly, with a disdain on the corner of his mouth.

"It's just a group of ignorant women who don't even know what finance is. They also want to fight us. They are too naive. If they want to play...then play them to death!!

"There is also that diplomat named Lu Chengfeng, maybe...we can make some articles from him, public opinion warfare...that's what we are best at!"

The original atmosphere in the office was somewhat depressing, but with Slamp's words, it became more relaxed, and the other three did not refute these words.

Because in their hearts, they are equally confident.

Can become a well-known giant crocodile in the financial street...012306324 Feilu 122163401]

They are not vegetarian!.

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