Ancestor Above

Chapter 350 Black Crow Taoist

Lu Chaohe raised his hands upwards, and while maintaining the pressure of gravity, while controlling two white ghost emperors and a golden core monk wearing a pitch-black robe, he pulled out two stone spears from the snow and pointed at the black robed Jin Dan flew away, forcing the opponent to dodge, but at the same time, he just met the white ghost emperor's slap, and had to activate the secret method, and turned into a crow in an instant, dangerous and dangerous They avoided it, but immediately, the attack methods of Li Yanling, Yun Xuan and Sun Changhai came.

Under the repeated offensive, the black-robed Jindan was forced into danger.

Taoist Black Crow, let's capture it with nothing. With your strength, why bother to meet without face and do something that must not be done? Loyalty to the Li family is foolish loyalty. Li Chengzong, the former emperor, is now An Le Gong, and the entire Li family is up and down. Everyone is safe and happy. Even Mrs. Li himself is like this, what are you making trouble for? Taoist Black Crow, you have some skills, and I also know that your heart is concerned with the country. If you are willing, my Great Yan Dynasty will definitely protect you as a Jiuqing , Isn't it a matter of benefiting the country and the people to develop a grand plan in the right place?

Taoist Black Crow did not speak.

Lu Chaohe persuaded again: What you are doing in the Faceless Club now is hurting the foundation of Dayan, how can you be so cruel?

Taoist Hei Ya finally spoke: Hey, the usurper deserves to tell me about Dayan?

Come on, Lu Chaohe knew that what he said before was all in vain.

However, there was not much hope for this.

Taoist Black Crow is actually quite famous in Yan Country. He was originally a casual cultivator, but after the Lu family became a royal family, many formerly confidential documents could be viewed. In fact, Taoist Black Crow received a lot of help from the imperial court and the Li family during the process of growing up.

In other words, in fact, Taoist Black Crow is an unknown pawn kept outside by the imperial court.

After Li Shiwen established the Faceless Society, Taoist Black Crow entered it and became an important combat force of the Faceless Society.

According to Jin Yiwei's investigations in the past three years, although no important figures from the No Face Society were caught, they have probably figured out their senior monks. In the faceless meeting, not to mention the Qiming monks, there are two Jindan. Black Crow Taoist is one of them, he is the strength of Jindan late stage. As for the leader of the Faceless Society, he now has very little information, and Jin Yiwei doesn't even know the name of that person, only that the other party is at least a late-stage Jindan expert.

In fact, the fact that Black Crow was confirmed to be a member of the Faceless Society was finally determined after the recent investigation that this guy secretly entered the Northern Territory.

The newly built Jinyiwei, in terms of intelligence capabilities,

In various places in Jizhou and Jinzhou, it may not be very good, there are not enough manpower, the relationship is not close enough, there are few eyeliners, and there are insufficient sources of information... These are all problems. The situation in Yandu will be better. Although the Lu family doesn't have much foundation in Yandu, they are under the emperor's feet after all.

However, in the two northern states, Jinyiwei's intelligence system has been built really quickly and well. The Lu family has a deep foundation here, and the Lu family's own intelligence system and Qingfengmen's ability to obtain information, These can give Jin Yiwei a great boost, and even directly integrate into it.

After Taoist Heiya entered the territory of Feiyun Prefecture, he was quickly discovered.

It is impossible to track a Jindan strongman, but as long as he settles in a place where there are people, there will naturally be traces. These intermittently received information were connected to form a trajectory, which represented that Taoist Hei Ya had come to Xuezhou.

The follow-up information was provided by the intelligence system of the local United Legion in Selangor, as well as the spies of Jin Yiwei who inserted into the imperial army going north.

When the imperial army going north was seeking to mobilize, the Lu family, who had been prepared for a long time, had already noticed the problem. The subsequent information was obtained by Li Yanling who went deep into the extreme northern ice sheet.

Li Yanling's supernatural power, Yunding Xianzi, is a very functional ability of Zheng'er Bajing. After turning on this state, she is like a cloud in the sky, moving silently in the sky, whether it is the white ghosts running on the ground or the monks who are also flying in the sky. It's hard to spot her.

Even Jindan monks are the same. Unless she took the initiative to show malice or launch an offensive, as long as she narrowed the range of the cloud and mist she transformed into to prevent people from directly passing through it, she would be safe.

Officially relying on this method, Li Yanling first found the two white ghost emperors who were traveling southward in the extreme north ice field, and not long after that, he saw the black crow Taoist coming.

Taoist Black Crow has a magic weapon in his hand, which seems to be something that can release some kind of breath that attracts demons. With this thing, this guy can stay far away, seduce the White Ghost Emperor, and move in the direction he wants.

As for the Black Crow Taoist himself, as a late Golden Core, even if he missed for a while, in front of the two White Ghost Emperors, not to mention that he could easily kill him with one enemy and two, at least he would have no problem getting rid of it, and the danger was very small. Moreover, he is good at crow magic, whether it is summoning the incarnation of a crow to attract the White Ghost Emperor to turn, or turning himself into a smaller and more flexible crow to escape, there is no problem.

Therefore, during the whole process of luring the White Ghost Emperor to move forward with the set goal, Taoist Hei Crow played quite smoothly.

Little did they know, all of this was seen clearly by Li Yanling who was transformed into a cloud in the sky.

Then, there is all the things behind.

Let go of your mouth and let Taoist Black Crow bring two white ghost emperors towards Hanlu County. This is planned; Li Yanling followed behind, and Lu Chaohe spent time in Hanlu County to arrange a set of formations, ready to defend .

Of course, just their two golden cores might not be enough, so they called Sun Changhai, who was the strongest in the Selangor defense line and also the most experienced, and Yunxuan. The two of them were secretly ambush not far from Hanlu County.

The four golden elixirs, together with the surrounding monk army, set up a vast net aimed at the life of the black crow Taoist. By the way, the two white ghost emperors can also be crushed to death here, killing two birds with one stone.

In fact, the fighting strength of their four Golden Cores is not enough.

Yun Xuan and Lu Chaohe are only on the first level of Jindan, and Li Yanling is only on the third level. It's true that Sun Changhai is in the middle stage of Golden Core, but he belongs to the most common kind of Golden Core cultivator. He doesn't have top-level skills, and he doesn't have advanced methods such as supernatural powers, so his combat power is just that.

This kind of lineup, combined with the army formation, may be enough to encircle and kill the Black Crow Taoist in the late Golden Core stage. If you count the two white ghost emperors, it may not be so easy.

But... there is also one thing that needs to be paid attention to.

It is true that the White Ghost Emperor was lured by the Black Crow Taoist, but these White Ghost Emperors did not stand with the Black Crow Taoist. These evil spirits are out of their minds, they beat and kill anyone they see.

Especially the Black Crow Taoist was still holding something that was particularly attractive to them. If he hadn't seen that the situation was not going well and threw the thing away in time when the Lu family's ambush and murder suddenly appeared, I'm afraid The troubles to face are even greater.

But even so, Taoist Black Crow is actually still facing six masters who are equivalent to the golden core stage beating him, it's nothing more than two of the white ghost emperors beating everyone, and the firepower is not so concentrated.

In any case, in the melee, it was still the coalition forces that had the absolute advantage.

In the beginning, there were only four golden elixirs, but later on, the surrounding military formations followed. The Qiming monks in Daliang stayed in the military formations and formed formations. Call all kinds of power to carry out bombing.

Among them, the most terrifying one is the huge Pyroman summoned through the large fireworks puppet array.

This thing is bulky and fragile. The flame giant's attack is very inflexible. After all, it is a combination of magic circle and many monks. With the superposition of multiple forces, it is inevitable that it will be like this even if it is the best control level. This makes it very convenient for the black crow to avoid it. ;In addition, the form of pure energy also makes it easy to collapse directly if it is attacked by Jindanqi's attack.

Although it has these shortcomings, the most important thing is that its serious attack power can threaten the monks in the Jindan stage. The key is also a large-scale self-destruct method.

Thousands of monks, forming a formation, can make such a big guy. As for the surrounding areas, there are more than 30,000 coalition monks surrounding them?

Fighting and hitting, soon the two white ghost emperors couldn't stand it, and they were dying. And even if it is a single strength, Taoist Black Crow, who is the strongest in this area and is very flexible, will inevitably suffer some injuries during the long-term fierce battle.

After all, it is true that he is flexible, but Lu Chaohe hid in the formation, using the ability of gravity supernatural power, the gravity exerted on him canceled out many of his flexible advantages.

He also tried to make a quick surprise attack, trying to assassinate Lu Chaohe directly, but failed.

Lu Chaohe himself is a very good formation mage. With the support of his own father, he has become a fourth-rank high-grade formation mage before he reached the golden core stage. With the arrangement in advance, it would be a dream for Taoist Hei Ya to easily break through to his side.

What's more, with just a little delay, the methods of the other three Golden Cores will come over immediately.

This attempt, not only did not achieve any results, but paid a considerable price.

Seeing that the overall situation was about to be decided, Lu Chaohe said the words of surrender before.

If the Black Crow Taoist can be convinced, it must be a great thing for the court to have one more Golden Core cultivator to drive. What's more, Black Crow itself is a high-level member of the No Face Society. If he surrenders, it will be much more convenient to deal with the No Face Society later.

But unfortunately, it failed.

This is also normal.

Since the opponent's attitude is firm and there is no hope of surrendering, there is no need to let him live.

Under Lu Chaohe's order, all the monks in the firework puppet array no longer cared about the consumption of spiritual power, and under the full output, at least ten huge flame giants appeared on the battlefield.

At the same time, the four golden core monks also let go of their hands and feet, using various methods, not seeking to kill, but only to temporarily control the two white ghost emperors and the black crow priest together in an area.

Afterwards, the ten newborn flame giants, along with the ones that were already on the field, rushed towards the place where the three were at the same time.

The two white ghost emperors had no brains and couldn't realize what was going on, but Taoist Hei Ya instantly saw through their goals.

His face was gloomy, and he no longer cherished the consumption of true energy. From his black robe, countless pitch-black crows flew out from the cuffs, trousers, and collar. The group of crows flew around, trying to blow up the flame giants who were rushing towards them, and blast them out first.

However, in this case, how could he succeed?

Li Yanling exerted all her powers, and the clouds and mists formed a wall around her. Those crows were blocked when they bumped into it, and many of them were even completely corroded.

Jindan's late stage cultivation is still strong, under the full force of the black crow Taoist, there will still be a lot of crows, breaking through Li Yanling's blockade, and even breaking through the blockade of the other three people, flying out, and one head at a time. Hit those flame giants.

There were really several of them, and they were blown up on the way to attack.

The ordinary monks who controlled these flame giants suffered a strong backlash when the formation creation was destroyed. This wave of struggle by Taoist Hei Ya caused at least three or four thousand monks of all levels to vomit blood, become dispirited, fall to the ground, and temporarily lost their combat power.

But this does not affect the overall situation.

There were still more than ten flame giants running into the range where the explosion could hurt the two seriously injured White Ghost Emperor and Black Crow Taoist.

Then, there was an earth-shattering explosion, and a chain was born!

This is almost equivalent to the power of 20,000 to 30,000 monks. All the spiritual power, under the magnification of the formation, burst out at the same time.

Perhaps the monks at the golden core stage can easily slaughter a large number of low-level monks, and they are hardly threatened by themselves. Even if it was the Qiming cultivator's attack, even if the Jindan master didn't dodge and evade, it would be difficult to break through the defense if he resisted hard.

But under the current special conditions, even low-level monks do have the ability to truly threaten Jindan masters when they unite.

After the violent explosion, almost all of the 30,000 monks lost their strength.

But the results are also very obvious.

The two white ghost emperors with the fourth-order level have been completely blown out of shape, and they can't die anymore.

As for Taoist Black Crow...

This guy is not dead!

He seems to have used some kind of secret method, or used some powerful defensive magic weapon. But even so, his current state is extremely bad, he can't even maintain the flight, half kneeling on the ground, panting slightly, as if he doesn't even have the strength to make his panting bigger.



Good night


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