Tokyo, Chiba Prefecture.

Sobu High School.

Although its decoration and academic content are not as good as the Shunoin Academy next door.

But compared to the typical aristocratic school, the students are basically from prominent families.

Sobu High School, which has the highest deviation value and is also a key high school, is not inferior to Shunoin Academy in terms of reputation. It is even slightly better in recruiting.

The cherry blossoms on the street are blooming, which also represents.

The new semester is coming, and Sobu High School has also ushered in a brand new year.

The third-year students graduated, and the new first-year students also entered school today.

On the street, many first-year high school students walked together. Most of them were students of Sobu High School, wearing the iconic Sobu High School uniforms.

From time to time, the laughter and playfulness heard made passers-by nearby sigh at their youth.

The scene turned.

In a high-end apartment


There was a knock on the door

"Komari, get up. Today is the day you will be enrolled in your second year. Don't sleep in. You still have to go to class division."

Gojo Satoru scratched his messy white hair and knocked on the door helplessly.

It looked like his sister didn't listen to him last night and played games secretly again.

This time, she probably played all night.

Go to bed at five and get up at six. The King of Hell praised me for my good health.

""Hmm (twice), Hmm (once), OK."

A vague response sounded from the room, like a kitten's meow.

Hearing the word"OK", Gojo Satoru opened the door expressionlessly.

After living together for so long, could it be that he didn't know what Komari's"OK" meant?

It was obvious that he wanted to get away with it and sleep in.

As soon as he entered, Gojo Satoru smelled the unique fragrance of the girl in the room.

However, this was not enough to stop him from giving up his current purpose.

He turned on the light with his right hand skillfully, and the dark room was instantly illuminated.

It seemed that because of the light, Komari, who was wearing hamster pajamas on the bed, struggled for a few times, then shrank her head, wrapped herself in the quilt, and rolled up her body, forming a ball shape.

"Komari, if you don't get up, I'll set you on fire."

Gojo Satoru suddenly said.

He took out a windproof lighter from somewhere with his right hand and even lit it on purpose.

It seemed that this sentence and the sound of the lighter successfully scared Komari.

‘The spherical Koumeiro immediately struggled, but recovered in less than a second, looking at Gojo Satoru with horror, or the other party's lighter.

"Brother, are you a devil? How can you set fire to your own sister?"

"Ah, sorry, sorry, school has just started. Umaru-chan, you haven't gotten up yet, so I have to use this method."


Koumaro had a face full of resentment.

Although the other party said sorry in his tone, his smiling face made people feel that he deserved a beating.

After rubbing his increasingly itchy fist for a few times, Koumaro turned his head and snorted.

"I know, stinky brother."

"Good to know. I've prepared breakfast. Go wash up quickly. After all, today is an important day for you to go to school."

After saying that, Gojo Satoru yawned.

When he was about to leave the room, he suddenly glanced at the computer in the corner that was always on. The computer displayed the screen of the game.

Then he turned his head and looked at Komari who looked embarrassed. He didn't say much, just turned off the computer and left the room.


After hearing the sound of the door closing, Koumaro breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, her brother stopped talking to her.

She rubbed her sleepy eyes with her white index finger, stretched her body and prepared to get up.

Good luck in the new semester, Gojo!


On the sofa,

Gojo Satoru was eating a Western dessert slowly, with two cups of black tea and another Western dessert beside him.

As a senior sweet tooth, he must have some sweets in the morning.

""Oh, it's so delicious!"

He couldn't help but sigh.

But after sighing, his eyes suddenly calmed down.

"It has been a year since I traveled through this world."Gojo Satoru picked up a cup of black tea and watched the black tea reflect his image. He couldn't help but murmured in his heart.

Yes, travel through time!

In fact, Gojo Satoru is a traveler, and this is not his first time traveling through time, this is his second time traveling through time!

The first time he traveled through time, he was in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen, replacing or becoming Gojo Satoru.

With the memory of his past life, he even traveled through time in the world of curse.

All tragedies happened to him.

Whether it was the tragedy of the 'Astral Plasma Incident' or the 'Geto Suguru Incident', they all happened to him.

The cursed spirits were even specifically intercepted and killed by Gojo Satoru.

Things have always been going in a good direction.

As for the finger brother Sukuna, Gojo Satoru also followed the steps and let Itadori swallow all his fingers to have a head-on showdown with the curse king from a thousand years ago.

As for the result, Gojo Satoru Sukuna can't be killed, and Sukuna can't hurt Gojo Satoru. The only way to follow up is to seal Sukuna again. After solving all the problems in the world of magic, Gojo Satoru suddenly fell into a coma when he used unlimited teleportation to Kyoto for vacation.

After waking up from the coma, he found that he had suddenly traveled through time again!

That is, this chaotic world!

At the same time, he also found that he was getting stronger day by day for some reason. It was like unlocking the body limiter, just like Saitama.

At the beginning, he worried for a long time whether he would lose his hair.

As a result, it was naturally good, and he didn't lose his hair.

The magic power in his body is still six eyes, but it is getting stronger day by day.

Of course, the most important thing is that he came to this world, not as an illegal resident, but with an identity.

At the same time, he also brought a sister who was not related by blood.

Umaru-chan, Umaru-chan!

(The protagonist becomes Gojo Satoru directly from infancy, or replaces Gojo Satoru.)

(The main plot of this book, including daily life and battle, flow, thinking, opening, and the early and middle stages of battle, is placed in the Twin Stars and occasionally inserted into the Blue Exorcist)

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