After walking out of the fried rice restaurant, the street lights around me also turned on. The streets were bustling with people, some of them were people who had just got off work, and some were passers-by who were going out for dinner.

"Gojo Sensei……"

"What's wrong?"

When the girl next to him called him, Gojo Satoru turned his head slightly and asked

"That's it."

Kitagawa Umi poked her fingers at each other, looked away, and said a little embarrassedly

"Outside of school, can I call you Wujun?"

In the island country, the distinction between superiors and subordinates is very clear, especially between students and teachers. Most students respect their teachers, and even fear them.

And she changed from a respectful title to a close name. To exaggerate, it is disrespectful. To put it mildly, it is just that the two have a good relationship. Well, this can't say much.

"Sure, I'll call you Haimeng outside from now on."

Gojo Satoru didn't care, and even spoke first.


Haimeng's eyes lit up.

His whole body and mind were happy.

""Hmm! Wu-kun!"

She thought, to get closer to each other, not limited to the teacher-student relationship, but a more intimate relationship...

For example, boyfriend and girlfriend.

After Kitagawa Umi is sure that she has a great affection for Gojo Satoru, she will take the initiative, instead of waiting for him to confess because of the girl's reserve.

In any anime, most of them are naked losers.

Kitagawa Umi doesn't want to leave regrets for her youth, nor does she want to become a loser. She wants to be the final winner! Gojo

Satoru has no idea about the girl's change of mind. He only knows that she is probably very fond of him. After all, she is willing to hug him intimately.

Gojo Satoru also maintains an"appreciative" attitude towards Kitagawa Umi.

But if you let him take the initiative to pursue someone, maybe you will never see him in your life.

""Do you want to go shopping for a while? Hai Meng."

Gojo Satoru asked.

Before going to the fried rice restaurant, he sent a message to Koumaru and Kokoro at home, asking them to order takeout tonight.

This made Koumaru, who was obsessed with her brother, extremely unhappy and sent him a voice message saying,"You must come back before 1 o'clock."’


Hearing her being called Haimeng, Kitagawa Haimeng narrowed her eyes happily.

"Let's go to the park. There is a park not far ahead. It will be there in a few minutes."

"That's fine."

After deciding on the destination, the two walked side by side.



Although it was night, there were still many naughty children accompanied by their parents in the park. These naughty children were playing in a sand pit, piling up various"buildings".

There were more than a dozen pigeons next to the fitness equipment.

Sitting on a bench, the two of them leaned against each other tightly.

"These children are really good, they have their elders by their side and can play freely."

Kitagawa Haimeng supported her chin with both hands, and said with a slightly complicated look in her eyes

"Unfortunately, I have never played."

When she was very young, her mother passed away early, and her father worked hard to make the family survive, so he could not accompany her.

She has never played in many games that other children played in her childhood, even in the sand pit.

After entering Sobu High School, her father was transferred from his post and went to work in another place.

Up to now, Kitagawa Umi is still living alone, and she either eats at convenience stores or eats out.

"If you want to play, go ahead and play."

Gojo Satoru said nonchalantly.

"No, forget it.

Kitagawa Haimeng smiled and shook his head, sat up straight, and said lightly

"It's not necessary now."

Because someone is already accompanying me.

Kitagawa Kaimeng secretly smiled after taking a look at Gojo Satoru who looked extremely bored.

"Ahem, let's go, Wu-kun, I've almost finished digesting it."

"So fast?"

"It's really fast, let's go, hehe."

She wouldn't tell him that she was leaving just because he was bored.


"Then I'm home too."

"Oh, this is your home, which floor is it?"

The two of them were standing outside an ordinary apartment building, talking.

"What, you want to come over and attack me at night?"

Kitagawa Haimeng said mischievously.

After she made up her mind, her actions and words became bolder.

"You've guessed it, it seems.……"

Gojo Satoru was surprised at first, then immediately turned into an evil smile, and his tone became sinister.

"I can't let you go~"

"Still hehe, Wu Jun, how many Soul Hall elders can you eat in one meal?"


Gojo Satoru was also confused by this.

Am I traveling back in time again? How could anyone understand this?

"I am also a web surfer, okay, Wu-kun."

Kitagawa Umi said with a smile

"Oh, this one."

Gojo Satoru scratched his white hair awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

"Hey, let's not talk about this anymore. I'm leaving now, Wu-kun."

Kitagawa Umi pointed to the apartment building.

Somehow, she particularly liked to call him"Wu-kun".

"Then, goodbye?"

Gojo Satoru waved his hand.


Kitagawa Umi also waved her hand and walked towards the apartment building.

But before she took a few steps, she suddenly turned around and threw herself directly into Gojo Satoru's arms. After hugging him and taking a deep breath of his body fragrance, she said in a muffled voice:

"Thank you so much today, Wujun, and thank you for making a COS costume for me."

As soon as the words fell, Kitagawa Umi climbed up along the waist and pressed her lips on Wujo Wu's cheek without hesitation.


A crisp sound rang out.

Kitagawa Umi jumped down with a red face, jogging along, waving her right hand backwards.

"This is a thank you gift. See you next Monday, Wujun!"

Looking at the gradually disappearing figure and the warmth still remaining on his cheek, Wujo Wu couldn't help but wonder

"Could it be that he has fallen in love with me?"

He didn't do anything, why did Kitagawa Umi fall in love with him? I don't understand.


(Haimeng wife, wife, wife...)

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