‘You can't leave me, I can't forget you, without you, I'm like a fish dying of thirst~……’

The phone suddenly rang.

This Chinese music made Kanano Hongxu and Huangfen look confused.

Taking out the phone, Gojo Satoru saw that the caller was Tsuchimikado Arima.

Clicking the screen, the call was connected.

"Hello, Gojo-kun"

"What? Do you want to talk to me about something, or is there a new massage parlor in Kyoto?"

Gojo Satoru said teasingly.

"Did you guess all this? There is indeed a new massage parlor in Kyoto. Do you want to go there together? No, why did I talk to you in a distorted way?"

Tsuchimikado Arima on the phone seemed very surprised, but he quickly regained his composure and said

"Ahem, let's not talk about this for now. Is there something going on in Tokyo?"

"What happened?"

Gojo Satoru paused. Rokugan sensed the demonic aura a few kilometers away and the two cursed powers downstairs, and continued to speak as if he was blind.

"Nothing happened, everything was peaceful, except for setting off fireworks to celebrate"

"Really? That shouldn't be the case. Then why did Mikage-kun report to me that there were signs of a powerful demon coming to Tokyo?"

"Oops, the report was wrong."

"What a mistake, Master Gojo, we are in Tokyo!"

Tsuchimikado Mikage shouted and Tsuchimikado Arima blamed him on the phone.

"I told you not to expose yourself, give Gojo-kun a scare"

"Lord Arima, should I tell you or not? Forget it, just tell me. With Lord Gojo's abnormal level of detection ability, he must have discovered us a long time ago."

"Uh... yeah, I forgot."


The phone call was hung up.

The door to the rooftop was pushed open, and it was Tsuchimikado Arima and Tsuchimikado Mikage, both dressed in hunting clothes.

"Long time no see, Master Gojo.

Tsuchimikado Mikage bowed and said with a serious face

""Hello, Gojo-kun."

Tsuchimikado Arima raised his hand with a playful smile to greet him, then he flashed to Gojo Satoru and whispered with a look of hesitation.

"Hey, how are you and the orphan of the Hanano family? Although you are a teacher and a student, it is not...ah, it hurts, it hurts."

Before he could finish his words, Gojo Satoru mercilessly held Tsuchimikado Arima's head like a ball.

"The joke is directed to me, okay?"

"Wrong, wrong, really wrong"

"No, you are right!"

Gojo Satoru laughed extremely fiercely, and his left hand seemed to be not enough, so he even stood up and rubbed and pinched his left hand with both hands.

"Feel my love for you!"

"You call this love? It hurts so much, it really hurts so much."

While the two were fooling around, Kanono Kou and Tsuchimikado Mikage next to them greeted them.

"Hello, Lord Mikage"

"You don't have to call me sir, just call me Mikage."

Tsuchimikado Mikage shook his head with emotion.

It was really surprising that the orphan of the Kanano family would become a student of Gojo-sama's otherworld.

Kanano Hongxu was stunned, but immediately realized why.


After torturing Tsuchimikado Arima for a few minutes, Gojo Satoru loosened his hands, looking very happy.

"Your hand feels good and it feels comfortable to pinch."


Tsuchimikado Arima silently rubbed his still aching head and said

"Aren't you curious about why we came to Tokyo? Gojo-kun."

His face was full of expectation.

As long as Gojo Satoru said"curious", he would say"I won't tell you" until the other party showed an uncomfortable expression.

Hahaha, just thinking about it makes me feel comfortable.

However, in that expectant look, Gojo Satoru said

"Not curious"

"Why, why!"

Tsuchimikado Arima shouted with a distressed look on his face.

"Come on, damn it, why don't you say anything? Come on, say it"

"I won't tell you, you must be holding back some bad ideas."

Gojo Satoru crossed his arms and said with disdain.

The family members were speechless...

Tsuchimikado Arima's body and the surrounding background seemed to turn gray, and the whole person exuded a dead atmosphere.

However, he didn't say anything, but Tsuchimikado Mikage beside him started to explain

"Gojo-sama, this time Arima-sama and I came to Tokyo, and I thought we would ask you to go to Funo to investigate a 'new type of filth'."

"A new type of filth?"

After hearing this, Gojo Satoru became interested.

At the beginning, Mikujima Aoki told him that a 'new type of filth' appeared in the wild, and this time Tsuchimikado Arima and Tsuchimikado Mikage both came to Tokyo, which means that the filth must also be in the wild around Tokyo.

"What information?"

"A few days ago, when Master Teng Snake went to Huoye alone to investigate, he was ambushed by the filth that could speak and control volcanoes and fire. The battle started. It was fine at the beginning, but in the end, the filth used some domain to forcibly pull Master Teng Snake into it."

"It was too late for the Holy Queen to lead the Onmyoji. When they passed by, the domain automatically dissipated, and Tengshe fell to the ground on the verge of death. The last direction the filth appeared was Tokyo."

Tsuchimikado Mikage said. Domain

, filth, forcibly pulling people in?

Gojo Satoru raised his eyebrows in surprise.

This is not something that filth can use. In fact, why does that domain taste a bit like the world of magic?

"Any images?"

"Yes, please take a look."

Tsuchimikado Mikage took out his phone, and the photo album showed the 'new type of filth'.

Gojo Satoru took the phone and laughed out loud when he saw the photo album.

"Isn't this my lovely Hubao?"

Yes, in the photo album is the Louhu who confidently came to kill him in the world of magic.

Although I don't know if it is the same one, it does look the same.

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