Sobu High School.

Half a day passed quickly, and with the ringing of the bell, it was time for lunch.

Class D of the second year.

Shihara Tadakuni and the other two walked in the corridor wearing school uniforms with black spots of mud.

Many students from other classes looked at the three curiously.

The look they gave to the monkeys in the zoo made them feel very unhappy.

"Damn it, don't let me run into that white-haired monster, who actually messed up our school uniforms like this."

Chewing the tasteless bread, Zhiyuan Zhongbang said with a vicious look on his face.

In the morning, not only were their school uniforms stained, but they were also caught by the security guards for climbing over the wall to enter the school because they were late. They had to stand for a full hour.

If the head teacher hadn't come to take them away, they would have had to stand for the whole morning.


Tanaka Yoshitake lifted his hair and said with a sharp look in his eyes

"If I meet him again, I will definitely let him have a taste of my special move."

Hearing this,

Shihara Tadakuni and Tabata Hide shuddered.

You know, this buddy's special move is extraordinary. It is said that it is inspired by the Tiger Seal in Naruto, and it has great lethality.

And that special move is... the secret move:

Thousand Years of Killing!

"No need, no need"

"Yes, yes, no need, you can't kill"

"Well, since you all said so, I have no choice but to seal my special move."

The three of them walked and chatted.

The direction they were heading was a famous lawn in Sobu High School.

The lawn there was not only soft and beautiful, but more importantly, there would be a lot of girls eating there every noon.

In order to relieve their emotions, they had to take a look.

One of the compulsory lives of male high school students: they must look at beautiful women every day to nourish their eyes, which would make them happy.

As they walked, just when they were about to reach the corner staircase, a tall white-haired figure appeared in front of them.

"That, that is!!!"

Tanaka Yoshitake was so excited that he was shaking, and his right hand was trembling as he pointed forward.

"Our culprit!"

Shihara Tadakuni and Tabata Hidenori said in unison.

Damn, we always have a narrow road to meet.

So you are also in Sobu High School!


The three laughed evilly.

We made them suffer so much this morning, let's see how we can retaliate.

In the blink of an eye, the three of them dispersed and followed carefully behind, one sticking to a wall.

"Report, the target ahead is about to turn left, please give instructions, over."

Tabata Hidetoshi leaned against the wall, holding the headset with his right hand and said hurriedly

"Hurry up and follow, over!"

Tanaka Yoshitake, who was only three meters away, responded quickly.

Then, the two of them made a gesture and followed on tiptoe.

Zhiyuan Tadakuni, who was behind, looked at his two friends with a blank expression.

No, why do you have a headset? I don't have one, and everyone is only a few meters away, so there is no need for a headset. Why do you make special gestures!

I often can't fit in with you because I'm not stupid enough.

He rolled his eyes and didn't care about it. He quickly followed.

Finally, they followed for a minute.

They stopped at the public toilet.

""Oh, he actually went into a public toilet. If that's the case, you two wait for me and see how I will undermine his confidence as a man."

Tanaka Yoshitake pulled his hair back and spoke confidently.

As a man, he was very confident in himself.

After he finished speaking, he walked in.

But within five seconds, Tanaka Yoshitake came out with a look of despair on his face and staggered. He collapsed on the ground, and kept repeating,"How is it possible? How is it possible?"

Seeing his friend like this, Tabata Hide pushed his glasses, smiled sarcastically, and said condescendingly.

"Don't just drink and not eat. Your thing, wow, is not even as long as a finger. You still have to rely on me!"

After saying that, he walked in with a confident look on his face.

Within five seconds, Tabata Hidenori also had a dead look on his face, and he also kept saying"How is it possible? How is it possible?"

Seeing that his two friends were outdone, Zhiyuan Tadakuni laughed sarcastically.

"What's wrong? Is there wine in the bread today? I let you two be so blindly confident that you will have to rely on me in the end."

He pulled up his belt and walked in confidently.

Five seconds later, Zhiyuan Tadakuni sat aside with a dead look on his face.

"That thing is simply not what humans should have!"

(Today's fourth chapter, you have to reward me with flowers!)

(Flowers, flowers, flowers!!!)

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