One person goes off work, and the whole district goes to work.

This idea suddenly popped up in Yukinoshita Yukino's mind. Although she didn't know why such an idea came up, it undoubtedly made her expression even more weird and exciting.


The strange eyes stared at a certain white-haired person.

Feeling the girl's gaze that was three parts shocked, three parts strange, and four parts speechless, Gojo Satoru still asked with confusion

"What's wrong, Yukino? Although I know I'm handsome, there's no need to keep looking at me like that."


A question mark slowly appeared above Yukinoshita Yukino's head.

Am I wrong or are you wrong?

Forget it, Yukinoshita Yukino was too lazy to pay attention to this question. After all, she had long been accustomed to Gojo Satoru's lively and prankster personality, and knew that changing the subject and ignoring this white-haired man was the most correct choice.

"Where did you get this flashlight from?"

Yukinoshita Yukino looked at the flashlight that emitted enough light to illuminate the night sky curiously.

If possible, she would also like to get one.

Of course, it was just a thought.

If she turned on the flashlight at night, it would really attract a lot of attention, which would be very embarrassing.

"Oh, you mean this."

Gojo Satoru paused, then shook the flashlight a few times, and the light also shook. Looking at the hidden curiosity of Yukinoshita Yukino, a wicked smile appeared on his face.

"If you raise your voice and shout"Gojo Teacher" a few times, then I will show my great mercy and tell you"


Yukinoshita Yukino rolled her eyes in response, not feeling angry at all. She could have guessed what the scumbag teacher wanted to say, and if he had told her directly, she would probably have been shocked.

"So, how come I know so much about this scumbag teacher?"

Yukinoshita Yukino muttered in confusion.


Gojo Satoru, who was standing next to him, seemed not to have heard clearly and asked.

"No, nothing."

The arrogant Yukinoshita Yukino pouted her lips, then walked forward with her long straight legs. Oh, by the way, she didn't forget to turn off her pitiful mobile phone flashlight before she left.

However, after walking a few steps, Yukinoshita Yukino didn't hear the footsteps behind her, so she stopped helplessly, turned around, and said with a headache on her cute face.

""Let's go, scumbag teacher, I know the way."

After saying the last sentence, her face turned slightly red.

After all, she was the only one who got lost outside her apartment.

However, Yukinoshita Yukino quickly calmed down. At the same time, Gojo Satoru also walked over in her eyes, and said in a tone and expression that looked like he deserved a beating.

"Eh? Really? Did Yukino really find the way? Are you sure? Are you sure we won't get lost? I don't want to walk for another few minutes."


Yukinoshita Yukino's eyelids jumped.

No, my fists are clenched and I want to hit someone.

"You can go if you want."

After saying that, Yukinoshita Yukino took a long step forward.

"You're not really leaving, just wait for me."

The two left.

But what they didn't know was that a few minutes after they left, a funny scene happened. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)


I saw a young man in a suit and tie running out of an apartment building with a bag in his hand. He looked panicked and was mumbling something.

"It's over, it's over. How come it's suddenly daylight? I just lay down, it feels like a few minutes have passed, but how come hours have passed?"

Fifth floor, fourth floor, third floor...first floor.

When he was about to go out, the young man began to slow down his pace, because he saw that it was pitch black outside.

What's going on?

The young man scratched his head, and he walked out step by step with confusion in his heart. As soon as he went out.

Bang - the bag fell down along the armpit

"Why is it so late!!!"

The young man fell to his knees and cried miserably toward the sky.

"I was thinking of asking that too!!!"

A miserable cry of agreement came from the apartment building opposite.


The young man froze for a moment, then retracted his miserable expression. He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked in the direction of the sound. He saw a figure on the sixth floor.

"'Fortunately, I have someone to accompany me.'

The young man felt relieved instantly.

He picked up the bag that had fallen on the ground and walked back. However, when he reached the door of his home on the fifth floor, he was still thinking.

"Where did that light come from?"


""Damn it, that brat is messing with me. I thought it was time to go to work at daybreak. Damn it, don't let me catch you, fuck."

A strong-looking uncle was standing outside cursing.

In a corner of the garden, a hundred meters away from him,

Yukinoshita Yukino cautiously poked her head out to look at the cursing uncle. After a few minutes, she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the uncle had left.

"Phew~ Fortunately I ran fast, otherwise I would have been caught."

After sighing in her heart, Yukinoshita Yukino looked at the culprit who made her, oh no, let them hide.

"Scumbag teacher, I think you can take back the flashlight."

Yukinoshita Yukino said helplessly.

Just a few minutes ago, she and Gojo Satoru were still walking as usual, but it seemed that because Gojo Satoru's flashlight was too dazzling, the office workers in other apartment buildings thought it was dawn and went downstairs.

But they found it was still dark.

The scene of the uncle cursing in the street just now happened


(Ahem, I've been too lazy these days. I'll find time to update six or seven chapters. My friend just happened to have completed surgery.)

(I've written enough about Yukino. I'll finish it quickly and go find Kitagawa Umi. After I focus on Kitagawa Umi, I'll start running home runs.)

Don't worry: 『тʀuᴇ oмɴıᴘoтᴇɴт』

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