The barrier that was originally transparent and invisible to ordinary people turned scarlet, and waves of strange sounds came from all around.

Chewing sounds, whispers, roars... all the sounds mixed together.

This undoubtedly caused more ordinary people to fall into panic.

"This is the first time I've seen this, I have to take a picture to record it."

Unlike the others, Gojo Satoru said excitedly.

As he spoke, he took out his phone and started taking pictures.

However, it seems that due to the barrier or the magnetic field, the pictures taken are blurry.

""Gojo-kun, your photography skills are terrible."

Nino in his arms saw the photos in the album and complained silently.

This is no longer a question of whether the photos are bad or not, but whether they are photos at all.

Hearing this complaint, Gojo Satoru pouted and said dissatisfiedly

"This is clearly a problem with the magnetic field, not my photography skills at all."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah"


During the quarrel between the two, a series of low sounds similar to those of dogs could be heard from all around.

However, because of the black fog that was drifting down from the sky, the distance was shrouded, and basically nothing could be seen. Only the sounds could be heard.

"Stop arguing. Hehe, Nino, don't get scared later."

Gojo Satoru stopped arguing and changed the subject.

There was a hint of teasing in his words.

In the invisible places around, someone summoned dozens of ghosts that were attached to dog corpses.

Obviously, they have begun to want to sacrifice blood to form this formation.


Nino quickly shrank back.

She almost shrunk into Gojo Satoru's arms.

She was frightened by the strange humming sound around her without him saying anything.

All the passers-by gathered around her were also nervous, staring at the black fog.

Many people also talked to ease their emotions.

"Husband, do you think we will die?"

"I don't know, but I know I will fight to the death to protect you"

"Damn it, I can’t make a call. How is it possible that there is no signal in Tokyo?"

"Are the police in Tokyo really that stupid? Why hasn't anyone rescued us yet?"

"Brother, is there a possibility that they come but can't get in?"



The low moans of the dogs were getting closer and closer, and the rough shape of their bodies could be seen in the black fog.

In an instant, the noisy sounds calmed down.

In just a few seconds, at least 70 or 80 corpse ghosts came out of the black fog.

These corpse ghosts all attached themselves to the corpses of the dogs, making the corpses look extremely disgusting, with disgusting bubbles all over their bodies, and their bodies were as big as calves.

"Is this really a dog? If you are a dog lover, please adopt one."

"Ugh - it stinks, I can smell it from a long distance, it really stinks"

"Stop being so stinky and just run away"

"Where the hell can we run to? What if the black fog is full of these things? We will be treated like a buffet."


Seeing this group of ghouls, everyone in the crowd wanted to run away.

However, seeing the dark fog that was so dark that not a single ray of light could be seen, fear suppressed their fear.

The ghouls were getting closer and closer, and the fear in everyone's heart almost turned into a thick substance.

But at this moment, something strange happened!

Dozens of ghouls suddenly flew upside down in the air, and each of them collided with each other at a very fast speed.

The strong attraction made their struggle useless.


Just like a water ball hitting the ground, the moment of collision, everything was crushed into rotten meat patties.

【No lower limit, forward rotation, Cang】

""Eh, it stinks."

Gojo Satoru, who had made a silent move, fanned the area around his nose with a look of disgust.

This was why he didn't go over to show off, but just wanted to use Cang Momo to get rid of them.

Because it was too smelly, even with the [Unlimited Technique] to isolate the blood, he still felt uncomfortable psychologically.


At this time, a huge roar came from afar, and it seemed that there was also the sound of buildings collapsing.

The people who had just relaxed were frightened and staggered, their hearts almost jumped out.

"Fox head, demon?"

Through the six eyes and through the dark fog, Gojo Satoru clearly saw a huge fox head in the distance, and it seemed to be chewing something in its long mouth.

"So it was him."

Although there are many people who have contracted with fox demons, there is only one person who can summon a fox head.

That is...

Hayakawa Aki




Suddenly, cracks appeared on the scarlet barrier.

The sound of shattering glass resounded throughout the amusement park.



Tian Ruo Qing Xian bombarded the barrier expressionlessly, and the blue magic power covered the beast's claws.

Behind him, there were also a group of Yin Yang Masters and Exorcists.

The Yin Yang Masters looked anxious.

The Exorcists, on the other hand, all looked embarrassed and ashamed. After all, they were responsible for dealing with the demons in the void world, but they didn't expect such a big mistake. Someone actually secretly set up such a large formation and barrier in the amusement park.

And they didn't notice it at all.

"Lord Tenruo, how long will it take to break through this barrier? I'm afraid there are only a few people left inside."

The leader of the exorcists was a boy who looked no more than sixteen years old.

He wore an exorcist's iconic long coat, a pair of glasses, and a few small moles on his face.

If you look closely, this man actually looks a bit like Okumura Rin.

Okumura Yukio, Okumura Rin's younger brother, has the titles of Dragon Knight and Medical Knight, and is a mid-level exorcist.

Tenruo Qingxian stopped his attacking arm, looked at the other party with a sidelong glance, and said indifferently

"Little ghost, I am also afraid that there are only a few people left inside, but this is caused by your negligence in work. If there are really a lot of casualties, I think you exorcists should all evacuate."

Onmyoji and exorcists don't get along.

And now it has become like this, even Tian Ruo Qingxian's heart is burning with anger.

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