"You two, are you sure you want to go against me?"

Astaroth finally stopped pretending to be elegant. His face was cold and a green magic appeared on his body.

"This is an important matter concerning whether my subordinates can come from the void."

"Since you required tens of thousands of people to sacrifice their blood to cast the magic circle, you have been against all of us humans in the real world."

Gojo Satoru said.

He pulled the back of the eye mask on the back of his head with his right hand and pulled it off, revealing his extremely beautiful pale blue eyes.

However, at this moment, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

"It seems that we can't reach an agreement."

Astaroth sighed and raised his right hand.

Countless black shadows appeared on the ground, and the same demon as before emerged from the shadows.

"Hunt down those humans."

As soon as the order was issued, the demons leaped towards the surrounding buildings with their huge bodies, reaching a height of dozens of meters.

In the blink of an eye, they disappeared.

"I'll leave this to you, brat."

Tian Ruo Qingxian said seriously after quickly locking his eyes on the demons running around.

Each of these demons has at least the strength of an intermediate demon. Although the Yin Yang Master and the Exorcist can resist them, there are too many of them.

He can only pull himself away to hunt down the demons.

"You must not die."

His tone was a bit complicated.

Although he didn't like this white-haired bastard, he was the strongest person in the Yin-Yang world after all. If something really happened, the entire Yin-Yang world and even the entire reality would undergo huge changes.

Facing one of the Eight Marquis Kings, even he didn't have much confidence.

Maybe, after using the 'White Tiger·Mirror Talisman', he could barely fight back.

"Hey~, this doesn't fit your character, useless uncle, why are you talking so sadly."

Gojo Satoru hooked his arm around Tian Ruo Qing Xian's neck and said with a teasing look on his face.

"Are you planning to introduce Xiao Jian to me so that I won't die?"

""Get lost."

His face darkened instantly, Tian Ruo Qing Xian took away the claws that were hooked around his neck and left directly.

As expected, he shouldn't have said these words.

Seeing Tian Ruo Qing Xian leave, Astaroth wanted to stop him.

However, he was facing Gojo Satoru, who was known as the"strongest yin and yang".

Even Mephisto, that annoying guy, had the same opinion about this guy.……

‘It’s ridiculously strong!’


(It is better to use Witchcraft here~)

"Now, it's our turn.~!"

Gojo Satoru grinned.

In the sky, a huge tent descended, directly covering the entire amusement park.

In the distance, Tenra Kiyomi knew that this was Gojo Satoru's trick, so he could fight as he pleased without being seen by ordinary people outside. As for the others, they were actually scared.


The sound of the sound barrier being torn apart was heard.

In the blink of an eye, Gojo Satoru appeared in front of Astaroth, grabbing the latter's head with his right hand, and a dark blue cursed force appeared in his left hand.

【[Black Flash]

The terrifying curse power poured out and bombarded Astaroth's abdomen.

A large hole was directly torn in the abdomen, but there was no blood as expected, but a hollow space, and a faint magic power was burning around the hollow space.

"Hahaha, interesting power."

Astaroth yelled madly.


The ground beneath his feet instantly turned into a piece of black mud, and the bubbles that popped up from time to time also hinted at the powerful corrosive force.

Gojo Satoru's eyes condensed, and he grabbed the opponent's head with his right hand and pressed it down without hesitation, kicking his right foot upwards.


White arc emerges——

【No lower limit, forward rotation technique, teleportation]

Direct���He teleported in front of Astaroth.

However, Astaroth suddenly burst out with green magic power like an ocean, directly submerging Gojo Satoru.

The splashed magic power was corroded into the building in just one second and turned into residue.

""Go to hell, Gojo Satoru!"

Astaroth in mid-air raised his hands, his face extremely crazy.

The green magic power turned into a poisonous snake, and the huge snake opened its mouth and swallowed Gojo Satoru who was still submerged. The poisonous snake slid down from mid-air, constantly corroding the opponent in its mouth, and its sliding body hit the building.

Astaroth, who was still in mid-air, did not wait.

Instead, he flew towards the poisonous snake, landed on the ground, and slammed the ground with his right hand.

The earth and all the buildings in front of him were corroded into debris.

"Is he dead?"

Astaroth thought to himself as he scanned the battlefield without seeing the white figure.

But, the next moment,

Gojo Satoru suddenly appeared, hanging upside down in front of him. The red light in his right palm slightly spread out, and then it exploded.

The shock wave directly swallowed Astaroth.

The ground was penetrated, and a gap of a hundred meters appeared. The Ferris wheel in the distance was bombed by the shock wave and only the remnants were left.


After the shockwave died down, Astaroth was still there, his elegant appearance gone, like a madman laughing.

Half of his body was burned to ashes, but the corrosive magic kept surging...

This was, repairing!


Without saying a word, Gojo Satoru used a side kick to directly hit the remaining half of the brain.

With his eyes bulging, Astaroth flew sideways.

【Unlimited Reversal Technique: He]

Several scarlet spheres bombarded the place where Astaroth had just fallen.

The roar of the explosion and the smoke of the explosion came out at the same time.

"It's really a tough punching bag."

Gojo Satoru showed a tyrannical smile.

He hadn't encountered such a punching bag in a long time this year. To be honest, it was really cool.


Before the dust had settled, a strong airflow of green magic swept away the dust.

Astaroth stood up again in the collapsed building.

"You are indeed the strongest Onmyoji."

He looked a little tired.

To restore his body, he had to use up his magic power and energy.

As soon as he finished speaking, Gojo Satoru teleported in front of Astaroth again and whispered to him.

"But you are really weak, scum."

He grabbed the head with his right hand and threw it to another area like a bowling ball.

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