162 – Olympic Championship (1)

This year’s Olympics created a lot of buzz in the world in many ways.

Even though the Korean national team won the semifinals, the players and broadcasters were jumping for joy as if they had won the Olympics.

Or the South Korean national team, which won against England in the semifinals and then defeated the U.S. National team in a very smooth game, without even calling it an upset, and ended up winning.

In fact, it would have been impossible for the Korean national team to win against the American national team, but now no one thought that the Korean national team might lose to the American national team.

Russia and England, the so-called BIG 3, have already been crushed by the Korean national team led by Eugene.

However, no matter how strong the U.S. National team is, there is no way they could put up even a measly resistance against the Korean national team.

However, Eugene actually said that he should never let down his guard until the moment before the final match against the U.S. National team.

The reason was simple.

Because, just as Arrieta suddenly stormed into the British national team and blocked her path, she was worried that Ryu Mina or Adel Haidt would join her American national team and play a mischievous ‘prank’ on her.

But fortunately, the terrible thing Eugene feared did not happen.

Altina, who was summoned through the [Festival of Swords], Explained where Adelheit and Ryumina are currently and what they are doing.

“Currently, Adelheit and Ryu Mina are staying at Eugene’s original home and becoming close friends with Eugene’s family.”

“… Those women are in Eugene’s home now? Why?”

And upon hearing that news, Arrieta made an extremely bewildered expression towards Altina.

“Apparently, when we arrived on Earth, the plan was for me to join the British team and them to join the American team to surprise Eugene? Why suddenly?”

“Ah… Even so, Adelheit said he had something to say to Arrieta in relation to that.”

To Arrieta’s question, Altina shrugged her shoulders and answered:

“Even though it is a low-level competition that is like child’s play on her part, if she is the Eugene she knows, she will definitely have a reason for participating in such a competition. From Eugene’s perspective, it is clear that this is a very important reason. Therefore, he said that he and Ryumina would never do something childish like Arrieta by participating in such a competition and interfering with Eugene.”

“… “What?”

At that moment, Arrieta looked like she was completely embarrassed by what Altina said.

This is because Adelheit was the one who came up with the idea of having them enter Earth without Eugene’s knowledge and then secretly participate in the Olympics to surprise Eugene.

Ryu Mina was in her position to maintain her neutrality, and Arrieta was in her position to stop her, asking if she should bother him like that when she saw Eugene again after three years. ﹥

But what now?

Are you saying that you will never do anything childish, such as interfering with Eugene’s game?

‘This bitch woman is really…’ ‘ !’

Arrieta gritted her teeth without realizing it because of Adele Haidt’s betrayal of her, but that wasn’t important anymore.

The only thing that really matters at this point is that Ryu Mina and Adele Haidt are leaving her behind and that Eugene’s family is in favor with him.

Of course, Arrieta didn’t come to Earth just to be mean to Eugene or to enjoy sightseeing.

She had come here to meet Eugene, prepared to give up everything she had, including her status as the princess of the empire.

But while she was bickering with Eugene, the other women were getting along well with his family and dutifully increasing their favorability his?

At this very moment, I began to feel sick to my stomach at the thought that Adelheidt and Ryumina might be whispering some strange words into the ears of Eugene’s family.

‘Then it’s not time to waste time in London, but it’s time to go back to Korea as soon as possible and make up for what you’ve fallen behind… ‘

As Arrieta continued her thoughts, a thought suddenly passed through her head and she stopped.

‘Wait for a second… What if this is all a trap set by Adelheit?’

Basically, she was called Adel Haight, and as far as Arrieta knew, it was no exaggeration to say that she was the smartest woman in the world.

But couldn’t she have predicted that if such a smart woman heard such words from Arrieta, she would immediately return to Korea?

If Adele Haidt really wanted to deceive Arrieta, why would she have sent her Altina to them in the first place and made her spout such nonsense?

‘Then… The fact that she was so excited by Adele Haidt’s words that she said she would return to Korea would mean that she would be caught up in her her intentions her her her…’

After thinking about it carefully, Arrieta decided that she would not go back to Korea immediately after hearing Adele Haidt’s words her her, but that at this moment, she would do what she could.

So, in other words, she decided to spend time alone with Eugene while there were no distractions like Adel Haidt or Ryu Mina.

“… So, you want to walk around the streets of London just with me?”

“Now that I think about it, even though you and I have been together for 20 years, I don’t think we’ve ever spent much time alone like this. “The only memories we made together, not with other women, were at best treating you when you were injured.”

“Hmm… But that… “

At Arrieta’s words, Eugene unconsciously made a shocked expression.

This is because Arrieta is a saint with strong divine powers, and she only treats Eugene’s wounds and always throws elixirs at other women, telling them to treat them on their own, which causes them to bicker. Br﹥

Unless Adelheit or Ryumina were seriously injured and on the verge of death, he openly hated healing their wounds, so it was only natural that he had no memories of healing other women.< Br﹥

“Now that I think about it, it seems really absurd. “A man and a woman traveled together and even lived together for 20 years, but it is rare for them to have memories just the two of them.”

“… But?”

“So even now, I want to have memories that I haven’t been able to build for the past 20 years. Adelheit and Ryu Mina are probably in the same situation as me, but they shouldn’t complain that I cut in line a little now. Isn’t that right?”

As Arrieta said that, she smiled without even realizing it.

“This will be the first time for you and me to go on a date with the opposite sex, so we are both very immature, but I have received a lot of training to prepare for times like this. So, no need to worry too much, you just have to follow my lead-“

“It’s not my first time.”

“… Yes?”

“I’m not the first. “Dating a girl.”

For a moment, Arrieta looked at Eugene’s face with eyes that she could not believe.

“It was about a month or two ago now… I went on a date with Yuria once in Seoul. Well, actually, even if we call it a date, it’s not that big of a deal, it’s just a matter of walking around the streets together.”


At that moment, Arrieta clenched her fists as she unconsciously pictured the face of her speaking sword in her mind.

Sure enough, her name was Yuria. She is the talking sword.

I don’t know the reason, but from the first time I met her, she somehow didn’t like that talking sword. Was it because she was planning to stab me in the back like this? < Br﹥

Arrieta felt something bitter at the thought of having her very first love taken from Eugene, but she soon came to her senses.

Yes, even though she lost Eugene’s beginnings to another woman, she is not a person, she is just a sword.

In any case, there are no other women in London who can interfere with the relationship between Eugene and Arrieta.

In other words, Arrieta can always be by Eugene’s side while she stays in London, so she doesn’t have to be impatient and can monopolize him.

However, unfortunately, Arrieta’s plan her was completely shattered by Eugene’s subsequent words

“Hmm… I’m sorry about that too, but actually, I have a prior contract.”

“… Advance reservation?”

“Huh. After this Olympics ended, I decided to go sightseeing in London with Sia for a while. And then she decided to hang out with Cheon Hwa. Oh, just in case, Sia is a player who participated in the Korean national team with me this time, and she is like my student, so it is a bit difficult to cancel the promise now-“

“… Wait. Just in case, I’m asking about that player called Sia and Chunhwa. Is she a woman by any chance?”

“Huh. That’s their girl. But why is that?”


Arrieta looked at Eugene with cold eyes as he answered so easily that he was a woman, as if it wasn’t something he had to hide in the first place.

‘Should I kill him? Just.’

After Arrieta killed the Demon King, she felt the desire to kill someone for the first time in a long time.

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