165 – Olympic Victory (4)

During the Olympics, the athletes participating receive tremendous attention from people all over the world.

In particular, it is no exaggeration to say that people watch their every move when it comes to athletes who made outstanding performances during the Olympics or contributed greatly to bringing gold medals to their respective countries.

In fact, it is something that cannot be helped.

This is because having a great performance at the Olympics means that people all over the world have witnessed the athlete’s performance, and that means that the athlete has already become famous.

In addition, people involved in various clubs or industries often work extremely hard behind the scenes to attract the player to them in some way.

In that sense, it can be said that Eugene is currently receiving more attention from people than any other athlete participating in this Olympics.

He was the driving force behind raising the Korean team, which was considered miraculous for even advancing to the quarterfinals in the last Olympics, to become the Olympic champion in just a few months, and at the same time, he was evaluated as having greater physical strength than any other player in existence. < Br﹥

Therefore, people’s attention was focused on trivial matters such as what Eugene was doing after the Olympics.

This trend was especially noticeable on various Korean community sites where people talked about Thousands or other streamers.

[The reason why overseas media is currently showing tremendous interest in Soma…Fact]

(Translated version of a newspaper article stating that several European clubs are contacting Soma)

You probably know that most of the national team players in each country are professional players, not amateurs.

And although Soma trashed several professional players in this Olympics, we know that the majority of streamers are far behind in skill than professional players.

However, in the eyes of overseas clubs, this seems like a very good environment to attract Soma to their clubs.

Because there is no club to belong to and there is no one to look after your back. All you have to do is go to ignorance, throw in a bunch of money and scout. ㅇㅇ

Most of the speculation is that scouts from overseas clubs are probably doing all kinds of tricks to attract Soma somehow.

The conclusion is that although Soma is currently a member of the Korean national team, there is a very high chance of seeing him in an overseas league next year haha

Now, all those people who were praising Soma for raising the national prestige of the Republic of Korea for the first time in a long time, prepare to have their heads broken. Really.

Recommended: 27 / Not recommended: 380

– Yes, Soma is a patriot, so he is definitely not the kind of person who would go to an overseas team for a few pennies. LOL

– Look at you, like an unemployed person living in a corner of a room, you only know one thing and never know the other haha. Do you really think that when an overseas club scouts Soma, they will show off by giving them a penny or two? LOL

– 99% of the bastards writing here right now will offer an amount that they will never earn even in their lifetime, so it is normal to go there no matter what haha

– I see Soma is trembling and scared because he is afraid that he will go abroad and break the heads of Koreans. LOL

[I have been collecting reactions from overseas communities regarding SOMA’s entry into overseas clubs haha.JPG]

(American community reaction)

– So, does this mean that scouts from FC New York headed to London with millions of dollars in cash to somehow scout Soma?

– Why the fuck doesn’t our club do things like this? If we expel the club’s breadwinners, I think our club will be able to raise enough money to scout Soma.

-Is the manager of our club an asshole? Or does he have no eyes? In fact, why can’t they think of scouting Soma even though he helped the Korean team win the Olympics? No matter how much it costs, if we can get him to join, he says it’s not his dream his his his to win the league this year

-ㄴ But when I look at his activity his records his, I see that he is a Darts fan ;; Even if Soma joins the team, it looks like it will be quite difficult to win.

– Shut up

– Haha

(Japanese reaction)

– The overseas community is very noisy with the news of Geomju’s entry into an overseas club, but why is the Japanese community so quiet?

– That’s right, there’s no way Kenju would ever make it to the second division like the Japanese league wwwww

– Did you say something like that after seeing how Kenju abandoned the Japanese national team in the preliminaries?

– Jabs and Kenju were hit with a full swing reminiscent of the Great Kanto Earthquake and were shedding tears of grief in the community wwwww

From noble mtl dot com

– Isn’t this why Korean guys always call Jabs “Stupid”? Wwwww

– There is no way Kenju will leave the European or American leagues and join the Japanese league, but even if it does, I don’t think it will be very good because Kenju will eat up the entire Japanese league by itself, and it will be the most boring league ever.

– Looks like Japan, a weak country that was eliminated from this Olympic qualifier, is already preparing excuses wwwww

– I can only pray that in the next Olympics, the Korean brothers will show mercy to their ugly Japanese brother and not let Soma compete in the national team.

Recommended: 264 / Not recommended: 165

– It’s been less than an hour since it was posted on an overseas site, but look at the speed at which it’s being wrecked. It’s really haha

-ㄴ He’s a crazy person who considers his life’s achievement to have his writing posted on concept posts, so hehe

– I really want to start getting beat up by Japanese kids Soma and getting a real education. LOL

– Looking at what the American guys are saying, it seems certain that a certain club has already contacted Soma…

– It’s already an open secret that several clubs contacted Soma in the name of scouting. It’s nothing new.

– Soma, are you really going to quit streaming next year and go overseas? ? I already canceled my one-year subscription, but damn…

– You ? : I ate well, keok~~~

– LOL If you feel unfair, you shouldn’t have canceled the subscription in the first place LOL

– ㄴ As expected, the average of Somadan scamming subscriptions haha

[Because you guys are making so much noise, an official response from Soma has appeared regarding overseas expansion haha]

Soma, who was walking down the streets of London with Cheon Hwa today, was asked by overseas reporters if he had any intention of joining FC Madrid, a club in Europe’s first division. Soma’s answer was said to be just one word.

‘Because I am a streamer and not a player belonging to a club, I would like to clarify in advance that I have no intention of accepting scouts from any specific club or going overseas at the moment.

I think that one day I may advance overseas, but I don’t plan on working as a professional athlete yet because there are fans waiting for my return.’

Soma revealed that his job is a streamer and that he has no plans to expand overseas. Haha

It looks like you can meet Soma on the TV channel for the time being haha

Recommended: 759 / Not recommended: 48

– Wow Lee Guo Guoden kkkk

– As expected, our Soma was a patriot himself haha

– ? : No matter how much Soma is, it will not be able to resist the temptation of receiving large sums of money from overseas clubs… There is a high possibility that we will see Soma in overseas leagues starting next year… (What a gonic bastard actually said in the above post)

– Haha

– It’s so funny, really haha

– Within a few hours, that bastard Goroshi will be in there haha

[In fact, the real reason why Soma rejected the scouts’ recommendations…Jpg]

(Photo of Eugene walking around London with Sia)

(Photo of Cheonhwa purchasing various items with Eugene at a souvenir shop)

(Photo of Arrieta looking at the scenery from the Thames River Bridge)

Actually, I did it because I was enjoying dates with many women…

Even if Shia and Chunhwa are players on the same national team, when did she become friends with that female player who played as a pinch hitter for the British team?

I don’t know if it’s just one, but if you go on dates with as many as three women in turns, what will ordinary men do, you bastard Soma?

Recommended: 340 / Not recommended: 297

– Yes, Soma, the hero of national salvation, can have three wives and concubines instead of dating three women.

– ㄴ Three wives and concubines ㅇㅈㄹ kkkk

– Wow, I really envy dogs;; Xia and Chunhwa are prettier than most celebrities, but she casually goes on dates with those girls and goes out with me…

– That’s the life of an alpha male haha

– When on earth did you become friends with that player Arrieta? Fuck. Also, that player is so pretty that he doesn’t even look like a person.

– Shall I tell you a scary fact? It’s true that there aren’t three women that Soma is close enough to date lol.

– ㄹㅇ Now that I think about it, when I was leaving for London last time, there was a woman next to Soma at the airport, and there was also a woman who was dating Soma in Seoul. At this point, if you add up all the women Soma has a relationship with, the total is There are five people haha

– Wow, no matter how crazy it is, the five of us are a bit something, damn it haha

– But a question suddenly occurred to me. Right now, I’m having fun going on dates with those five women, but when the time comes to get married, I’ll have no choice but to abandon the other four, right?

– Then our country’s law is monogamy, but isn’t it possible to change the constitution just because of Soma? LOL

-But what happens if Soma says he will take responsibility for all five people and she goes abroad to have a wedding?

– Could it be that Soma might run to the Middle East to marry all the women at once?

-What is that? There is no way a human would act like that. Haha

– ㄹㅇ Anyway, not at all. Even if my stomach hurts, I definitely shouldn’t do that. LOL

-ㄴ Let’s think positively. In this era where the birth rate is less than 0.7, wouldn’t it be patriotic if Soma marries five women at once and gives birth to only one child from each of them? Soma is dating five women at the same time in order to dedicate herself to this country!

– Crazy guy haha

In some ways, it could be considered a scandal, but most Koreans were not very upset about Eugene having relationships with three, maybe five, women at once.

No, some people went beyond simply being dissatisfied and even expressed the opinion that it was very desirable for Eugene to enjoy relationships with many women in order to keep him in Korea.

Yuria nodded her head as she saw a few people on the Internet expressing their approval of Eugene dating multiple women at the same time.

So everything was going in a very satisfactory direction, just as Yuria had hoped.

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