63 – One of Thousands – Placement Test (4)

After that, the first placement test ended with Eugene’s overwhelming victory.

Among them, even the archer, who had quite overwhelming skills, was immediately defeated by Eugene, and there was no one who could even offer even the slightest resistance to Eugene.

Eugene did not find it difficult to kill the remaining 40 people.

He killed them all without even using his will.

However, the process of finding and hunting down users who were scattered all over the map like rats was just cumbersome.

“To tell you the truth, I’m a little disappointed. “I feel like I’m losing some energy.”

Eugene muttered while savoring his appetite

“I guess they weren’t all that high-ranked users. Otherwise, there’s no way you could have been defeated by that one person so easily, right?”

– Hahathat’s a bit harsh haha

– I looked it up and found out that the tier of the kids who had just been cut by Somajwa was Fla. LOL. The community was already posting verification messages and causing an uproar. LOL

-They said they were flag? To be honest, I think you have to do well to get gold haha

Since ancient times, if the tier was Platinum, it meant that the player was in the top 10% overall.

It’s not obvious on the outside, but it’s definitely not something that would bother a newbie who just started playing the game today.

“Hmm… But isn’t it no big deal if the tier is Platinum? That’s what I heard somewhere.”

-What… ? This bastard… !

– Please cancel that statement before people come flocking from Jeonplehyup. ㅇㅇ

– If the platform isn’t that big of a deal, then anything below that is really a beast? (I really don’t know)

– Fact) The majority of people watching Soma broadcasts right now are Bsilgol

“Ah… I didn’t specifically mean to disparage Platinum users. So, it’s just that I suddenly remembered what my brother said about how platinum isn’t much different from silver.”

– Look at Winter’s sharp advice ㄷㄷㄷㄷ

– As Winter said, it is true that silver and platinum are the same haha

– ㄴ ㄹㅇ First of all, the color is similar haha

– Under… I was a real fan of Winter, but I’m disappointed. I’m canceling my subscription from today.

-ㄴ He saw Plattak criticizing his tier and came out on the mound like a ghost LOL

Well, even though he said that on the outside, I really wasn’t expecting much.

Even though Eugene was a beginner in the game Thousands, I never thought that he would have a hard time with users who were only at the Platinum rank.

‘Was the archer so skilled that he was exceptional? Still, he was the only one who reacted at all to my attack… ‘

Just when Eugene was preparing for the second placement test.

– ‘Look at Yerim Igpae’ donated ‘10,000 won’.

[Soma, look at this haha]

Suddenly, at the same time that a sponsorship message is posted, a viewer uploads a video clip.

And the viewers who saw the video clip were all upset.

– No, what is this again? LOL

-Is this? Isn’t it Suzaku?

– ㄴ It’s not Suzaku hahaI just checked it just in case and it was ㄹㅇ haha

– That archer from before looked somewhat familiar, but haha

“Uh… Is this real?”

Eugene, who checked the video clip out of curiosity, also made a strange expression.

“Therefore… Actually, the archer I killed just now… “

To put it more accurately, I didn’t know how to react to this absurd fact.

“… “You were a professional gamer?”


“… What? “This?”

Lewis, a professional gamer from UPX, one of Korea’s professional clubs, blinked his eyes.

Because just now, he didn’t understand why he died.

“It was definitely blocked? How did you get through my defenses?”

– LOL He looked down on me as a newbie streamer and was killed in reverse. LOL

-Just a little while ago, he grinned and said that 10,000 dollars was his, but then Soma beat him up like a dog haha

– He didn’t even attack alone, he incited the remaining 48 people and then attacked them all together haha

“No, as I said earlier, I was just using strategy. Well, I read in Sun Tzu’s Art of War that it’s best if you can defeat the enemy without fighting.”

– That damn Sun Tzu’s The Art of War is really haha

– I’m having a really bad time with something I only read the table of contents about a year ago. LOL

– So, how did you feel about being robbed by a newbie who started playing Thousands for the first time today despite being a master tier?

– ㄴ Stop hitting me like this, Louis is going to cry haha

It was like that.

Originally, Lewis was a skilled player in the master tier, but his tier had dropped significantly as he progressed through some recent content.

However, for Lewis, recovering his dropped tier was not very difficult.

Because, in addition to being a streamer, he was also a professional gamer active in the second division.

As such, he was only at the platinum level and was confident that he would never die…

“Uh… First, let me watch the replay. I really don’t understand why I died.”

– Denial of reality ON

– Oh no. I’m a master tier, so there’s no way I can lose to a newbie in the placement test.

– Just be honest and say that you’re acting like this because your pride is hurt!

And Louis, who checked the replay, opened his mouth wide as he checked Eugene’s movements his.

“No… What’s this… ?”

If I had to describe Eugene’s appearance in the video in one word, he just looked extremely relaxed.

As if I were out in her neighborhood, I chat leisurely with Yuria, who is sitting on her shoulder.

However, even in such leisurely manner, he cuts down all the enemies that attack him.

It is no exaggeration to say that the precision, without a single error, is that of a machine rather than a human.

And at the last moment, he let out a kind of exclamation when he saw Eugene’s ‘sniping’ towards him.

The fact that he attempted a long-distance sniping by striking his sword with his fist was surprising in itself, and in the process, the fact that he managed to penetrate his own defense through extremely delicate use of magical energy was enough to arouse his amazement his his his!

“Uhm… Actually, I was looking down on him because he was a Thousand Newbie, but this guy is no joke. “Maybe he’s stronger than me?”

– It might be strong, but it’s probably strong haha

– Haha, what is the point of making a comment that seems like a criticism of a topic that has already been covered? Haha

– Information) Somajwa has never died while playing the Nightfall Hidden route

– Information 2) In Nightfall, Soma killed the final boss even when his senses of up, down, left, and right were all reversed.

– ㄴ ㄹㅇ? He’s not just a person lol

– At that level, even if our Lewis gets hit, I still have something to say lol

“No, I’m not talking about this person’s physical strength or unique skills. In the first place, there are many people with good physical strength who are even at the master tier without having to go to the professional level.”

What Lewis noticed about Eugene now was not his physicality or unique skills themselves, but the sense of achieving instantly maximized destructive power by harmonizing body movements and unique skills.

Defeat the enemy and control the atmosphere of the battlefield by using only the right movements and appropriate skills at the right moment.

It may sound easy, but for most people, it was an absolutely impossible act.

As far as Lewis knew, such a thing was possible only for a very small number of professional gamers, who are often referred to as the top class.

“And that sniper at the end… No matter how much I thought about it, the power was too strong. There is something wrong with just passing it off as a unique skill. Then maybe… “

– Maybe what?

From noble mtl dot com

– You’re not planning on doing something stupid about nuclear weapons, right?

– If you are stronger than me, you will definitely use nuclear weapons!!! (No basis)

‘… It seems like he probably used his intention. Otherwise, I can’t explain why you were able to perfectly snipe me from a distance of tens of meters.’

Even though Lewis was a second-division professional gamer, he knew what the idea was and he could handle it, at least partially.

One of the conditions for joining a professional club in the first place was being able to recognize the intention and deal with it.

Lewis thought he had some talent for the game, but he still wasn’t making any progress in dealing with his thoughts.

But would you have thought that a newbie streamer who had just started playing Thousands would be able to handle thoughts so delicately?

‘As far as I know, there is no one who knows how to use ideas this elaborately… ‘ I only have Tenev… ‘

Although Lewis is a second division player, he has practiced with Tenev, who plays in the first division, on a few occasions since they play for the same club.

Tenev is a leading player who is evaluated as showing notable performance in UPX, which took last place in the regular league last year.

The reason was unknown, but in Lewis’ eyes, the streamer named Soma seemed to be on the same level as Tenev or even higher.

First of all, if there’s one thing that’s certain, it’s that that streamer named Soma has skills that can’t even be compared to someone like himself, a player in the second division.

So now, maybe what he should do is-

“I’ll end today’s broadcast here. There is something I want to check urgently.”

After Lewis ended the broadcast, he quickly made a phone call to someone.

“Um, director? This is Jinhyuk. Why did I contact you at this time? Therefore… “

Lewis gulped down his saliva and opened his mouth, remembering the director’s grim face.

“I was wondering if you could find out more about one streamer… “

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