70 – TP Pear Streamer League (3)

Basically, there are things people must do even if they don’t want to do them.

Just like a student having to go to school every morning or an office worker having to go to work, something you have to do even if you don’t want to.

The same goes for Cheonhwa, who is a professional gamer in the first division and also works as a streamer.

This is true no matter how good she is and that she is a professional gamer who receives many preferential treatment from the club.

No, rather, she may be where she is right now because she is in that position.

This is because one of the sponsoring companies of ‘Cloud’, the club that Chunhwa belongs to, was TP.

Since they usually receive a huge amount of donations, Cloud was willing to grant TP’s every request.

So, for example, having one of the club’s representative players participate as a special guest in the competition and have him play an event match with the winner of the competition, or something like that.

To be honest, it was extremely annoying, but as Cheonhwa, it was something that could not be helped.

Since she was also one of the professional gamers belonging to the club, she had no choice but to criticize her.

That’s why I’m yawning right now, looking at a competition that is at the level of a children’s entertainment banquet.

‘It’s boring.’

Currently, streamers were divided into four groups and competing in a battle royale format to create a bracket.

She was so bored and bored that she watched a few games, but the quality wasn’t as good as she expected.

Still, she said that she was a master tier person, so I looked at her with some interest, so I guess she is.

Well, even if she’s a master tier, she’s probably at the same level as a 2nd division professional gamer, so it’s probably her fault for having low expectations in the first place.

It was at that time when Cheonhwa was looking at the game around her with a sad expression.


Suddenly, her expression suddenly begins to change.

She changed from the boring, dying look she was making just a moment ago to one that was extremely interesting.

‘That’s amazing. I never thought someone with that level of skill would participate in a streamer competition… ‘

Cheonhwa let out an exclamation as she watched Yujin interrupt the opponent’s movement by dropping her sword at the right moment.

At first glance, it may seem like a comical scene where Eugene, who has a long-distance attack method, is toying with a melee-type warrior.

Chunhwa realized that it was not at all easy to produce such a ridiculous scene against a master tier user.

‘It is not at the level of hindering the opponent by simply dropping the sword. That… It’s a talent that can never be imitated if you can’t read the other person’s movements themselves.’

Even Chunhwa himself was confident enough to play with the opponent by toying with his overwhelming ability, just like Eugene is doing now.

Not only she, but almost every player in the first division could do the same.

There is such a difference in skill between a simple master tier player and a professional gamer in the first division.

However, disrupting the opponent’s movement itself through the simple act of dropping a sword in the air like that was a completely different story.

That’s because it was a feat that could never be performed unless you fully understood not only the other person’s movements, but also their presence, minor habits, muscle twitches, and even their psychological state

But Eugene is doing such a ridiculous thing today against a player he has met for the first time in his life.

By what means?

And what level of skill do you have to have to be able to do something ridiculous like that?

“… His name is Soma.”

In fact, it’s not a name you’ve never heard of.

That’s because he was a hot topic that has been causing a stir in various internet communities recently.

For such a famous person, it is very rare for him to have substance, so I have not been interested in him until now.

The boredom that was already in Cheonhwa’s eyes had disappeared as if it had been washed away.

It was at that time that Cheonhwa was rewatching the game that Eugene had just participated in with an expression of great fun.

“… Huh?”

Suddenly, confusion leaks out of Chunhwa’s mouth as she watches the video.

Not only was it different from her, but the sight of streamers participating as members of the same team as Eugene was something that was all too familiar to her.

“… Could it be Sia?”


After a player from the opposing team uttered the word ‘fuck,’ the game ended there.

Since it was not an official match anyway and was just a match to determine the bracket, there was really no need to continue the match until all players died.

And, crucially, the purpose was to issue a warning to a player who uttered an abusive word like ‘fuck’ during the game.

Even though it is a broadcast hosted by an internet platform, since it is a broadcast watched by an unspecified number of viewers, profanity should have been avoided as much as possible.

Of course, the management side was outwardly putting forward this justification, but the actual reason was a little different.

[A legend appeared within an hour of the start of this T.P. Streamer League match haha]

– (Video of a player frowning during a game and yelling “Fuck you”)

Reiji participated in the TP Streamer League, but during the game he was interrupted by Soma and screamed out loud during the live broadcast. LOL

So, the game was called out on the spot and Rage was immediately given a yellow card by the management haha

I was watching this in real time, and I really laughed so hard because I really didn’t expect that guy, Reiji, to be such a bastard. Haha

Recommended: 312 / Not recommended: 32

– Wow, Reiji was actually a fucking man haha. How did he have the courage to spit out the fucking bullshit during a live broadcast? Haha

– Actually, I was planning to watch the edited version later, but I guess I’ll have to go watch it now haha. If I had known there was such a fun event, I would definitely have watched it live. Haha

-But looking at the video, it seems like Reiji is innocent even when those words come out of his mouth his his his ? Soma plays like that and has no manners, so it’s annoying…

– Manners in a battle royale type game ㅇㅈㄹ LOL What kind of Olympic game is this? LOL

– Arrested at Lazy Mom’s home haha

– How good is Soma’s skill to get rave reviews from Reiji Jumma’s mouth?

– King God Ma

– Wow, Soma, that bastard only took the placement test, right? How can a person use skills like that?

– ㄴ What is the morale-level unique skill that sucks up what you are lucky enough to have?

– ㄴ Whether it’s a scam or something else, if you don’t have any skills in the first place, you can’t give a high praise from a master tier streamer, you idiot.

In fact, this fact spread outside and became a huge topic of discussion!

Why on earth did I forget that a master tier player was on live broadcast and ended up spewing out high praise?

And what did Soma do that caused Master Tier to praise him so highly?

Already, on various community sites, people are laughing and laughing after making a meme of a scene where Reiji swears by saying ‘fuck’!

On the outside, the TP management side gave the impression of being embarrassed as they gave a warning to Reiji, but in reality, they were cheering for this situation to have occurred.

Otherwise, there was no way I could have called Reiji to the broadcast box and interviewed him as soon as the game was over.

“Rage. Are you willing to make an explanation for the swear words you uttered during the game just now?”

“… No.”

Reiji muttered with a gloomy expression, covering her face with both hands as if she was truly embarrassed.

“I have committed a mortal sin… I am truly sorry… “


– Rage sobs haha

– To be honest, I was praising Somajwa, but shouldn’t he be acquitted? LOL

“Hmm… Why did someone who seems so calm now couldn’t control his anger and swore at that time? I really wonder.”

“It’s unlikely that Laiji has anger control disorder or something like that.”

When Reiji and her, who were close friends, said that while talking to each other, the chat window burst into laughter again.

– Look at Saime Jumma’s Malpponsae, it’s really haha

-Reiji’s hands were just shaking lol. I think he’s going to squeeze that bastard when the broadcast ends lol

“What should I say… Actually, I’m not a person who swears often, but just now I was burning inside. Every time I have a chance to kill Ecclesia, I keep getting slandered from the side, and it’s just… !”

Reiji’s anger was still evident as he waved his hands here and there, showing emotion.

“You all know this. There are situations where you’re just about to sneeze, but someone talks to you and prevents you from sneezing. The emotions I felt earlier were something that magnified those feelings tenfold…?”

– Look at Reiji getting so excited and talking gibberish haha

– Fact) I have no choice but to admit that I get upset because I can’t sneeze

– ㄴ ㄹㅇ Now that I see it, there was nothing wrong. Haha. I think it was Soma’s fault. Haha

“Reiji-sama says that. What do you think about this? Soma-sama?”

From noble mtl dot com

“… Yes? Me?”

Eugene, who was suddenly called to this place and was listening to their interview blankly, looked shocked.

“Soma-sama’s performance just now was so great that Reiji-nim praised him without realizing it and received a warning from the management. Moreover, without BJ Yuria’s help, he was just a simple checker.”< Br﹥

– Saime, that’s really narrow. Look why they even bring up Yuria Nuna. Ugh. LOL

– He revealed that he was upset because Somajwa was not accepted to the same team as him.

– Real man’s special) Shouting out loud during the game / Young man’s special) He was distraught until the end about something he didn’t like

– Haha

“Many viewers are very curious right now. How can one play a game that earns rave reviews from a master tier player? Can you explain how?”

“Um… You mean the method I used.”

Eugene, who pondered Saime’s question for a moment, opened his mouth.

“You just have to attack at the moment when the enemy can’t defend. That’s it.”

– Yes?

-What do you mean, teacher?

“So, just now, I was checking Reiji-sama at the moment when he was only focused on attacking. That’s why Reiji-sama couldn’t avoid that check. That’s it.”

-This… Explanation… ?

– How to get an unconditional one-kill on your opponent: Just make an attack that is stronger than your opponent’s physical strength.

– Ah… I didn’t know this so I’ve been staying in Silver until now ㅠㅠㅠ

Whether or not she knew her viewers ‘current reaction her her, Eugene just shrugged her shoulders.

“It’s a really simple method once you know it. What do you think? It’s a lot easier than you think, right?”

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