Another World Sandbox Gamer

Chapter 114: Goblin King?

Before dinner and before it was dark after dinner, Ren hurriedly built the city wall and new city gate in the planning area, racing against time!

In the case of sufficient materials, it is actually similar to building a house in creative mode, as long as the blocks are continuously placed and the designed shape is formed.

Ren likes to build, because completing different buildings will give you a strong sense of accomplishment!

At this time, there is no need to worry about the advent of adventurers. The pterosaurs patrolling in the air let Ren clearly know if anyone is approaching. With the virtual map, he can better grasp the surrounding dynamics. Besides, adventurers already knew the dangers of the forest of monsters, so they wouldn't choose to enter at night.

The construction of the city wall is not slow. It took Renne more than two hours, and a quarter of it has been completed.

The planning area is very large. It is several kilometers from one end to the other. If it is not for the sandbox system, it will take a year of the monkey to complete the construction of the wall.

Seeing that the time is almost up, Renn is ready to finish the construction for safety's sake, and return to the base to unlock and manufacture new props.

Standing on the top of the towering city wall, about to turn the steps to go down, suddenly heard the sound of animals in the distance.

Turning his head to look, under the dim light, there seemed to be a familiar figure running in the woods.

Ren recognized at a glance that it was a group of raptors running in the distance, and immediately showed an excited expression.

He has also looked for this kind of dinosaur before. After all, a raptor brings back all kinds of things for himself. If it can reproduce, a large number of raptors will hunt or steal eggs every day, which can make the species in his farm more prosperous. Rich, can also get more resources!

I've been looking for it with the heart, but I haven't seen it, but I don't want to see it today, how can I let it go?

Immediately give orders to the patrolling pterosaurs, let them dive quickly and go to the area where the raptors are located to capture.

Although these pterosaurs are not high in combat power, they are quite sufficient to deal with raptors.

The swooping pterosaurs were like fighter jets, chasing the raptor groups to flee.

Although the raptor was nimble, a few were caught by the pterosaur and brought back smoothly.

Lane sent these raptors to an underground farm and built a new breeding pen for breeding.

With more raptors, the mood is pretty good.

Go back to the workshop, use the skill points saved from the previous adventure missions to unlock the pistol and shotgun manufacturing formulas, and finally you can see them on the workbench.

[Pistol] Manufacturing materials: 20 iron ingots, 30 plastics, 2 springs

[Pistol bullets] Manufacturing materials: warheads, shells, gunpowder

[Shotgun] Manufacturing materials: 30 iron ingots, 50 plastics, 2 springs

[Shotgun Bullets] Manufacturing materials: warhead, shell, gunpowder 2

The material requirements for firearms are quite simple. There are iron ingots, which are very sufficient; plastic can be made of resin, which is obtained by drying wood, and it is also very easy to obtain; springs can be made with molds in furnaces.

Bullets and shells are also made of molds, made of copper in furnaces, and if you have a copper mine, there is no shortage of them.

The only trouble is gunpowder, which is made from coal and nitrate.

You can't make bullets without gunpowder, and firearms are useless without bullets!

The coal mine has been found, and as long as it is successfully occupied, it can be used to make steel and make bullets.

I don't know where the saltpeter veins are, but there is a way to get them, that is, to make a toilet, the discharged cake can be used as fertilizer, and the urine can be refined into nitrate at the alchemy station.

However, in the case of only one person, there must be very little saltpeter extracted. If you want to use a firearm, you still need to find a saltpeter mine.

Create a pistol and a shotgun on the workbench. Although you cannot shoot without bullets, as long as the goblins can equip them, it is no problem to form a firearms unit.

Ren went to the underground farm and called a goblin in front of him, selected its occupation as a goblin soldier through the system panel, and handed over the shotgun.

The goblin soldier took the shotgun and equipped it according to Ren's order.

Its profession directly changes from Goblin Soldier to Goblin Gunner, which means that there is no problem with using firearms!

This is good news for Rennes. As long as the saltpeter mine is found and the coal mine is occupied together, gunpowder can be continuously produced and a sufficiently powerful gun force can be supplied!

The Goblin Gunner was ordered to shoot, and although there was no bullet, it also strictly followed Renn's order, raised the gun, pulled the trigger, and shot a few senseless empty shots.

Ren was very satisfied and decided to form the Goblin Gunners team first. Let's not say whether it can be used or not, a whole Goblin with guns as an honor guard is not bad.

Anyway, the goblins reproduce very fast, and the mines and logging farms are completely sufficient. The rest are in a daze at the farm, and find something to do for them, so that the breeding number of the breeding pen will not reach the upper limit.

Entered the workshop and started to produce more shotguns, and suddenly had an idea, in addition to mining and fighting, can goblins participate in more production work? For example, according to the order to produce various items in the workshop, if the materials are not enough, go to the furnace or the chest to get them.

In order to test, I brought out a group of goblins from the underground farm, opened the system interface in the workshop, and found the profession of [Goblin Mechanic] through searching. The assigned goblins automatically walked to the furnace, workbench and For other work equipment, Ren can give them production orders, make various things, and set the priority of different props.

This made Ren quite excited. Having a goblin mechanic means that he doesn't have to waste time in the workshop, he can just let them do what he needs.

Since the workshop can be handed over to goblins, what about other places?

Go to the planting room, check the occupation, and sure enough, there is an option to arrange goblin planting.

The goblins who are arranged in the planting room will automatically water the crops and fruits, fertilize them, and catch will also automatically harvest the ripe fruits and store them in the boxes according to Ren's order.

Porters can also be set up to transport products in boxes in different areas to the warehouse, which is so convenient!

In order to make the best use of goblins, Ren even found occupations such as breeding workers and construction workers, using goblins to manage underground farms, deal with those breeding pens, and take care of the creatures in them; they can also participate in the construction and help Complete design plans faster by yourself.

When the goblins are arranged in various areas, most of the work no longer needs to be done by yourself. Looking at these "dagong workers" who only need to pay and pay, Ren feels that he has the potential to be a black-hearted boss.

The base is full of busy goblins, and it's fun to feel like I've become a goblin king!

Goblins tamed through the system will not betray, and it is really fun to have an army that is completely loyal to them!

In this way, you can level up with peace of mind, without being held back by the chores of the base, develop faster and gain enough strength to protect yourself!

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