Apex Level Family! Is My Music System A God? Destroy The Alien Race!

Chapter 82: It's Fine When You Come, But You Can't Go Back, Rush, Rush, Rush!

The signal flares exploding in the sky are like the opening song of this plan...

Troops everywhere began to take action.

At the same time, the aliens hiding inside and outside the city also transformed and began to attack...

"Clang clang clang!"

"Didi beep!"

An alarm sounded in Wenzhou City!

This is an early warning for the large-scale appearance of alien beasts or alien races!


District C Cultural Square!

With the stage shaking.

At the edge of the stage, the psychic sound retracted into the ground.

Then, with the circular stage as the center, a huge wave of spiritual energy was generated.



The crowd below the stage looked at the many foreigners rushing towards Chen Xiyin with frightened expressions.

Some people have gathered their powers and are ready to jump on stage!

The next second their attention was attracted by the scene in front of them!

The entire pentagonal square was filled with psychic energy fluctuations, and the railings beside the four passages lit up.

Like a conductive wire, spiritual energy passes through the railings, extending from the closest part of the stage to the very end.

Spiritual energy barriers rose up, instantly dividing the square into four areas.

At the same time, a huge psychic barrier also rose from the edge of the stage.

All of a sudden, the stage turned into a colosseum, where one could only enter but not exit.

The crowd below the stage was chattering non-stop.

"Damn it! Let me tell you, why waste so much energy building a 300-meter stage for no reason? It turns out that the Chen family has already prepared it!"

"Yes, yes, at first I thought the Chen family had too much money and no place to spend it. The Cultural Plaza in District C is already very big, so we can just play on the flat ground in the center!"

"Yes, that's right. By the way, do you know what psychic technology this is?"

"Uh... If you guessed correctly, this should be a mobile psychic barrier developed by the research institute. It can use the energy of alien crystals or spiritual cores to form a protective shield to resist damage!"

"Well...that should be it. This is the same principle as the psychic annihilation cannon, supernatural spirit conversion gun, etc. introduced on the spiritual network and TV. They use alien crystals and spiritual cores or their own abilities. !”

"Yes, these damn aliens have invaded our world. We must not only use their alien crystal spiritual cores, but also use their bodies for Pill Refining medicine and resources!"

"Uh... Isn't it a bit cruel to do this? Aliens are also living beings!"

"Holy Mother, get out! Don't you have any family members or ancestors who were killed by foreigners? This is an ethnic war! Either you die or I die!!"

"Everyone, look! A blue barrier has risen around the second young master! There are so many people jumping out there!!"


at the same time.

Chen Xiyin looked at the shaking stage and the signal flares in the sky with curiosity.

There was an inexplicable expression written all over his face, and he couldn't help but complain secretly in his heart.

Damn it!

Thousands of different people come to meet each other...

Where are people?

Where did it come from?


On the ground about ten meters away from him, blue light spurted out, raising a barrier.

The barrier is shaped like a circular cover.

With a diameter of 10 meters, it covered the surroundings of Chen Xiyin and Lin Wu, just like Wukong drew a circle for Tang Monk.

Thirty meters away from the cover, the ground suddenly sank, revealing the psychic machine gears inside.

Form a surrounding circle around the hood.

The sunken ground is about one meter wide.

Then a series of voices sounded.

"Hahahaha, our 13th Division has been waiting for a long time!"

"There are only a hundred aliens. Is that enough for the brothers? My team came here from Fog City!"

"Unfortunately, I came all the way from Hangzhou for this mission. Why do I have so many foreign spies!"

"Who wouldn't be? The points for catching foreign spies are very high. I thought there weren't many people, but it turned out they were all people!"

"Yes, our team came from Hangzhou, and we have been riding the high-speed train for more than two days. It is really crowded!"

‘You said you really are! There are no points or rewards for killing outside, so why are all the leaders rushing here! ’

"Ha, you are talking nonsense. Why don't you lead the team to the outer city and outside the city yourself! Our team mainly wants to meet the younger brother of Admiral Xi Nian!"

‘That’s right, our team also wants to see the second young master! ’


Along with the noisy sound, figures jumped up one by one from the sunken ground. In the blink of an eye, there were nearly two hundred people.

Chen Xiyin and Lin Wu listened to their conversation.

At this time, the mouth was already open and could hardly be closed, and the eyes were wide open!

Lin Wu stammered and said to Chen Xiyin in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Son... son... are these all members of your family?"

Chen Xiyin scratched his head, nodded a little at a loss, and responded uncertainly: "It should be... it should be all of them!"

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart!

Life is full of changes. It’s true that the large intestine wraps around the small intestine, the nine-turn convoluted intestine, and the intestines have accidents.

At the moment before the opponent, I had the advantage in this round, killing them randomly.

The next moment I will shout...don't come over!

His mood was like a roller coaster, soaring from lows to highs in an instant.

He raised his right hand holding the Xiyan flute, raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said, "Thank you all, then, I will play music for you next!"

"Hahaha, Second Young Master, just stay where you are and watch~"

"Yes, little Rank Five 13th Division, Hehe Wu Monster King is here to protect you!"

"Hehe, Rank Five Division 28, the clown is here!"

"Rank Five, Division 38, Xiao Heizi is here!"


at the same time.

Huan 6 and other aliens were a little panicked. The vibration of the stage attracted their attention and they watched the barrier rise.

The foreigners stopped and looked at each other.

"Huh? What happened?" Mo Kun, who had grown to 3 meters tall next to Huan Liu, asked curiously.

A figure that transformed into Demon Race responded: "Look, there are many people jumping up over there!"

The figure that transformed into a horned bull exclaimed: "Damn it! This is a trap, run!"


Huan 6 raised his head and looked around.

He found that all his tribe members were trapped on the stage, with a few people banging on the edge of the barrier.

Rank Five's power hit the barrier without causing any ripples.

He got it!

I was still careless while waiting for others!

After all, it is not easy to lurk normally in the inner area of ​​Human Race.

This plan may have been a death plan.

The lives of yourself and others are in the eyes of other people or higher-ups of your own race.

Just an insignificant chess piece.


Sure enough, only by being strong can you become the master of your destiny.


Listen to the voices in the audience and around you.

An unknown complex emotion emerged deep inside him again.


Ethnic war!

In the eyes of Human Race, we aliens are invaders and are here to exterminate them, but so what!

The essence of this world is that the weak eat the strong, and strength and fists are the last word!

It’s just a story about big fish eating small fish and small fish eating shrimps!

Human Race takes our alien Pill Refining, researches, and turns it into resources!

Why don't aliens smoke and eat Human Race to improve themselves?

What's more, there is no peace between clans.

When I have nothing to do, I still use the alien beast clan to beat the teeth as a sacrifice.

it's the same!

Everything is the same!

Only strength, only strong own strength can dominate everything!

If I had strong strength, we changelings would not be enslaved by the Demon Race!

Damn it!

In that case, I won’t be used to perform such tasks!

I hid well, eating, drinking and having fun in the Human Race area, occasionally killing a few people, and sending back some information in exchange for resources. I was having a great time!

They are all damn monsters, Demon Race, what bad orders are they giving!


at this point.

He stopped thinking about it, stood there, and shouted loudly.

"Squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak"

"Everyone listen to your orders. As the 9th Phantom, I order everyone to charge towards the guy with the flute and kill him!"

"This mission has failed. Even if we die, we will have to recruit a few Human Races to back us up!"


After hearing this, the noisy figures stopped knocking on the barrier and turned around again, looking at the people who kept jumping up not far away.

Huan 6 transformed into a White Tiger about five meters long, with a trace of gold on its body.

Then it took the lead and rushed towards Chen Xiyin, followed by other changelings behind it, all rushing in the same direction.


Looking down from above the sky.

There are not only aliens in one direction in the East District, there are also some hidden people in other directions.

They had been in Human Race for longer, and their auras were more thoroughly integrated, so it was difficult to tell them apart, but they were all seduced at this time.

With the stage as the center, and from the four directions of east, west, north and south, four teams of various colors and alien beasts and aliens launched a charge towards the central blue mask!



Everyone thirty meters away expressed their respect to Chen Xiyin, and then turned to look at the aliens who were already charging!

The superpowers operate, transforming into virtual armor or real armor with all kinds of superpowers. They are extremely gorgeous and have all kinds of superpowers, just like the Alliance Brawl.

Chen Xiyin's body was full of supernatural powers. He raised his right hand, placed the Xiyan flute horizontally to his mouth, took a deep breath, and started playing.

Even if you only have Azure Bronze Level.

My own support ability is not very useful for Rank Five.

But no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat!

If you can get a little advantage in the high-end game, it’s a good thing!

It’s impossible to say even if the contribution is only 1%!

There are also a lot of ability points given by the system!

However, it depends on how many power points the first enemy that dies will give.

After all, a little gold flowing out from the fingers of the richest man is enough for ordinary people to live for several years!

The melodious sound of the flute sounded like a charge signal.

All-round music talent is activated!

The elegant sonata starts!

Audio resonance symbiosis activates!

Gong Shangjiao Zhengyu is superimposed!

The sound blade shoots randomly!

Everyone thirty meters away launched a counter-charge towards the charging aliens...

The melodious flute sound suddenly transformed into the flute music that has been loved for generations.

The sound of the flute speeds up, interpreting the gentle melancholy in the sea of ​​people.

The sound from the soul blooms with the dawn of freedom.

All sword-type or sword-using abilities on the charge path. Martial Artist feels a layer of rhythm attached to his weapon.

Although I don’t know how the effect will be?

But the test subject is right in front of you!


Lin Wu listened to the music of love for generations and said something leisurely.

"Xiyin, I want to learn to sword!"


Chen Xiyin did not respond to him, and then the superpowers in his body continued to operate, his mental power vibrated, and the void played.

The Sonic Dragon Formation was launched immediately afterwards.


There are many divisions in the Chen family, and the players have a feeling of who can compete with them.

at the same time.

They scattered and rushed in different directions.

I feel it since the second young master’s music started playing.

My own strength has improved more or less!

Under the sound of exclamation, they charged faster!


(ps: Sonic Tianlong Formation Song = Tianlong Babu Fighting Song, in my BGM, no one can beat me!)

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