Apex Level Family! Is My Music System A God? Destroy The Alien Race!

Chapter 85 Gatling Appears There? The Eighth Team Appears...

On the stage.

"Roar, roar, roar!!"

The violent roar not only attracted Lin Wu's attention.

It also woke up Chen Xinyin.

He looked up and forward, and found that the image of Phantom 6 had changed greatly!

At the same time.

In the four directions of the stage, southeast, northwest and northeast, aliens of different forms also appeared!

But each special alien was surrounded by more than a dozen team members.

Just like pushing the BOSS in the game, the combination of warrior, mage, shepherd, tank and auxiliary cooperated perfectly, restricting the opponent, and under the continuous attack, the injuries on the aliens became more and more serious.

Also, Chen Xinyin felt that the style of painting was a little strange!

Because the southern team members actually took out weapons similar to Gatling.

The Gatling was emitting colorful light, rotating constantly, and spraying various elemental attacks such as Wind Blade, ice arrows, fireballs, etc. from the muzzle.

This made him very curious, and he turned his head to look at Lin Wu.

Lin Wu's eyes were also full of confusion and puzzlement.

Isn't this world a pure supernatural Martial Artist battle?

This question hovered in Chen Xinyin's heart.

Then he turned his head and looked elsewhere.


The Phantom 6 in the east area was quite special. Nearly twenty Rank Five warriors were barely able to stop him.

In his eyes, Phantom 6 had turned into a half-human, half-tiger state.

It was about 2 meters tall, and its skin exuded a metallic luster.

Many damaging skills hit it.

The effect was not very great.

It was emitting red flames, and its claws were sharp and flashing cold light.

Every time it hit the team members.

Their armor was directly shattered, floating in the air and turning into a little light.

It rushed left and right in the crowd, slapping wildly!

The team members were hit and were directly knocked dozens of meters away, falling to the ground and unable to get up.

Fortunately, their teammates rescued them in time and pulled them out of danger.

At the same time.

Those team members who killed their opponents came to support, and only then did they barely hold it back.

The powerful tail behind it was not a decoration.

It slapped on the ground, leaving an obvious mark.

You know, the stage was made of special materials by the Chen family.

Normal Rank Five attacks would not leave any scars on it.

But now it was injured by the attack of Phantom 6, which means that its damage has reached the Rank Six standard.


Chen Xinyin raised her right hand again, put the Xiyan flute to her mouth, and blew it again.

The melodious flute sounded.

Compared with the previous Bronze Middle Level, the improvement brought by the music to many squad members this time was a little stronger.

Many squad members did not pay much attention.

After all, there is not much difference between a 1% improvement and a 1.5% improvement.

But for Chen Xinyin, these are all ability points.


Phantom 6 broke through the crowd and rushed straight towards Chen Xinyin.

Xiao Heizi from the 44th Squad wanted to stop it, and rushed forward quickly to block the way of Phantom 6.



Xiao Heizi's body was knocked away by the huge impact force, and slid back dozens of meters on the ground, leaving a slip mark.

Phantom 6 stopped and was about to re-strike when several tentacles and chains surrounded him.



Little Blackie coughed a few times, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and the supernatural armor on his body was broken.

Monster King of the 13th Division hurried to his side, checked his condition and asked: "How is it? Little Blackie, are you okay?"

Little Blackie said weakly: "It hasn't died yet! I can still rescue it, call the medical department to come to me!"

Monster King nodded and immediately called his companions in the distance!

Little Blackie looked at Phantom 6 rushing towards the central shield and found that it was stopped by other members of the division again.

Fortunately, he blocked it and bought time for everyone to react.

He looked at the 8th Division in the distance again and said to himself: "Leave it to you!"

"Little Blackie is not afraid of death. Even if Little Blackie dies, there will be thousands of Little Blackies in the world working for the Second Young Master!"

Then his eyes went black and he fainted!

Seeing the little black man who had closed his eyes, Monster King, who came with his medical teammate, cried out sadly: "No~~"


Looking at the Phantom 6 that broke through the crowd and rushed towards him.

Chen Xinyin and Lin Wu were both a little surprised.

I didn't expect there was such a fierce alien race.

Lin Wu stood there and asked nervously: "Forbidden Demon... Big Brother... Is it okay?!"

Chen Xinyin stopped playing, turned around and patted Lin Wu's shoulder calmly, saying: "Don't worry, don't underestimate my family's team!"

At the same time.

He understood that Phantom 6's state would not last long.

There are also alien races in other directions that need to be dealt with as soon as possible.

I don't know what the situation is outside.

Then he turned around and said: "Team 8! You guys take action to deal with them, let other teams come to guard!"

The people of Team 8 responded hesitantly: "This... Second Young Master..."

Chen Xinyin waved his hand and said: "I believe this barrier is not so easy to break... Let the other injured members retreat to my side and recover"

The Forbidden Demon was still waving his hands while Chen Xiyin was still there.

His eyes glanced at the shadow behind him.

The shadow moved, as if responding to something.

Then he no longer hesitated and turned around and said, "Okay, Second Young Master, don't get out of the circle. Lei Jian is going to come with me, and the others will go in other directions."

"Yes!" The other members of Division 8 said in unison.

Immediately afterwards, the Forbidden Demon sent a message to everyone in the 13th and 44th divisions in the distance, "Hurry up and come to the second young master to protect him. We will take over this changeling."

Then they began to rush forward, preparing to join the battle.

The 13th and 44th Divisions who heard the message saw the 8th Division who had already rushed out.

They quickly pulled away and rushed to Chen Xiyin's side.

The Monster King directly picked it up, and Xiao Heizi, who had just received preliminary treatment, quickly ran towards the center.

The ups and downs jolted him awake.


Xiao Heizi vomited a mouthful of blood, slapped the Monster King, and shouted: "Steady, steady, until it reaches my stomach..."


On the way forward.

A layer of supernatural armor or robes gradually appeared on everyone in Division 8.

The Forbidden Demon is in the shape of a black robe. The black robe has a brilliance that is different from the normal elemental system. There is a mysterious arcane radiance flowing on it.

His hands were empty.

But while running, his hands kept crossing and swinging back and forth.

A huge amount of supernatural power poured into his hands that kept swinging, and a trace of mysterious power was constantly forming.

His forward direction was east.

Thunder Sword and Disk Knife are in the form of a ranger.

Their supernatural powers were transformed into a suit of leather armor, which protected the main parts, and more supernatural powers poured into the weapons.

The sword in Lei Jian's hand was originally only 1.5 meters, but with the blessing of supernatural powers, it became about 2 meters. The lightning sword with "Zizi!" thunder light and a Sword Intent Entanglement.

His eyes were sharp, staring at Huan 6 who was surrounded by everyone, secretly increasing the output of his supernatural powers, and preparing for a killing move with one blow.

The forward direction is also east.

The long knife in the hand of Die Dao is also surrounded by superpowers.

What is different from the Thunder Sword is that his sword emits a mental wave, like an illusion.

There are butterflies similar to purple butterflies flying around itself and the blade.

Hidden beneath its beauty, Blade Intent exudes bloodlust.

The direction he was running was north.

The poisonous dagger that was a little behind was wearing purple tight-fitting armor.

There was still a trace of green energy coming out around the armor, and a faint corroded footprint appeared on the ground wherever he passed.

With the blessing of supernatural powers, the two daggers changed from short daggers to medium-long daggers.

The entanglement on the dagger is gleaming with lavender light.

Her direction was south.

As Red Scythe ran, he attached himself to red tight-fitting armor.

He held a huge scythe in his hand.

As it moves and powers flow, the scythe begins to become sharper and glow with fire.

The tip of the knife touched the ground, dragging sparks and leaving a path of flames.

She sprinted toward the west.

"Everyone, stay back!"

Accompanied by the roar of everyone in Division 8.

After hearing the sound, everyone turned their heads and glanced, and hurriedly evacuated.

Control power Martial Artist is in the process of retreating.

He threw out his control skills along the way, restricting the surviving aliens.

Auxiliary powers are still helping.

The other teams that had already eliminated their opponents stepped aside to treat and discuss.

"By the way, aren't the first ten divisions of our Chen family all members of Rank Six?"

"Yes, yes! However, the strength of the eighth team to squeeze into the top ten teams with Rank Five should be very scary!"

"Uh... Then with such qualifications, why are they always doing the job of protecting the second young master?"

"Um...I don't know, maybe it's a secret!"


on the stage.

Huan 6 looked at the Forbidden Demon and Thunder Sword rushing towards him at high speed, feeling the aura and threat they radiated.

I sighed secretly in my heart.

His original plan was to pretend to resist with difficulty, get beaten half to death, and seduce Chen Xiyin and others from the central shield to come out.

Kill him by surprise again.

I didn’t expect these guys from Human Race to not play by the rules.

The team protecting Chen Xiyin actually rushed out.

The people around him actually went back to protect him.

This is a shame for us foreigners!

Shouldn't everyone fight 1v1?

The threat posed by the two guys rushing towards him.

Make him feel no weaker than himself.

damn it!

Can't hide it anymore!

Then it roared in a foreign language: "Barabbas gurgling gizzardsados!"

"Except for the underworld, everyone should stop hiding and fight to the death!"

"Ho ho ho"

"Zhi Zhi Zhi"

The remaining alien races from all directions also responded.

Contrary to what they expected, no high-level alien companions appeared during this assassination for so long.

They realize they are really just pawns!

The chess piece has been discarded!


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