Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1094: Greet my trial

Before he was surprised, the demon sword behind him was unsheathed and swept out frontally.


The impact sounded.

Chu Tianhe, who didn't have any advantage in strength, suddenly flew out.

The phantom in the invisible state condenses Thunder.

A purple thunder and lightning spread along the ground to below the figure of Chutianhe.


Before Chu Tianhe's figure fell, on the ground, the purple electric current suddenly split into several waves and rose into the sky, forming a lightning cage with a radius of three meters to imprison Chutianhe in it.


When thunder and lightning entered the body, Chu Tianhe let out a scream.

"His Majesty--"

At this moment, Li Xiuwen and Ning Wuque came over.

Seeing the situation of Chutianhe, their eyes hurriedly swept around.

They had been equipped with thermal imaging cameras, and soon discovered the figure of the Phantom.


Ning Wuque roared, holding up the "Vulcan Cannon" with the blue light in his hand and shooting at the location of the Phantom.

The soldiers who came with them also started to move.

The invisible phantom frowned.

The cage that trapped Chutianhe could no longer be maintained, and the output of the ability was disconnected, and the thunder quickly spread all over the body, and then formed a set of thunder armor covering the surface of the body.

The figure appeared completely, the Phantom was not afraid of the impact of bullets, the whole body flashed with lightning, and countless thunders were woven into a net, quickly forming an area encompassing a hundred meters of land and enveloped everyone in it.

"Grenade, hurry!"

Li Xiuwen yelled, and took the lead in taking out the grenade on his body, pulling the ring off and throwing it towards the Phantom Shadow.

Other people couldn't take care of so much, and threw their grenades out one after another.


Dozens of grenade exploded at the same time, the power produced is unimaginable.


Under the ruthless shock wave, whether it was the Phantom or other people, the figure was lifted out.

The Phantom was protected by energy armor, but it was just thrown off, but Li Xiuwen and others, except for the soldiers wearing armed armor, survived, those ordinary warriors or those without armor protection, all died under the impact of the energy generated by the explosion of the grenade.

Fortunately, the area where the Phantom was formed has also been dissipated.

"Ahem...stop him, revise the text, and take your majesty away!"

Ning Wuque got up, had no extra time to think about it, and left a word to Li Xiuwen, he directly took the remaining super-armed armored fighters to the Phantom.

Li Xiuwen also knew that they were definitely not the opponents of the superpower in front of him, and got up and came to Chu Tianhe.

"Your Majesty, let's go."

Chu Tianhe looked at the phantom who was confronting Ning Wuque with an extremely unwilling gaze in pain.


He also knew what choice to make at this time.

Ning Wuwei and their efforts were not wasted in vain, and with Li Xiuwen, they galloped towards the rear without looking back.

"Don't want to go!"

The target of the Phantom is Chu Tianhe. Seeing that the other party is about to flee his line of sight, how can the Phantom allow him to leave?

"If you want to kill your Majesty, you have to pass me first."

Ning Wuque yelled, and the gun in his hand turned towards the Phantom for a burst of output.


The Phantom was furious, and the thunder on his body was released, and the powerful purple lightning formed a thunder pool, including Ning Wuque and the others.

Screaming again and again.

Ning Wuque, who was numb all over and couldn't even pull the trigger, instantly lost his combat effectiveness.

"Block her."

At this time, from the camp, Ouyang Qingqing, who had recovered, organized a team of thousands of people and opened fire on the Phantom.

A rain of guns and bullets, the phantom with nowhere to dodge, relying on the energy armor on her body to resist the bullets hitting her body.

"court death!"

Pursuing Chu Tianhe eagerly, the Phantom gave a cold cry, and the lightning woven into a net enveloped Ouyang Qingqing and the others.



The power of the Phantom's shot this time is extremely terrifying.

In the screams of the people affected by the thunder, ordinary people with weak strength turned into a cloud of blood directly in the power grid.

Ouyang Qingqing also had a hard time.

Under the terrifying electric shock, he passed out directly.

"Die together!"

With Ouyang Qingqing fighting for this little time, Ning Wuque, who had recovered a little mobility, suddenly rushed towards the Phantom.

He hugged her tightly.



Dare to get close to the Phantom, Ning Wuque's courage is worthy of praise, but the end is to usher in a more terrifying thunder attack on the Phantom.

In the blink of an eye, Ning Wuwei's body in the armor began to smoke.

The smell of roasted meat diffused.

But the Phantom soon discovered the anomaly.

The surface of Ning Wuque's armor turned out to be five or six grenades with the tabs torn off.


There is no time to get rid of the shackles of Ning Wuqian.

"Boom boom boom..."

With waves of earth-shattering explosions, the location of the Phantom and Ning Wuque's figures was enveloped by a large amount of fire and smoke.

After a while, wait for the smoke to dissipate.

In a deep pit several meters in diameter, a phantom with purple electricity appeared.

Terrible, the terrible moment of the energy armor was foreseen.

With such a terrifying explosion, the Phantom had nothing to do.

The horror of the fifth-level fighters can be seen from this.

Phantom shook her somewhat dizzy head. She quickly recovered. She ignored Ouyang Qingqing, who had passed out at the scene, and turned and chased Chu Tianhe in the direction where they fled.

"Hit it, hit it hard, even if you can't see anyone, you don't need to save me bullets if you shoot into the air."

The other direction of the camp.

The Shadow Guard's sneak attack was undoubtedly terrifying, but the Nine Sky City team had 300,000 after all.

Among these people, as long as there is a small group of leaders with good ability, it is not difficult to organize a counterattack team.

At present, what Mu Wuqing and the others are encountering is a counterattack team with extraordinary combat effectiveness.

They occupied a hill and quickly built fortifications on it.

With sufficient ammunition and over a thousand manpower, even if they could not see the enemy hidden in the air, they would shoot forward without leaving room.

All kinds of firearms and bombs are madly output to the front.

Faced with such firepower, the Shadow Guards did not dare to continue rushing after losing a certain amount of manpower.

The outcome of this team is destined, but before they run out of ammunition and food, it is not easy for the Shadow Guards to take them down.

"Master Wu Qing, the other party's firepower is too fierce, it is not impossible to take them down, but if we rush up now, there will be a certain amount of casualties."

In a camp hundreds of meters away from the position, after several failed attempts by the Shadow Guard to approach the opponent's position, a member of the Shadow Guard came to Mu Wuqing to report.

Mu Wuqing could see the firepower output over there.

These people are completely dying, but I have to say that such a blind attack really effectively inhibited the Shadow Guard's attack.

"How about other places?"

"Most people have already surrendered, and only a small part of the enemy troops fled the camp. Because there was another hostess guarding the periphery, we didn't pursue it." A member of the Shadow Guard said.

Mu Wu cleared his eyebrows.

"In other words, the most fierce resistance at the moment is the position in front?"


"Very well, since they choose to resist to the end, there is no need to subdue them."

As he said, on the surface of Mu Wuqing's invisible battle suit, blood black flames bulged.

The flames that continued to condense into armor quickly formed a flame-like energy armor covering the surface of her body.

"I now officially announce their death penalty."

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