Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1159: Scare them


The locomotive started, Wei Xiao and the others, with enough fuel, drove out of the Hongchen Hotel under the watchful eyes of Yaoyue and others.

As soon as they left, many people who were afraid of Wei Xiao, at this moment, the restless heart could finally be put back where it was.

"Finally left, who are the four? How come they all have supernatural powers?"

"When did the supernatural powers be so easy to obtain? Is there a secret we don't know in the last days?"

"I seemed to hear someone mention Wei Xiao just now. Is that man the Phoenix Lord?"

In the hotel, there were still some people who didn't know Wei Xiao and their identities. Now that Wei Xiao and the others left, their worries disappeared, and people who were curious about Wei Xiao and their identities began to talk.

Outside the hotel.

"Sister Yaoyao, it's all right now. The Phoenix will really go to support the West Pole. Are we going to act next?"

Yaoyue retracted her gaze and pondered for a moment.

"Cold-blooded, what do you think?"

Cold-blooded: "It's fine if you decide."

"Well, in that case, we will tell everyone in the hotel the news now. Those forces who are still waiting, it's time to make a choice."

Yaoyue already had plans.

Without hesitation, they walked towards the hotel with cold blood.

"The lady boss is back."

"Just now, they have been communicating with the four people outside. They should know their identities. Why don't we ask the boss?"

"Good idea, wait for them to come."

Seeing Yaoyue and the others came, everyone in the hotel was eager to find out.

As Yaoyue and the others entered the hotel with a group of survivors outside, there were already some diners in the hotel who couldn't wait, stepping forward to ask them the identities of Wei Xiao and others.

Yaoyue didn't answer one by one, but asked them to stay calm.

When they came to the stairwell on the first floor of the hotel, Yaoyue turned to face everyone below.

Yaoyue said, "Everyone, are you curious about the identities of the four people just now?"

"Madame, don't let us down your appetite, and don't say anything if you knowingly ask."

"That's right, madam, tell us what the identities of the four are?"

There was a lot of noise below, but all the questions were directed at Wei Xiao and the others.

Yaoyue nodded: "They are from the Phoenix Base in Minghai City, and the identity of the four, the male, is the leader of the Phoenix Base, Wei Xiao, the strongest in the last days, the female, they are all his wives."

"Whoa whoa……"

"Nima, is it really him? That man is Wei Xiao? It's unbelievable."

"My dear, I should have guessed it a long time ago. With so many people with supernatural powers around me, who else is in the major bases nowadays besides Phoenix?"

"The rumored Demon King Wei will actually appear in our small base. If you don't see it with your own eyes, who can believe it?"

When everyone was talking about it, Yao Yue continued: "Everyone is quiet and listen to me."

The people below are quiet.

Yaoyue: "In addition to their identities, I also learned from Wei Xiao that the Phoenix Base will support the Western Polar Region. I believe everyone present knows what this means. I won't say anything extra, now. , If you want to support friends in the West Polar Region, you can start to register in my hotel."

"Anyone who is willing to go to the West Pole, before the team departs, in the future, I will spend everything in my Hongchen Hotel. In addition, those who are not willing to go west, please also trouble you to support the Phoenix Base to support the West Pole. The news of the news spread out and let more people know. We need to unite all the strengths that can be united to survive this catastrophe together, please."


When Yaoyue called everyone in the hotel, he was on his way to the Western Polar Region.

Bai Youwei, who was sitting on the seat behind Wei Xiao and hugging him, suddenly spoke.

"Husband, if Yaoyue and the others didn't repair our car within an hour, you wouldn't really want to kill them all?"

Because of the speed of the car, Bai Youwei's voice can be said to be inaudible.

But for Wei Xiao, her voice was the same as usual, and it was clearly audible.

"I'm not a murderous madman, I kill people at every turn."

"Then you just..."

"Frighten them. Don't force them, can they do things so efficiently?"


Bai Youwei laughed after receiving Wei Xiao's affirmative answer.

"My husband is really bad, but I like it so much."

The corners of Wei Xiao's mouth twitched under his helmet.

I felt like I heard this somewhere, but I couldn't remember it for a while.

"Hold well, I want to speed up."


Bai Youwei's hands hugged Wei Xiao's waist tightly, and the front of her body was completely against Wei Xiao's back, looking very happy.

Mu Wuqing, who was not far away from them, noticed their situation.

"This little Nizi is getting too much."

"Sister Wu Qing is jealous?"

"It's kind of, but who made me a sister?"


"Sit down, husband and they accelerated."

The Phantom didn't say much, and also hugged Mu Wuqing tightly.


Two locomotives with enough horsepower, under Wei Xiao and the others' full acceleration, flashed across the ground like two bolts of lightning.

Three days later.

Within the Extreme West.

"Quick, quick, stop them, all those with weapons in their hands stay and break, and give others time to escape."

"Damn it, Captain, there are too many zombies, we can't stop it at all."

"Asshole, I'm fighting with you."

"Boom boom boom..."


Amidst the mountains, a group of ten thousand survivors are chasing down hundreds of thousands of corpses and fleeing.

Facing the corpse groups that existed in both land and air domains, among the survivors' team, a fully armed team of thousands of people was continuously spreading on both sides, and they were retreating. They used flesh and blood to forge fragile walls to stop the rush. Corpse group.

This team, one by one, is not afraid of death, and is always at the back of the survivor team.

No matter how dangerous their location is, if you look carefully, it is not difficult to find out that none of them is running ahead of the survivors in the same uniform.

Behind them, the escaped survivors seemed to be accustomed to all this.

Refugees, men, women and children, see escape.

Even if a small number of young adults with weapons sympathize with those fighting in the rear, they know that they would rather flee without a fight than go back to be one of those people who were left behind for a lifetime.


"Run away, we will be safe by running into the woods."

"Mom...uuuu...mom where are you..."

"Ah... don't step on me, help..."

The armed fighters in the rear desperately resisted the zombies, but in the front, in order to survive, the refugees who did not care about everything around them, in addition to fleeing or fleeing.

In the panic, stampede incidents abound.

For those helpless people, no one of the companions passing by offered a helping hand.


In the panicked crowd, a little girl alone was stared at by the predators.

The little girl, covered in stains and muddy on her face, didn't know the danger was coming, wiping her tears and shouting to her mother.

"My baby, get out of—"

A middle-aged soldier saw the skidder diving down at the girl, and while shouting loudly, he threw down the rifle in his hand and lunged at the girl.

Seeing that the little girl was about to be caught and taken away by the claws of the skirmishers, the figure of the middle-aged warrior also flashed by at this moment, hugging the little girl and threw herself aside.


The skirmisher did not catch the little girl, and the sharp claws that grabbed the little girl left a striking scratch on the middle-aged soldier's back.


Failing to catch the target, the skidder roared and flew into the sky again.

A roundabout swooped down again at the middle-aged soldier who fell to the ground.

"Squad leader be careful."

"Da da da……"


Other fighters discovered the middle-aged fighter's situation and didn't think much about it. A series of bullets fired at the swooping sky-skimmers.

A sneak attack was encountered behind him, losing the defense of wings, and the physical defense was shot through by the sky-grabber, screaming and falling to the ground.

"Squad leader, squad leader, are you okay?"

The three fighters quickly came to the middle-aged fighter to establish a defense.

While dealing with the zombies in the sky, some of the three people looked back and asked about the middle-aged soldier from time to time.

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