Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1191: The clown is myself

Didn’t expect that there is a fanatic among these people?

For a long time, the vast majority of what Wei Xiao saw and heard outside was the fear and awe of outsiders towards him. It is rare for someone like Luo Feng to hear his name excited.

Although he has not yet indicated that he is a fan, from his eyes, his expression and what Luo Feng calls him, Wei Xiao can feel the enthusiasm in his heart.


It seems that my image on the outside is not all bad.

No, there is someone who knows the goods in front of me.

Presumably, seeing the idol he worships at this moment, his inner admiration for himself must be like a surging river, endless, and like a mother river overflowing, out of control.

For such a fanatical fan, Wei Xiao felt that it was necessary to put down his body and give him some good memories.

"Ahem..." After clearing his throat, Wei Xiao said with a smile: "If the Phoenix does not have a second master, then the person you are talking about is me."

"Is it really Phoenix Lord?"

"Replace it like a fake."

"Great. Hello. Hello, I am Luo Feng, one of the powerful generals under the eldest sister. I once dreamed to be a strategist who was able to strategize and win thousands of miles away. However, life is forced, but in the end I can only follow the tide, if it is not the end of the world. Appear, I will be like that in my life. Since you are the Lord Phoenix, can I ask you something?"

Look, how enthusiastic is this fan?

People are too famous, and sometimes it's very helpless.

"You said, as long as I can do it, it's okay to meet the fans' requirements occasionally."

"Thank you so much. I really hope to meet Chen Haojie, your military commander. He is my idol. I have heard of many battles that he leads. He..."


Luo Feng seemed to have turned into a chattering, chattering in Wei Xiao's ear about his admiration for the hero Chen.

As for the thing about Wei Xiao...

forget it! Except for a little relationship at the beginning, there is nothing to do with him later.

But Luo Feng didn't notice the change in Wei Xiao's face.

When he said that his idol was the hero Chen, Wei Xiao's face was like the sky in June, saying that he changed and he changed.

If there is a background color, you will know how dark Wei Xiao's face is at the moment.

Nima! After doing it for a long time, they are not their own fanatics at all, they are completely self-reinforcing and passionate.

Wei Xiao's mood at the moment was more uncomfortable than eating dead flies.

Who is Wei Xiao?

The Supreme Lord of the Phoenix.

It is rare to have Xianxin ready to communicate with his "fanatic fans". As a result, it is not him who really admires him, which is very embarrassing.

Why do people outside only see his strength and cruelty, but not his excellent qualities?

Are these TMs all blind people?

Luo Feng was still talking about how much he admired the hero Chen, but Wei Xiao had already drawn him into the "blacklist" that he would never meet.

"...If I can meet Army Master Chen, I must learn more about command experience from him..."

"That eldest sister, the war ahead is very tight. If there is nothing to say, we will arrange the matter here as soon as possible and we will go directly to the front line." Wei Xiao has no good feelings for Luo Feng.

Damn, I wasted my sense of expectation.

This guy's EQ is almost the same as nothing.

Before Luo Feng finished speaking, Wei Xiao said to his elder sister and walked away alone.

Let him continue to listen to Luo Feng's "heart-struck" words, he was afraid that he could not help strangling this idiot.

"Hey, Lord, what about the request you haven't agreed to? Can you let me meet Army Master Chen? I really admire him..."

Wei Xiao ignored it, and the figure moved farther and farther.


Bai Youwei and the others couldn't help laughing when they saw through Wei Xiao's thoughts.

Seeing that Luofeng still wanted to catch up, Mu Wuqing kindly reminded him.

"You better not disturb my husband now, otherwise, no one can save you."

Luo Feng was taken aback.

Looking at Mu Wuqing in confusion.

What does this mean?

Wasn't Wei Xiao's attitude very good just now?

We should have a good chat, right?

Mu Wuqing shook his head without explaining much, and brought Bai Youwei and the others to follow Wei Xiao.

Luo Feng was still confused.

"Sister, what's the situation?"

"Phoenix Lord is in person, but you talk to him about a subordinate, oh! Slowly understand it for yourself! Okay, the crisis of the artillery position has been resolved, you should be able to use those equipment?"

Luo Feng couldn't understand, so he set aside the meeting with Chen Haojie.

"Some of the people I brought are the brothers of Longweicheng. They are familiar with these weapons and equipment."

"Well, hurry up and see how much equipment is still available. You stay as artillery for the time being. When the defender sends someone to replace you, you will return to the frontline battlefield." The eldest sister confessed without giving Luo Feng's thoughts. The necessary explanation, with their guards, caught up with Wei Xiao and the others.

Luo Feng was still in the mist at the moment.

He didn't understand why Wei Xiao, who seemed to be approachable, suddenly became indifferent in a short time.

"As expected of the rumors of the moody Demon King, he wanted to kill me just like that, really terrifying."

If Wei Xiao knew what Luo Feng was thinking, he didn't know if he would turn back and let Luo Feng's words come true.


"Husband, what do you think about seeing her subordinates being so admired?" Bai Youwei caught up with Wei Xiao and joked with his arm.

The black line on Wei Xiao's head.

"Do you want to rest for ten days or half a month? Don't worry, I will satisfy you."

Bai Youwei's small head shrank slightly.

The little hands that hugged Wei Xiao's arm took the initiative to release.

"Husband, you hate it." As he said, he ran back to Mu Wuqing and the others, "Sister Wuqing, my husband is really jealous."


Mu Wuqing chuckled lightly.

"Don't provoke your husband anymore. If you encounter that kind of thing, everyone will be embarrassed if you do it, so we don't know it."

Wei Xiao in front of him stagnated.

"I heard it."



Wei Xiao gritted his teeth secretly.

These women are becoming more and more presumptuous now.

It seems that it is necessary to find an opportunity to rejuvenate the husband, otherwise, they don't know the horror of the big devil.

The southern city wall defense line.

An army of enemy corpses may come at any time.

In order to be able to block the first wave of the most ferocious attacks from the enemy's zombies, the human coalition forces that lost the first barrier built by the Queen of the Earth troops have deployed more than one million troops on the southern line of defense.

With Longweicheng, a force capable of producing conventional weapons as its support, the coalition forces in the Western Polar Regions do not lack weapons and ammunition.

What they lack is cutting-edge and above-the-point combat power.

Now that the rear reinforcements have not yet arrived, the southern line of defense can hold the only barrier leading to the hinterland of the West Pole depends on more than one million people.

"General Xia, General Xia, eldest sister, they are here."

Inside the defensive headquarters.

A female soldier hurried to report.

A woman who was discussing the deployment of city defense with others looked up.

The appearance is not too beautiful, but full of heroism.

With every move, she can feel the demeanor of the battlefield veteran from her.

She is Xia Zhu, one of the four female warriors in the heroine city. She has the strength of a fourth-level fighter and is the confidant and right-hand man of the elder sister.

"Eldest sister? Elder sister, why are they here?"

The female soldier shook her head: "I don't know, the eldest sister is following the members of the entire guard team. It should be ready to go to the battlefield."

Xia Zhu frowned.

The eldest sister comes to the front at this time, doesn't she know how dangerous it is?

As the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, how can you easily get into danger?

"Sister, where are they now?"

"Already entered the station."

Xia Zhu heard the words and put down the pencil in his hand.

"General Xia, since the commander-in-chief is here, are we going to meet him?" asked other people in the command center.

"Go, let's meet the eldest sister together."

With Xia Zhu taking the lead, others will not object.

A group of high-level officials left the headquarters and walked outside.

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