Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1194: Cyclops



The sound in front became clearer and clearer.

Not only the roar of the zombies, but also the shaking of the ground.

From a distance, among the dense forests, countless trees collapsed like buildings, splashing countless smoke and dust.

"General Winter, the enemy corpse group has entered the minefield arranged by our side, will it detonate immediately?"

I haven't seen the enemy's corpse group yet, but the coalition forces who have planted a large number of bombs ten miles away, someone came to inquire at this moment.

Dongye: "When you see the figure of a senior zombie on the enemy's ground, you don't need to ask more, just detonate it."


The soldier who came to inquire retreated.

The eldest sister asked Dongye, "How many bombs did you plant outside?"

"The details are not clear, but the coverage area is about hundreds of thousands of square meters."


They all heard Dongye's answer, Wei Xiao.

Hundreds of thousands of square meters, how many bombs have to be planted?


The soldiers here just left, and in the distance, from behind a huge mountain range, a group of flying skimmers appeared in the line of sight of the defenders for the first time.

The number of enemy skimmers is beyond words.

They appeared like a dark cloud covering the sky and the sun spreading from the sky.

Wherever he went, the earth was shadowed, the sun in the sky gradually disappeared, and the dark patches made the scalp numb.

With the appearance of the skimmers, from behind the endless mountain range, corpses like tides swarmed over the mountains.

Before long, the Reaper, who was much faster than other ground zombies, rushed out of the dense forest and entered the open area more than 2,000 meters in front of the city defense.

At the beginning, there were only hundreds of them, but in the blink of an eye, behind them, a group of horrible corpses appeared like a tsunami.

"Everyone prepares—"

"Do it!"


An endless group of corpses appeared, and this time, no one came to ask Dongye and the others for instructions.

With a loud roar like thunder on the city wall, in the distance, thick smoke, landslides and cracks, and explosions more terrifying than thunder, became a series of explosions, like an empty storm sweeping the back of the dense forest.


The explosion sound continued, and on the city defense side, the millions of army also launched a blockade against the enemy's corpse group.

For a time, the gunfire was thunder, and the light was like rain.

The bullets followed the torrent as if the sky fell into the corpse group.

Groups of enemy corpses charged toward the city wall fell to the ground in groups.

A battle more terrifying than harvesting straws made the ground in front of the city wall full of zombies in an instant.

All-out fighting broke out.

The entire southern line of defense merged.

"Husband, look at the backs of those skimmers."

Bai Youwei's exclamation suddenly sounded in Wei Xiao's ear.

Wei Xiao, whose attention was placed on the behemoth behind the tide of corpses after the enemy corpse group appeared, raised his head to look at the skidder approaching the city defense.

When he saw the figure on the skidder's back clearly, Wei Xiao frowned.

"Human rape?"

In the air force of the corpse group, human figures appeared on the backs of part of the skimmers.

They drove the skimmers, holding guns, and after entering the shooting range, they started shooting towards the city defense.

The battle between the two sides began. The enemy corpses had not yet threatened the defenders directly. Instead, these people with weapons in their hands caused considerable trouble to the defenders.

Mu Wuqing's face was cold and solemn.

"A group of traitors who have no position, have not seen them so hard to deal with zombies, dealing with their own clan, they have forgotten their lives."

"Damn it, see how I teach them."

Bai Youwei yelled and couldn't help but activate the supernatural power in her hand.

Suddenly, with the help of the flying ability of the skimmers, the unscrupulously shooting troops in the air, whoever appeared on Bai Youwei's side, the weapons in their hands were suddenly out of their control.

"My weapon...ah..."

"Damn it."

The weapon was out of the master's control, and then the gun head was turned to "automatically" fire at the traitors and the skimmers around them.

Some people with grenades on their bodies "automatically fall off" the tabs. Accompanied by a series of explosions, people who raped and skied by the sky were killed and injured countless.

"what happened?"

"Those weapons seem to be attacking the enemy?"

A guard on the city wall saw a strange scene in the sky, and couldn't help but exclaim.

The eldest sister and others instinctively looked towards Bai Youwei and the others.

"Is You Wei?"

Dongye: "Sister, what are you talking about? That strange scene in the sky has something to do with Chief Wei and them?"

The elder sister nodded: "Chief Wei and his wife are all supernatural beings. This ability to control weapons and equipment is just right for You Wei to master."

"This is real?"

"It can't be wrong, look at You Wei's movements."

At the reminder of the eldest sister, Dongye and the others set their eyes on Bai Youwei.

Sure enough, the ten fingers were facing Bai Youwei in the air, and her hands kept making gestures.

Whenever her gesture changes, the weapons that "autonomously" shoot in the sky will scatter all parties to shoot and kill the skirmishers and human traitors.

And the traitors who keep driving the sky-predators into the control range of Bai Youwei's supernatural powers lose control without having a chance to use their weapons.

Fortunately, he took a bullet and left the world. Sadly, the bomb on his body directly "detonated", and the air raiders under his body were buried in the "destructive force" produced by the explosion.

"It's really her? Big sister, what are the abilities of the others?" Dongye asked in surprise.

"I only know that Youwei and Wu Qing have used abilities. Wu Qing can control flames. As for Chief Wei, Phantom, and Luo Er, I don't know for the time being. Apart from this, I immediately sent the artillery positions to the rear to provide fire support to the battlefield. Xiaoxia, we also have to be prepared, close combat may happen at any time."


Xia Zhu and the others also knew that this was not the time to care about what powers Wei Xiao and the others had.

Seeing that Bai Youwei had already started to help them, they would naturally not neglect.

The defensive force of the defending army launched a full-scale attack as the enemy corpses continued to approach the city wall.

Covered by the terrifying firepower, the number of casualties of the enemy's zombies could not be estimated.

But the number of enemy zombies is too much, even if their casualties are not small, there are still countless zombies rushing to the foot of the city wall and starting the siege battle.

The city wall.

The defenders of all sides used all available means to block the enemy's zombies from attacking the city.

Under the fierce battle, in an instant, the corpses of the zombies under the city wall piled up like a mountain.

"Boom boom boom..."

Suddenly, there was a huge movement ahead.

"It's a Cyclops, stop them."

"Sniper, sniper, shoot the cyclops with all your strength—"

Behind the group of corpses, the one-eyed giant corpse 20 meters away launched a charge towards the walls of all sides.

Cyclops are different from giant zombies.

They have huge bodies and extremely fast moving speeds.

One step can walk eight or nine meters away, coupled with the tall body and unparalleled tonnage, the movement created by the movement is like an earthquake, making people feel that the earth is trembling when standing on the city wall.

Wei Xiao's gaze rested on the one-eyed giant corpse in front of him.

A total of two Cyclops appeared on his side.

The number looks small, but it is extremely deterrent.


When the Cyclops came close to the city wall for a certain distance, when they continued to run, the only eye on their forehead suddenly shot out a dazzling beam.

"Everyone, be careful, it is a petrochemical ray, don't be touched by the ray." Someone reminded.

But even so, not everyone can escape.

Those defenders who blocked the corpse group on the city wall, some of them failed to avoid the petrified rays, after the body was swept by the petrified rays, the whole person turned into a statue.

"Damn, without the No. 5 armor-piercing bullet, our attacks cannot cause effective damage to the Cyclops."

"All the tanks fired at the Cyclops."

"Helicopter dispatched to me, kill the two one-eyed giant corpses in front at all costs."

Every time a Cyclops appeared, it would bring huge casualties to the defenders, and it is the same now.

The defenders have a way to solve it, but the time required is destined to not be too short.

During this time, too many changes occurred.

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