Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1219: Admission of the Phoenix Troops


Not long after the counterattack in the southeast started, here, Du Guyi, Lan Qiang and their counterattack also arrived.

One side of the battlefield.

A dark armed army is like a wild beast, the Hell Legion, turned into a sharp blade to pierce the enemy's zombies from the waist camp.


"Boom boom boom..."

"Da da da……"

The terrifying armed forces erupted, and the fierce firepower poured into the audience like a torrent of steel, and the enemy's zombies died at a speed as fast as a harvester harvested straw.

Covered and piled up on the battlefield.

The phoenix army, which is more powerful than the wolf city warriors, does not know how many times more ferocious, as soon as it appears, it shows a horizontal push, causing heavy losses to the enemy's zombies.

"Brothers, our reinforcements are here, kill with me."


On the city wall, Chen Haojie’s message has long been received. They will launch an attack on the enemy zombies today. At this time, they saw the phoenix army rushing to kill the enemy zombies on the battlefield. With a long drink, he smashed from the wall to under the wall, and then plunged into the battlefield.

"Brothers and sisters, we also rush."

The defenders led by Du Guyi were not to be outdone.

All the gates below the city wall opened, and a large number of defenders roared into the battlefield.

The artillery fire continued to the sky, and the killing sound was earth-shaking.

In the blink of an eye, on the entire battlefield, corpses were piled up like vegetation, one layer over one layer, blood tumbling like sea waves, and one wave was better than another.

Majestic and shocking.

The land stretched for hundreds of miles is full of battlefields.


"Hahaha... Old Chen, didn't you expect you to end up in person?"

Lan Qiang quickly rendezvous with Chen Haojie and the others.

Chen Haojie, who had been in charge of commanding in the rear, suddenly saw him also on the battlefield, Lan Qiang couldn't help being a little surprised.

Had they not been very familiar with each other, Lan Qiang would have almost forgotten, Chen Haojie was also a fierce man whose strength was not under him at all.

Chen Haojie, who was in the first heavenly king, responded while beheading the enemy zombies: "No way, don't seize the time to take this opportunity to kill a wave. When I see the Lord, I will have no chance to go to the battlefield. I am also a warrior. Many fighters now think that I am just a dog-headed sergeant who has no power."

"Hahaha...then you have to hurry up. More than ten million zombies are not long enough for the undead beasts to kill."

"Try your best."

"Brother Lan, can this be the sergeant Chen Hao Jiechen who is considered to be a phoenix who has exhaustive strategies and commanded the phoenix army with victorious battles?"

"Huh? Lao Lan, who is this?"

"Duguyi, the commander of the eastern defensive line in the West Pole, a female general who is not a bearded woman."

"It turned out to be General Dugu. I am lucky enough to meet him."

"Sergeant Chen, please don't tease me, what general? In front of you, I am a little fan at best. Many people in the Western Polar region have heard of your deeds, and we admire you very much. We have always wanted to make peace. You met last time, but I didn’t expect the way we met in this way."

"Hahaha...Is this a reputation?"

"Two, it's enough, we still have to deal with enemy zombies? Can you respect our opponent?" Lan Qiang said to interrupt the two people's chat, jokingly said.

Chen Haojie and Duguyi smiled at each other.

"General Dugu, finish this battle first, how about we talk about it after the battle?"

"Well, the military adviser can call me Xiaoyi or Ayi, I will call you Brother Jie directly, you should be older than me."


How do you feel that Duguyi is called weird?

Xiaoyi? Ayi?

Chen Haojie had reason to suspect that the other party was taking advantage of him.

"I'll call you Sister Yi!"

"Anything will do. I'll see you on the wall in a while." Duguyi didn't think much, waving her spear in her hand and killing in one direction.

"It's really a hero in the female middle school."

Lan Qiang: "How about it, sister Yi has an appetite? Would you like me to be a matchmaker for you and let you get the second room as soon as possible?"

"You old thief, take care of yourself first! If you have the idea of ​​finding a second room, I don't mind going back to Qifen to help you total the total."

"Yes, I will kill the zombies."

"Don't die."

"Same words."

The two joked, and then rushed to the two sides.

A few hours later.

The battle on the battlefield is still very fierce.

But the strength displayed by the Phoenix Legion is daunting.

From the beginning of the Phoenix Army's entry, the battle led by Chen Haojie and the others was completely a horizontal push.

The enemy zombie army without the super zombie gang, under the joint rush of the Phoenix army and the defending army, is not an opponent at all.

Before that, the thief who hid among the enemy zombies could continue to transport the corpses on the battlefield to the rear during the battle, but now, not to mention the supply of flesh and blood to the rear, they are too busy to take care of themselves.

In this offensive initiated by the human side, the enemy's zombies are left on the battlefield as many as they die, and it is impossible for the rear to get any chance to accumulate power.


The enemy zombies have absolutely no power to parry.

Seeing the destruction of the enemy zombies on the east line of defense is doomed to be only a matter of time. At this time, from the enemy's rear, an earth-shattering roar came.

"It's a retreat signal for the enemy zombies."

In the battlefield where the friendly zombies were located, Tong Zi, who led the friendly zombies against the enemy corpse group, exclaimed in exclamation.

Before Lan Qiang had a reaction, the enemy zombies who had been with them endlessly before, turned around in the next second, and fled to the rear without hesitation.

"That voice just now?" Fu million cut and killed two Level 4 zombies, watching the surrounding enemy zombies retreating, the face under the crystal goggles couldn't help showing a trace of puzzlement.

"It should be the retreat signal of the enemy zombies." Long Ba rushed over and said.

Pay million looks shocked.

"Are they going to run?"

"if not?"

On the entire battlefield, at this time, the enemy zombies were fully retreating towards the rear.

The fierce defenders who were killing, when cutting down the surrounding enemy zombies, suddenly found that there were no enemy zombies around them to kill. Without knowing it, they were still a little puzzled.

Did the enemy zombies finish killing so soon?

When they looked far away, they noticed that it was not that the enemy's zombies had been killed, but that the other party was actually retreating.

Chen Haojie is here with them.

"Lao Chen, the enemy zombies are retreating."

"I saw it."

Chen Haojie looked at the enemy zombies in the distance, like a torrent that had not passed the dense forest, and his eyes narrowed like an eagle.

Lan Qiang coldly said: "Do you want to pursue it?"

"Chasing, take this opportunity, you can kill as much as you want."

"it is good!"

Lan Qiang did not hesitate, and decisively brought a part of the soldiers to pursue the enemy zombies.

"Brothers, the enemy zombies are retreating, and they are really retreating. Hahaha... I didn't expect them to retreat one day, they were all bitten to death, don't let them run, kill them."


Soldiers from other places on the battlefield also reacted.

Seeing the enemy zombies retreating constantly, the faces of many soldiers showed ecstasy.

I don't know when it happened.

Since the corpse forces on the non-emirate continent actively invaded the West Pole, the defenders of the West Pole lost their initiative when facing the corpse forces, and they were always in a passive defense state.

Facing the extremely vicious and astronomical number of enemy zombies, the defenders of the West Pole, let alone take the initiative to attack, just can prevent every attack by the enemy zombies, they have no idea.

It's like now, they not only took the initiative to attack the enemy, but also killed the enemy zombies in this battle. They lost their armor and lost their armor.

But now, the enemy zombies have begun to flee, suffocating anger, and the defenders who are looking forward to this scene will let go of the opportunity to "beat down the dog in the water"?

No one needs to give orders. Seeing the enemy zombies flee, the various units of the coalition army spontaneously organize to carry out an all-round hunt for the enemy zombies.

The sound was thunderous, and the killing sounded everywhere.

Tens of thousands of coalition forces followed behind the enemy's zombies, and carried out a merciless cleaning of the zombies running at the back.

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