Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1225: Head-to-head


Two days later, the southern line of defense, the enemy zombies attacking here finally appeared.

The shadow of terror swept the earth.

An army of enemy corpse emperors, like a tsunami and Hongtao, swarmed towards the city defense with a force of destruction and unstoppable force.

"Give them some appetizers first."

Above the city wall, Wei Xiao, Xiaoyue Sirius, and Hero Chen were all present.

Facing the enemy-type zombies who could not see the end in the mountains and plains, no one was afraid of being present.

Chen Haojie's calm tone spread, and the soldiers waiting for the order immediately activated the detonating device.

"Boom boom boom..."


On the ground where enemy zombies passed by, a minefield covering more than ten kilometers and full of artillery shells exploded in an all-round way.

The sound is like thunder, shaking Jiuxiao.

Smoke was everywhere, and wailing everywhere.

In an instant.

Countless enemy zombies were buried in the artillery fire, the number far exceeded one hundred thousand.

"Ho ho..."

However, such casualties did not affect the attack of enemy zombies.

The enemy zombies in front fell to the ground, and the zombies behind immediately took over.

They crossed the minefield that was not afraid of any danger, passed through the thick smoke, and charged again toward the southern line of defense.

Defender's side.

The minefield detonated, and then endless artillery fire poured toward the enemy zombies camp.

Rain and carpet bombing made the world boil.

The horrible corpses piled up, covering one piece of land after another, and the green blood splashing like a pouring water quickly made the land wet.

But even so.

The attack of the enemy zombies is still fierce and unusual.

They are not afraid of life and death, not afraid of everything, and they are struggling to move forward, even if it is not the first time that the defenders have seen such a brutal situation, they can't help but feel a little frightened at this time.

"Friendly zombies are dispatched and attacked frontally."

The coalition forces are not to be outdone.


In the battle of life and death, neither the enemy nor the enemy will be soft.

A large number of enemy zombies broke through the artillery blockade close to the city wall. The friendly zombies waiting in the back, following the call of the commanders everywhere above the city, for a time, the friendly sky-grabbers were the first to fly out of the city wall. Engaged in a confrontation with the enemy-line skidder outside.


The gates below the walls were also opened at this time.

From inside, tens of millions of friendly zombies on the ground rushed out.

The zombies on both sides collided on the ground like a torrent.

The terrifying scene is as shocking as the sky collapses.


The defenders did not neglect.

In the process of the zombies rushing between the enemy and ours, watching the enemy zombies that had entered the range, millions of defenders on the wall opened fire at the same time.

Bullets swept across the sky like a meteor shower and sank into the group of enemy corpses.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of enemy zombies were exploded and shredded by dense bullets and artillery fire.

Behind the demarcation line where the enemy and our zombies are fighting, there are groups of enemy zombies piled up.

Fighting on the southern line broke out.

At the same time, the enemy zombies in the east and southeast have begun their offensive.

However, compared to the tragic south, the enemy zombies did not encounter any confrontation at all in the other two directions.

The horrible tide of corpses broke through the two lines of defense and surged towards the hinterland of the West Pole.

Wherever the enemy zombies pass by, looking around, there are dark and crushing zombies everywhere.

"This offense is interesting."

Lan Qiang looked at the enemy-type zombies who were unable to resist in the killing of gold and silver corpses outside the city, and couldn't help showing a funny smile on his face.

"Brother Lan, did you find something?" Long Ba asked.

"Did you not find that among the enemy zombies attacking the city defense, there is not a single enemy corpse?"

Long Ba intently checked the battlefield outside.

"It really is."

Looking at the entire battlefield, except for a large number of enemy zombies of second, third, and fourth level fighting against friendly zombies, none of the usual enemy corpses actually appeared.

Even in the group of corpses surging behind, he did not see the presence of enemy corpses.

Long Ba frowned: "What's the situation? Please report that the enemy corpse emperor forces are pouring out? Why don't we see the enemy corpse here?"

Lan Qiang did not respond to Long Ba, but looked at Wei Xiao and the others.

Chen Haojie said at this time: "The enemy's corpse king is very smart. She knows where her advantage is. Therefore, in the current attack, she is completely using these middle and high-level zombies to consume our vital power. Once the coalition forces have a large number of casualties, the enemy's The corpse is afraid that he will come out to clean up the final endgame."

You don't need how straightforward Chen Haojie said, the people present will quickly understand.

What are the advantages of the enemy Corpse King forces?

Isn’t it just the amount of terror?

Use the quantity advantage to consume the coalition forces, and even consume the strength of the superpowers, and then let the corpse come out to sweep the tail, the purpose is very clear.

If the enemy corpse emperor sent out the corpse from the beginning and directly confronted the superpowers in the heyday, what would happen, she would not be clear about the previous few battles.

Not a clever plan, but it is undoubtedly the most effective for the current enemy Corpse Emperor forces.

With the ability to consume the strength of the coalition forces, why let the corpse come up and die?

Lin Xiao said coldly: "Unfortunately, this time the enemy corpse emperor is going to miscalculate. The defenders on the east and southeast have already assembled on our side. There are more than 40 million enemy troops without super zombies. To capture us is nothing short of idiotic dreams."

Xiaoyue Sirius: "Boss Wei, why don't we join in the fun?"

Wei Xiao looked into the distance.

Already wearing the armor of the Emperor Armor, he said coldly: "The hero has given you tasks, just do your own thing."

The eldest sister said: "Wolf King, it's not time for you to take action. Good steel is used on the blade, but the enemy zombies in front of us are not in our eyes. Army Master Chen, there is no need to waste time with them, we take the initiative Strike out."

The others looked at the hero Chen.

The battlefield ahead.

Friendly zombies are on the front line, effectively restricting further assaults by enemy zombies.

The defenders behind, relying on the advantage of their weapons and crazy output, the enemy zombies were completely suppressed.

Looking at the group of friendly corpses that have advanced towards the outside, I believe it will not be long before the battlefield from the front line of the city wall will exceed the range of most of the defenders' weapons.

Without the support of the defenders' firepower, friendly zombies would not have such a powerful offensive as they are now.

Chen Haojie is also decisive.

"Then send it out! Be careful, everyone."

Upon hearing Haojie Chen's words, the eyes of Big Sister, Lin Xiao, Lan Qiang, Long Feihong and others suddenly became sharp.

"Forty million enemy zombies are only, and now we don't put them in our eyes at all."

Lin Xiao's voice fell, the opened mask closed, and then he turned and walked towards the back of the city.

The same is true for others.

Not long.


Shocking shouts of killing came from the wide open city gate.

The leaders and representatives of the various forces led more than eight million super coalition forces to rush out of the city gate, chasing the friendly zombies and launching a counterattack against the enemy zombies.

The eldest sister, Lan Qiang, who are fourth-level fighters, are even more brave.

Lead all the third-level fighters in the team, directly leave the main force and rush to the front line to join the team of friendly zombies, and fight with the enemy zombies head-on.

The remaining fighters who are at risk of being infected, behind the line of defense established by the big brother and the friendly zombies, madly output against the enemy zombies.

Engulfing combat.

The enemy zombies that came like a shadow swallowing the earth, at this moment, are being covered and killed by the defenders, and gradually move towards the rear.

The city wall.

At this time, there were less than four million defenders on the entire city wall defense line, and most of them were just ordinary people.

Battles like charging forward do not belong to them.

Without the strength of self-preservation in close combat, even if they left their lives on the battlefield, they could kill many enemy zombies, but how many of them could return in the end?

Compared with them, the ability of super fighters to protect themselves is much stronger.

With the same number of ordinary people and super soldiers, the chance of surviving on the battlefield and not being infected is undoubtedly the latter.

What's more, in terms of combat effectiveness, the latter is definitely stronger than the former.

"Husband, are we waiting here all the time?"

Seeing the fighting in full swing ahead, every fourth-level fighter was killed heartily, the itchy Bai Youwei asked Wei Xiao unwillingly and lonely.

"Why, do you want to go too?"

"Hehe..." Bai Youwei smirked, and said with some twitchy, "If my husband lets me go, I naturally have no objection. Isn't this just waiting for your husband to speak?"

Wei Xiaobai glanced at her.

"The military order is like a mountain. It's useless for you to see if I can go to the battlefield. You should ask the hero now."

Chen Haojie twitched.

Wei Xiao would really give him problems.

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