Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1230: Decisive battle on the southern line of defense

The battlefield ahead.

Without the threat of enemy corpses, the combat power of the coalition forces far exceeds that of enemy zombies.

Not to mention one-sidedness, but it can definitely be achieved in a one-for-ten confrontation, more than 40 million enemy zombies, at this time the casualties have exceeded a quarter.

The land is full of the corpses of the enemy and our soldiers.

The dark green blood that flows continuously converges from a high place to a low place, and finally forms a river that washes the earth.

The fierce battle continued, and time passed unconsciously.

In a blink of an eye, the battle passed day and night.

At this time, inside the command headquarters behind the coalition forces.

"Military division, the latest information, the enemy zombies in the east and southeast are encircling to the south. Within two days, our army will be flanked by enemy zombies."

The enemy zombies in the east and southeast still acted according to Chen Haojie's previous predictions.

Because the defenders of the two lines of defense have already withdrawn, this has caused enemy zombies to cross the line of defense without encountering any resistance, posing a direct threat to the hinterland of the West Pole.

But the enemy corpse emperor couldn't think of it, all the forces of the coalition forces gathered in the south.

Now the southern battlefield is completely dominated by the coalition forces. If you do not choose to increase troops to support the southern battlefield, the enemy zombies attacking the southern defense line are likely to be completely wiped out by the coalition forces.

Once the war in the south fails, the enemy Corpse Emperor wants to deal with the Empress of the Earth, but will not be able to face the hurdle of confronting the southern coalition forces.

It is precisely because of this.

In order to prevent the enemy's corpse emperor from entering the West Pole from the threat of the human race, the enemy zombies who broke through the other two lines of defense can only give up and continue to penetrate into the hinterland of the West Pole.

More than 80 million enemy zombies turned their directions and swept toward the southern line of defense.

Chen Haojie had already anticipated this step, so they were not surprised by this news.

"How is the layout of the minefield behind us?" Chen Haojie asked.

A staff officer said seriously: "Compared with the layout of the minefield in front of the southern line of defense, it is only a lot more. If the enemy zombies dare to come over and want to cross the minefield, they must at least leave millions of corpses on the road."

"Unfortunately, for the enemy as a whole, this number is still too small."

Some people sigh.

The number of enemy zombies is too much.

More than 80 million.

If this battle were not related to the life and death of the Longxia Land Human Race, the coalition forces might not dare to face its edge.

It can be said that this is a battle they have to fight.

Someone said: "Master Chen, the number of enemy zombies is too large, and it is no longer what we have now. It is time for the support of the Queen of the Earth to be dispatched. Otherwise, once the enemy forces form a siege on us, the consequences will be disastrous. ."

Chen Haojie had a cold face.

"How many combatable soldiers under the Empress of the Earth have gathered?"

"According to the report of the corpse Ziyin two days ago, the number of zombies of more than two million third-level zombies originally contained in the nine female corpse lairs under the command of the Empress has reached three million."

"Only three million?" Chen Haojie was a little disappointed.

"After all, there is too little time. Breeding Level 3 zombies is no better than corpse slaves. If you only breed corpse slaves, it is now more than tens of millions of levels."

Chen Haojie thought for a while.

"Forget it, you can't wait any longer, three million is three million! Let the Shadow Guards contact Gold and Silver immediately, and let them notify the Queen of the Earth to dispatch reinforcements as soon as possible."


After explaining this, Chen Haojie ordered again: "In addition, the frontline battlefield is passed to let the five million human race troops retreat to consolidate the southern line of defense, ready to meet the attack of enemy zombie reinforcements."


The command's order was quickly communicated.

On the frontline battlefield, the coalition forces that had eliminated one-half of the enemy's zombie troops, when they received the command from the headquarters, the Phoenix level II fighters, the super soldiers below the Wolf City level III, and the civilian forces returned to defense.

Only some of the super fighters in the West Pole and all the super fighters above level 3, including level 3 of the coalition, cooperate with the friendly zombies to continue to deal with the enemy zombies in the south.

The strength of the coalition forces on the frontal battlefield was reduced, and the offensive was naturally not as good as before.

The enemy zombies also got some breathing time at this time, and the battle with the coalition forces on the southern battlefield showed signs of indiscriminateness.

Above the West Antarctic Plateau.

The Queen of the Earth has received news of sending troops from Gold and Silver.

No hesitation.

On the same day, the nine female corpses received an order, from their lair, a mighty army of friendly zombies rushed out.

The total number of friendly zombies exceeds seven million.

Half of them are Level 3 zombies, and the remaining half are corpse slaves.

Except for the warriors conceived by the nine corpses of the mothers, the eighty-thousand fourth-level soil corpses in the lair of the Empress of the Earth, led by the 21 corpses of the Earth corpses, also all set off.

There is no room left at all.

Whether it was the Empress of the Earth or Wei Xiao, they undoubtedly regarded this battle as the final battle.

Victory or defeat in one fell swoop.



Two days later.

The reinforcements of enemy zombies finally came to the rear of the southern line of defense.

Densely dense enemy zombies appeared in the mountains and plains, and under the whistling of the huge one-eyed giant corpse, they directly launched a full-scale attack on the southern line of defense.

"Boom boom boom..."

The enemy zombies that had penetrated into the minefield were immediately baptized by artillery fire.

Dense and crowded enemy-type zombies, all members in the minefield, almost every explosion produced, there are more than a dozen enemy-type zombies lose their combat effectiveness.

Just this "meeting ceremony" caused no fewer than a million casualties to enemy zombies.

Then, the artillery camp of the garrison began the baptism of artillery fire.

The mobile unit cooperated with the artillery camp at the rear, and the artillery shells that pierced the sky launched a carpet bombing of the enemy zombies.

The sound shook like thunder and blossomed all over the ground, and groups of enemy zombies were killed and injured under the cover of cannon fodder.


When the enemy's zombies were bombarded by the defenders' artillery fire and launched a sprint to the city defense a kilometer away, the reinforcements of the allied zombies also arrived at a critical moment.

Eighty thousand soil corpses under the leadership of the Earth-based corpse are like a sharp sword stab at the enemy zombies.

The unmatched and powerful enemy zombie elite, from the front, directly divides the front camp of the enemy zombie, dividing it into two from the middle.

Then a large group of friendly zombies formed a long snake formation to cover up and kill them.

The zombies on both sides faced each other, and the friendly zombies quickly formed a frontline battlefield.

After the flesh and blood city wall formed by friendly zombies blocked the enemy zombies from the city defense 800 meters away, the Human Race defenders also dispatched at this time.

In addition to the defensive force on the city wall, the ground and mobile units were launched, and the combat force composed of super fighters attacked in an all-round way.

Before the enemy zombies have crossed the defense line cast by the friendly zombies, they do not need to come into close contact with the enemy zombies.

Just be behind the friendly zombies and use the cover of the friendly zombies to bombard the camp of the enemy zombies wildly.

The intensive firepower of the human army is directed towards the enemy zombies team.

In the fierce and unusual battle, thousands of lives fell on this land at every moment.

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