Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1243: Zoom in on the move


The third corpse emperor still came.

The purple-black body appeared on the open ground thousands of meters away from Wei Xiao and the others.

With a vibrating whistle, the momentum of being the only one who is the only one who dominates the world, flooded the battlefield of the southern defense line.

Seeing her figure, the Queen of the Earth at Wei Xiao's feet was shaking inexplicably.

His body couldn't help backing up, his eyes were full of fear.


This is the corpse king?

This TM simply lost the face of the corpse emperor.

The Emperor of the Earth Corpse: Scolding the emperor for waste? You have a kind, you go! If you can kill the opponent solo, this emperor would like to call you the strongest king in singles.


Before Wei Xiao and the others did it, the artillery camp at the rear of the city wall defense line, which had not been affected by the previous mountain impact on the ground, first launched an attack on the third corpse emperor.


The sound of intensive artillery fire came from behind, and the shells converged into rain, slashing across the sky and falling straight to the place where the third corpse emperor was.


The purple-black corpse emperor's blood eyes, the size of a locomotive, caught the flying cannonballs, and the blood basin opened wide, and terrifying sound waves swept the world.


The cannonball was detonated by sound waves in the air before it fell to the ground.


As the flying artillery shells exploded in the air, at this moment, countless boulders and mud on the ground around Wei Xiao and them began to flew into the air to condense thousands of meters high in the city defense.

The continuously merging ground material forms a circular object in the blink of an eye.

The larger and more terrifying round object gradually formed a giant celestial body with a diameter of nearly one kilometer suspended above Wei Xiao and the others.

The shadow of the giant celestial body obscures the light of the earth below, and the terrifying volume makes those who see this scene unconsciously give birth to the fear of death.

Mad, what is the other party doing?

Is it going to use this huge boundless celestial body to directly destroy the southern city defense?

The Queen of the Earth trembled: "Wei Xiao, the other party doesn't seem to be going to confront us head-on. Can you block the larger and larger celestial bodies in the sky?"

Wei Xiao's expression was a little distorted.

How could the second-level corpse emperor be so terrible?

Also, the power controlled by the opponent does not seem to be the elemental type.

As soon as he came, he gave me a "burial ground star". Are you sure you didn't come to bully people?

Wei Xiao's brows were unusually solemn: "Can you stop it?"

The Empress of Earth swallowed secretly: "I can't guarantee, but the emperor can only try desperately."

other places.

Looking at the huge sphere in the sky that is enough to destroy the entire West Antarctic defense line, at this moment, many people are desperate.

"How can we resist this?"

"Why are there such terrifying creatures as the corpse emperor?"

"It's over, it's over. No one can stop this blow. We don't even have a chance to escape?"

"Grass, if this falls, will Longxia West Polar Land still exist?"

"Damn, we shouldn't have come to support the West Pole in the first place. The Corpse Emperor is not something we humans can resist."

The soldiers of many civil organizations and the defenders of the Western Polar Regions did not see any hope of survival.

In the desperate eyes, except for the bitterness, he seemed to be ready to confess his fate.

Xiaoyue Sirius, who was seriously injured and did not leave the battlefield, saw the celestial body covering most of the battlefield with shadows, and his entire face became distorted.

Can't stop it, let alone injured him by such an attack, even in his heyday, he could only escape from this blow against the purple and black corpse emperor.

He regrets now, regretting why he had to be able to do it, regretting why he brought the elite soldiers of Wolf City so far to die.

Xiaoyue Sirius didn't know what the southern line of defense would become after this shot was down, but he knew that the Wolf City fighters who came with him would die forever under this shot.

"It's completely over, the human race will eventually lose in the hands of the corpse race."

The last trace of resistance was dissipated in Xiaoyue Sirius, turned his head, and glanced at the wolf city warrior on the side of the broken city defense with an unbearable look in his eyes.

"Don't blame this king, even in his heyday, he won't be able to save you."

As if making some decision, Xiaoyue Sirius rose up from the wind, and his figure flew away.

"Fell down!"

Wei Xiao has been staring at the terrifying celestial bodies in the sky.

Feeling it approaching the ground, shouted.

The sharp teeth in the Queen of the Earth's mouth clenched.

"Fight. Wei Xiao, remember, if the emperor blocks this blow, the newly-appearing corpse emperor will also have the emperor, roar—"

The Empress of the Earth did not hesitate, a roar that shook the space and swept across the world came out.

Suddenly, the land was divided and the mountains were uplifted in the thousand meters.

The huge sky-supporting pillars continuously drilled from the ground rushed straight up, and the densely packed soil pillars, each with a radius of more than ten meters, quickly touched the falling sphere in the sky, and they continued to confront each other.


At an altitude of five to six hundred meters, a huge celestial body was held up by a pillar of soil.

The tops of countless soil pillars were crushed, and a lot of mud and rocks fell below.


The land queen's hysterical roar, summoned more soil pillars to forcibly slow the fall of the celestial body.

Similarly, she didn't know how much pressure she was under, and the earth began to sink in the place where the figure was.

A large number of spider silk-like cracks centered on the bottom of her figure and continued to spread to the surroundings.

"Blocked, blocked, the celestial body is blocked by the Queen of the Earth." Seeing this scene, the human warriors on the battlefield saw a glimmer of hope in their desperate eyes.

Those who could still stand up stared at the celestial bodies in the sky, with tense expressions, as if the soil pillars against the celestial bodies were themselves, they clenched their fists and gritted their teeth invisibly.

"The Empress of the Earth hold on—"

I don't know who yelled.

This sound of his, as if contagious, caused all the coalition forces to shout loudly.

"Hold on, Queen of the Earth..."

"Come on, Queen of the Earth, you must hold on to me—"


The friendly zombies are also roaring, seemingly cheering for the Queen of the Earth.


However, when the Empress of the Earth barely blocked the attack of the third corpse emperor with her own strength, from behind the third corpse emperor, lightning-fast figures shot towards Wei Xiao and the others.

Wei Xiao could see that it was a corpse.

Many enemy corpses, the number is no less than fifty or sixty.

"Don't want to hurt the mother emperor."

The corpses who survived on the other battlefields saw this scene and decisively supported the Empress of the Earth.

Wei Xiao's face was cruel.

"court death……"


To deal with giant things, Wei Xiao admitted that he had more than enough heart but not enough strength to deal with opponents of the same posture. Since the end of the world, Wei Xiao has not been afraid of anything.

The enemy corpse dared to face Empress Fu Dadi in front of him, just when Wei Xiao didn't exist?

The figure disappeared on the head of the Queen of Earth, Wei Xiao confronted the group of enemy corpses who had killed the Queen of Earth.

"Puff puff……"

The speed is much faster than the opponent.

Before the support of the friendly corpse came, Wei Xiao relied on the strength of one person to constantly change the position. At the same time, all the enemy corpses that rushed towards the Queen of the Earth were killed by Wei Xiao in the charge. On the way.

Just Wei Xiao alone prevented the enemy corpse from touching the Queen of the Earth.

Killing Wei Xiao completely mad, the enemy corpse was as vulnerable as an ant in front of him.

"Wei Xiao, you hurry up and think of a solution, the emperor can't hold on anymore."

There was a strenuous and hasty sound from the Empress of the Earth.

Wei Xiao watched the celestial body that had stopped and began to press downward again, his icy eyes directly locked on the purple-black corpse emperor who was a kilometer away.


After a bite, Wei Xiao rushed towards the third corpse emperor.

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