Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 127: Stabilize the base

"That's not the case. I just doubt their purpose. A large number of survivors who don't know the details will join a base, and all kinds of problems will inevitably arise. I don't think anyone in this world has our husband so powerful. The power to suppress all disturbing factors."

"The eldest sister means that these people have no purpose." Yan Chuan Huizi said.

"Hmm! Husband, what do you think?"

"Nothing to feel. It's nothing more than women, coolies, power, and competition. Where there are people, there is competition. When the power of a place is balanced and there is no competition at all, and some people are not satisfied with this distribution, they need new ideas. The blood is injected into it, and the cards are reshuffled."

Wei Xiao talked freely.

"Is it really?"

"Do you care about him? But you should also pay attention to the situation in the base. After all, some people always like to take a fluke. With a comfortable environment, they will ask for more. This news won't touch me. Foundation, but it will also have a certain impact on some people."

"Does the master think that someone in the base will choose to leave after hearing this news?" Phantom's eyes were cold, looking very murderous.

"New beginnings, new hopes, this possibility is not ruled out. Let the managers below pay attention. Don’t stop you when someone leaves. People go to higher places, but go out of the gate of the base and want to come back. Let them have Roll as far as you can."

"I'm going now!"

Shu Wang felt that the possibility that Wei Xiao said was not small, and immediately got up and left the villa with Yang Yan and their four assistants.

"The eldest sister is now more and more like a queen. Look at this trip, four assistants, part-time and four bodyguards, they are the most dazzling existence when they walk. Husband, when will you give us a few bodyguards too! Me too Want to be prestigious?" Bai Youwei looked at Shu Wang's leaving figure, and looked at Wei Xiao enviously.

Wei Xiao glared at her angrily and funny.

"Are you not prestigious enough? In a word, the entire villa, whether it's Piaoyue or other servants, has to go online to play games with you. Your little girls are more than Sister Shuwang." Song Xiaoyu unceremoniously stunned Bai Youwei.

"It's different, I'm talking about reality." Bai Youwei still wanted to fight for it.

"Well, I want bodyguards to find Ming Yulan, isn't she training female soldiers? Just find two full-time bodyguards for you." Wei Xiao said helplessly to Bai Youwei.

In any case, she is also her first woman, and she still has to do it when she should do it.

"Hehe...I knew her husband was the best." Bai Youwei smiled, and threw herself into Wei Xiao's arms, holding his head and taking a bite.

"Sister Youwei, you are pressing me down."

Yan Yi, who was squeezed between her and Wei Xiao, suddenly said quietly.

Bai Youwei laughed and kissed Yan Yi's tender little cheek.

"Yan Yi is the cutest."

Yan Yixiao blushed, indescribably shy and charming.

Upon seeing this scene, Wei Xiao nodded his head with deep conviction: "It is indeed the cutest."

Yan Yi was even more embarrassed and couldn't help herself, burying her head in Wei Xiao's arms.

Outside the villa.

Shu Wang has summoned Wu Yulan and the others.

On the male side, she can't see anyone when she goes there now.

Today Wei Xiao did not go to the steel base anymore, but let Yi Jianfeng lead the team.

Now that they are not in male management, Shu Wang can only start with female management.

"Shu Wang Master!"

In Villa No. 3, all the managers are sitting on both sides of Shu Wang.

"Have you heard all the previous broadcasts?"

"heard it."

"Then what do you think?" Shu Wang looked at everyone present.

"What do you think? Master Shu Wang, I don't know what you are talking about?" Jiang Xue looked confused.

Her expression seemed to tell Shu Wang: If it hadn't been for Shu Wang's master to mention this, I hadn't thought about it.

Next to him, Jin Miaofeng, who regarded Jiang Xue as his number one enemy, glanced at Jiang Xue like an idiot, and said contemptuously: "Master Shu Wang is talking about the news sent to the Haixin Island base. I know, I really don’t know how you manage this?"

"Oh! Then I see, I don't have any ideas." Jiang Xue still behaved naturally.

Jin Miaofeng thought that Jiang Xue’s performance would definitely leave a bad impression in Shu Wang’s eyes, so he immediately said positively: "Shu Wang, master, what can we think of? By the master’s side, we don’t worry about eating and drinking. I am not afraid of any danger. There is no fixed number for Haixin Island. I don’t care what they say? I only know that the place where the Lord is present is the safest."

Shu Wang saw the performance of the two in his eyes.

To Jiang Xue, Shu Wang has nothing to say, this person, no wonder her husband is so optimistic, she is really good. As for Jin Miaofeng, how do you say? The mind is still too simple, and the grasp of human nature is still too immature.

Without commenting on them, Shu Wang said: "You don’t have any ideas, but the people under your staff are not necessarily the same as you think. I called you here to let you pay attention to those beloved and newcomers during this time. Their daily behaviors and see if they are abnormal."

"Do you suspect that the people below want to go to that Haixin Island?" Zhang Zimei asked.

"They dare! Don't worry, Master Shu Wang, I don't know the others, but if one of my newcomers and beloved ones dares to betray the Lord, I will interrupt their doglegs." Jin Miaofeng was a little excited. Say.

Seeing her vicious look, Shu Wang shook his head and smiled.

"My husband said, if anyone wants to leave, no one should stop them, but once these people walk out of the base gate, don't let them come back."

"The Lord is too kind." Jin Miaofeng gave a flattering when he heard that Wei Xiao told them not to embarrass the people who wanted to leave the base.

The others didn't say anything.

Jin Miaofeng has said everything that should be said, what else can they say?

"That's it, now you go back and do as I said."

"Yes, Master Shu Wang!"

Everyone got up, answered Shu Wang's sentence and left.

Shu Wang then stood up: "Let's go! Let's go to Yulan's side. I don't know how her female soldiers are trained?"

"Master Shu Wang doesn't have to worry at all. We know what Sister Lan is capable of, and there are also two capable people, Jasmine and Effie. The progress of the female soldier will definitely not let you down." Zhao Xiaoduo said with a smile.

"Haha... praise Yulan so much, let's talk! How much benefit did she give you?"

"No no, I'm just telling the truth." Zhao Xiaoduo explained nervously.

"Looking scares you, am I so scary?"

Seeing that Shu Wang didn't look angry, Zhao Xiaoduo pretended to be aggrieved, and said: "People say that the companion is like a tiger. I am a small assistant. Of course, I must be careful in front of my master."

"Do you think so too?" Shu Wang looked at the other three without amusement.

Yang Yan and the others nodded one after another.

"You guys! Let's go! Go and see Yulan."

"Yes, Master Shu Wang!"


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